Important Indian Railway Quiz

February 1, 2016    

General Awareness

1. Commonest mammal is 
(1) Elephant
(2) Lion
(3) Man (Homo sapiens)
(4) Panther

2. The following is an amplifying device:
(1) a transformer
(2) a transistor
(3) a diode
(4) a resistor

3. As per the latest data, which among the following states/union territories of India makes maximum revenue by legal gambling and accounts for 95 percent of all legal gambling in the country?
(1) Sikkim 
(2) Manipur
(3) Goa
(4) Nagaland

4. Green manure is obtained from 
(1) Fresh animal excreta
(2) Decomposing green legume plants
(3) Domestic vegetable waste 
(4) Oil seed husk cakes 

5. In which of the following States, is the Child Sex Ratio the lowest in India?
(1) Punjab
(2) Haryana
(3) Chhattisgarh
(4) Bihar

General Intelligence quiz

Directions (Q. 1-5): Select the related word/letter/figure/number from the given alternatives.
1. Mechanic : Spanner : : Carpenter : ?
(1) Tree
(2) Wood
(3) Furniture
(4) Saw

2. AZBY : CXDW : HSIR : ?
(1) JQKP
(2) KPLO
(3) YBXC
(4) TGSH

(1) Son
(2) Niece
(3) Grandson
(4) Grand-daughter


(1) 26, 126
(2) 65, 513
(3) 10, 27
(4) 17, 65

Quant Quiz

1. By selling an article for Rs. 665, there is a loss of 5%. In order to make a profit of 12%, the selling price of the article must be
(1) Rs. 812
(2) Rs. 800
(3) Rs. 790
(4) Rs. 784

2. Nitin’s salary was reduced by 10% and then the reduced salary was increased by 10%. His new salary in comparison with his original salary is 
(1) the same
(2) 1% more
(3) 1% less
(4) 5% less

3. The number of seat in a cinema hall is increased by 25%. The cost of each ticket is also increased by 10%. The effect of these changes on the revenue collection will be an increase of 
(1) 37.5%
(2) 45.5%
(3) 47.5%
(4) 49.5%

4. A man spends 40% of his monthly salary on food and one-third of the remaining on transport. If he saves Rs. 4,500 per month, which is equal to half the balance after spending on food and transport, his monthly salary is 
(1) Rs. 11,250
(2) Rs. 22,500
(3) Rs. 25,000
(4) Rs. 45,000

5. If 80% of a number added to 80 gives the result as the number itself, then the number is 
(1) 200
(2) 320
(3) 400
(4) 480

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Important Indian Railway Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 1, 2016 General Awareness 1. Commonest mammal is  (1) Elephant (2) Lion (3) Man (Homo sapiens) (4) Panther 2. The following is an amplifyi...

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