Dreams - Away From Home

July 12, 2017    

Leaving home is no easy feat; homesickness, loneliness, stress, and anxiety are all common feelings for an aspirant who leaves his/her home with shining dreams in eyes. These dreams are the driving force when one comes out of his/her home. This transition from a life that is much of a cake-walk to a life that is like rock climbing is not easy. An aspirant who is away from home has to face a lot of challenges in daily life. From getting a nice place to stay to the struggle to get good food at least twice a day, the challenges are endless. The point to not forget in between all these struggles of an aspirant/student is their winning attitude. Sometimes they would not get their regional food or they would have issues with their landlords or in the worst case they would have to face regional bullies. This phase of exile though not literally, teaches a  lot of things to students. They become habitual of dealing with issues. Not only they face them but they sort them out like a pro. This phase makes them strong enough to bear any adversity in their capacity. 

Folks let me tell you how important this time is for you. It is important not only because the exams are approaching but beacause you have borrowed this time from your life which you could have given to your parents. This is the time when they need you the most & can't do without you. But still they (parents) are fighting alongwith you shoulder to shoulder in your struggle. There is no personal motive of our parents in supporting us. They just want desperately that their son/daughter should live his/her dream in front of them. So that they could feel the best ecstasy of their life. So, friends when you have already beaten all odds then why to wait to beat this one too. You are champions of your schools, colleges. Now, life is calling you in it's playground to have a duel with you. Are you ready to RKO these challenges thrown at you by life? 
Moreover, whenever you feel low, the best way to get inspired is to remember the promise which you made at the time of leaving your home. You promised that you will be back a successful person. So, live upto the expectations of your parents if not anyone else.

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Dreams - Away From Home 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 12, 2017 Leaving home is no easy feat; homesickness, loneliness, stress, and anxiety are all common feelings for an aspirant who leaves his/her hom...

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