Data analysis and Interpretation

July 9, 2017    

Data analysis and Interpretation

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the given table carefully to answer the given questions.
Percentage profit or loss is based on the sum of cost price transportation cost.

1. The percentage profit on Rice is 5%. Then What is its selling price?
1. Rs 106
2. Rs 100
3. Rs 120
4. Rs 125
5. Rs 126

2. The selling price of Oil is what per cent of the cost price of Wheat?

1. 150%
2. 250%
3. 125%
4. 200%
5. 100%

3. What is the ratio of the loss on Pulses to that on Wheat?
1. 33 : 255
2. 662 : 555
3. 754 : 431
4. 877 : 1000
5. 233 : 1055

4. What is the difference between the selling price of Ghee and that of Oil?
1. Rs 489.8
2. Rs 294.5
3. Rs 409.8
4. Rs 495.9
5. Rs.403.8

5. If the loss on Rice is 10% then its selling price is What percentage less than the selling price of Ghee?
1. 85.23%
2. 88.73%
3. 84.23%
4. 81.73%
5. 79.23%

Directions (Q.6-10): Study the given table carefully to answer the given questions.

The proportion of female employees and the proportion of post graduates in a Bank are given. The bank has a total of 1500 employees. 70% of them are on the Clerical post and rest are equally divided as PO and SO.
6. What percent of employees posted as clerk are post graduates?
1. 41.50%
2. 42.85%
3. 43.65%
4. 44.75%
5. None of these

7. What is the percentage of total employees posted as SO in the bank are females?
1. 33.34%
2. 66.67%
3. 52.89%
4. 65%
5. 61.25%

8. 30% employees posted as Clerk who are post graduates are females. What is the difference between the number of male post graduates and female employee who are not post graduates?
1. 670
2. 705
3. 650
4. 750
5. Cannot be determined

9. The difference between the number of post graduates who are clerks and post graduates who are PO?

1. 350
2. 450
3. 460
4. 360
5. 400

10. What is the ratio of total number of post graduates employees posted as Clerk to the total number of female employees posted as SO in the bank?
1. 1:2
2. 1:3
3. 3:1
4. 2:3
5. 3:2

Answers of Data analysis and Interpretation



Data analysis and Interpretation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 9, 2017 Data analysis and Interpretation Directions (Q.1-5): Study the given table carefully to answer the given questions. Percentage profit or ...

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