Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-18):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.
Directions (1-5):
1.A person walks 4 km towards west, then turns to his right to travel 9 km. He turns towards east and travels 12 km. Finally, he travels 3 km towards south. How far is he from the initial position (in km) ?
From the figure, the distance OE is to be calculated. In triangle ODE, OE = √(OD^2) + (DE^2)
= √(BC - AO)^2 + (AB - CE)^2
OE = √(8^2 + 6^2) = 10km.
Answer: d)
2.One evening before sunset two friends Sumit and Mohit were talking to each other face to face. If Mohit's shadow was exactly to his right side, which direction was Sumit facing?= √(BC - AO)^2 + (AB - CE)^2
OE = √(8^2 + 6^2) = 10km.
Answer: d)
2). The movements of the girl are as shown in Fig.
(A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A).
Clearly, she is finally moving in the direction DA i.e. North east
Answer: a)
3. A girl leaves from her home. She first walks 30 metres in North–west direction and then 30 metres in South–west direction. Next, she walks 30 metres in South-east direction. Finally, she turns towards her house. In which direction is she moving?(A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A).
Clearly, she is finally moving in the direction DA i.e. North east
Answer: a)
The movements of the girl are as shown in Fig.
(A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A).
Clearly, she is finally moving in the direction DA i.e. North east.
Answer: a)
4.A river flows West to East and the way turns left and goes in a semi circle round, and then turns left at right angles. In which directions is the river finally flowing ?(A to B, B to C, C to D, D to A).
Clearly, she is finally moving in the direction DA i.e. North east.
Answer: a)
4). Answer is: B)
5.A man is facing north. He turns 45 degree in the clockwise direction and then another 180 degree in the same direction and then 45 degree in the anticlockwise direction. Find which direction he is facing now ? 5). 
Please refer to the explanation image.
The man firstly faces the direction OA. On moving 45 degree clockwise, he faces the direction OB.
Now again he moved 180 degree clockwise, now he will be facing OC. From here he moved 45 degree anticlockwise, Finally he is facing OD, which is South direction.
Answer is: d)
Directions (6-10): Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it.Please refer to the explanation image.
The man firstly faces the direction OA. On moving 45 degree clockwise, he faces the direction OB.
Now again he moved 180 degree clockwise, now he will be facing OC. From here he moved 45 degree anticlockwise, Finally he is facing OD, which is South direction.
Answer is: d)
M, N, O, P, Q, R and S lives in a seven storey building. The lower-most floor is numbered 1; floor above it is numbered 2 and so on. There are four males and three females among them.
· Miss S lives in floor no. 2.
· No female lives above the floor in which Miss N lives.
· P lives in an odd numbered floor and he doesn't live either on the top-most or lower-most floor.
· Q has to use most no. of stairs to reach to his flat.
· More than anyone else in the building, None of the female lives at the lower-most or top-most floor.
· R lives just a floor below his sister O's floor.
· No two male or female live immediately above or below each other.
6. Who among the following lives on floor number 5?
Answer is: E)
Answer is: E)
7. Which of the following floor number O Lives?
7). Answer is: D)
8.If ‘Q’ is related to ‘Floor number 4’, ‘O’ is related to ‘Floor number 1’, then which following is ‘P’ related to?8). Answer is: B)
9. Who among the following exactly sitting between S and P?9). Answer is: A)
10.Which of the following combinations is true?
10). Answer is: C)
Directions (11-15): Study the following carefully and answer the questions given below. Eight friends- Rahul, Sehwag, Laxman, Gambhir, Sachin, Zaheer, Kumble and Ganguly visit different cities viz. Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai are sitting around a circular table facing the centre of the table. Each city is being visited by two people only, but not necessarily in the same order. All these friends have different pens i.e. -Cello, Camel, Natraj, Montex, Sharp, Ambassador, Linc and Luxor. No two people visiting the same city are sitting adjacent to each other except those visiting Bangalore. The person who has Montex is sitting on the immediate left of the person who has Luxor. Sachin neither has Luxor nor Natraj. Ganguly has Ambassador and visits Hyderabad and is sitting to the immediate left of Sehwag, who visits Bangalore. Sehwag does not have Natraj. Zaheer has Sharp and visits Bangalore, who is sitting opposite to Kumble. Only Rahul, who has Camel, is sitting between Kumble, who has Montex and the person who has Linc. Persons who visit Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other. Each of the persons who visit Chennai is sitting adjacent to a person who visits Mumbai. Gambhir does not have Luxor.11.Which of the following pair is sitting adjacent to the person who has Sharp pen?
12.Who among the following visit Mumbai?
12). Answer is: C)
13. Who has a Cello pen?13). Answer is: A)
14.Which pen is owned by Laxman?
14). Answer is: A)
15. Who is sitting opposite to the person who has ambassador pen?15). Answer: B)
Directions (16-20):Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:A,B,C,D,E,F,P,Q,R,S,T and U are sitting in two parallel rows containing six persons in each row. Some of them facing North and some are facing south. Each person likes different subjects such as Tamil, English, Sanskrit, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, History, Geography, Economics and Political Science.
· B is sitting second to the right of R, who is facing D, who likes Tamil. The number of persons sitting between D & S is same as between A & Q. The one who likes History is sitting immediate right of A.
· Neither D nor R is sitting at extreme ends of each row. One who likes maths is an immediate neighbour of one who likes physics. One who likes zoology is facing F. The person who like Geography and Zoology are in the same row. · Either B or P is sitting in extreme end of the row. P is sitting second to the left of R, who is likes either Political science or History.
· S sits opposite to P and fourth to the right of one who likes Economics. F is facing the person, one who sits second to the right of A and immediate neighbour of T. U and E are in the same row. U likes maths and facing one who sitting immediate left of who likes Political science.
· B likes History. Q sits in one of the ends and E doesn’t sits in any end of the row. The person who likes Economics sits immediate right of the person who likes Botany. Those who like Sanskrit and Geography subjects facing each other. The person who likes Geography doesn’t facing U. P does not like English.
16. Which of the following pair represent immediate neighbours of T?
17. Who among the following sits third to the right of R?
17). Answer: C)
18.Four of the following five are forming a group in certain way. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?18).
Answer: A)
19.If Q is related to R and T is related to U then in the same way A is related to which of the following?Answer: A)
Answer: C)
Answer: C)
20. Which of the following pair represent the persons sitting in extreme ends?
Answer: A)
Answer: A)
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