Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-20)

July 11, 2017    

Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-20):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good marks in English and so they can't increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.

Here in English Scoring Part we are providing 10 Questions in Reading Comprehension, 5 Questions in Cloze Test, 5 Questions in Error Spotting, total 20 questions in 15 Minutes. By practicing these questions regularly you can increase your calculation speed and it will help you to increase your score.

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Global trade treaties are no longer just about reducing tariff. They represent a whole new global legal system supplanting national policy space and sovereignty, in the interest of global big business. With the digital phenomenon restructuring most social sectors, it is little surprise that global trade negotiations are now eyeing the digital area in an attempt to pre-emptively colonise it.Big data is the key resource in the digital space. It is freely collected or mined from developing countries, and converted, or manufactured, into digital intelligence in developed countries, mostly the U.S. This digital intelligence forms a kind of “social brain” that begins to control different sectors and extract monopoly rents.Uber’s chief asset, for instance, is not a network of cars and drivers. It is digital intelligence about commuting, public transport, roads, traffic, city events, personal behavioural characteristics of commuters and drivers, and so on.To judge how the digital society is shaping, just extrapolate this situation to every sector; not only the regular commercial ones but also key social areas of education, health, agriculture, and, indeed, governance. It is important to frame who owns data and digital intelligence, and how their value should be socially distributed. Most key data required for policymaking is increasingly with global data companies. Would the society or government then buy data and intelligence even for crucial public purposes from these digital companies, when the data actually come from our various social and personal interactions over digital platforms? Does the ownership of the platform give corporations economic ownership of all the data so produced? Is ownership of data of sensitive sectors to be treated differently? These are key political economy questions that must be sorted out first.Fronting for the global big business, developed countries make three key demands at digital trade talks. The first is a free and unhindered access to the “network” running throughout our society to mine social and personal data from every nook and corner. This includes full access to local networks, right to set up networks, no custom duties on digital goods, no requirement of local presence, no local technology use or technology standards commitments, and no source code transparency for digital applications that run through our social and personal spaces. Basically, India must give up its right to regulate digital technologies and networks within its territory.Such regulation is required to ensure an equal playing field, open standards, privacy and security-related protections, promoting local technology content and other positive discriminations, like for open-source software which is Indian policy for public sector use, and for economic and social protections. We are being asked to give up our technology or digital sovereignty even before we have been able to identify and institute our digital rights, policies, laws and regulation.The second demand in trade discussions is of ensuring completely free flow of data across borders, with no requirement of local storing, even for sensitive sectors like governance, banking, health, etc. Free global flow of data is a significant expression of self-declared ownership by global digital corporations over the social and personal data that they collect from everywhere, including India.The third key demand is the exclusion from future regulation of all services other than those already committed to a negative list, which will of course include e-versions of every sector.

1.What is true regarding global trade treaties?
1. They are for reducing duties.
2. They represent supreme power.
3. They represent global legal system.

1).EXPALNATION:- According to passage 2 is not true.
Answer: D

2. What is true regarding the uses of big data?
1. It is used by developed countries.
2. It is used for the purpose of digital intelligence.
3. It is used to from a social brain.
2). EXPALNATION:- All of the three given is correct according to big data.
Answer: E

3). What is the main areas for the extension of digital society?
1. Commercial use
2. Operation of government
3. Education, health , agriculture
3). EXPALNATION:- All of the three give are true according to reference of digital society.
Answer: E

4). What are the main questions before the government for the digital data?
1. Who is the actual owner of that data?
2. Is there any difference in the ownership of data from sensitive sectors?
3. Why government need to buy the data?
4).EXPALNATION:- 3 is not question before the government according to passage.
Answer: D

5). What are the main three demands of the developed country in digital trade talks?
1. Free and unstopped access to the network running everywhere.
2. Free flow of data across border.
3. Control on the big data must be limited to the developed country only.
5). EXPALNATION:- 3 is not demand according to passage.
Answer: D

Directions (Questions- 06-10): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
6). EXPALNATION:- Sovereignty means supreme power.
Answer: A

7. Fronting
7). EXPALNATION:- Fronting means heading.
Answer: B

8. Extrapolate
8).EXPALNATION:- Extrapolate means extend.
Answer: A

9. Supplanting

9).EXPALNATION:- Supplanting means replace.
Answer: A

10. Preemptively
10). EXPALNATION:- Preemptively means precautionary.
Answer: A

Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”.
Due to her old age, my 80 year old grandmother had become weak, and (1)[so] bedridden. She could barely move to accomplish necessary chores. And so, my father bought a walker for her and a nurse was (2)[set up] in her service. The dedicated nurse would massage her legs daily and cared for her. Her perseverence and concerted efforts, along with my grandmother’s willpower, started showing results. There were signs of improvement. She developed the (3)[toughness] to move without the help of the walker. We were elated and wished her a healthy life. Unfortunately, after a few days,our next-door neighbour, MrMalhotra, suffered a paralytic attack. After being treated for two-three months, he could move only with some support. Everyone was (4)[scared] to see his situation. Being neighbours, we assured him of every possible help and gladly offered our walker, which was no longer needed by us. We prayed for his (5)[(speeded] recovery.

11. ?
11). Ans:- A
Explanation:- ‘Thus’ will be the correct as per the meaning in the sentence.
12. ?
12). Ans:- B
Explanation:- Here, ‘Deployed’ being referred to arranging or appointing.
13. ?
13). Ans:- C
Explanation:- ‘Strength’ means energy and will power both, which will be used in the sentence as per the context.
14. ?
14). Ans:- C
Explanation:- ‘Shocked’ will be the appropriate word for the context.
15. ?
15). Ans:- C
Explanation:-The correct adjective will be ‘speedy’ in the sentence.

Directions (16-20): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e):-

16. He left office with a reputation (a)/ in being an honourable(b)/ and decent man, (c)/ untarnished by personal scandals. (d)/ No Error(e)

16). Ans:- B
Explanation:- The preposition ‘in’ will be replaced by ‘of’.
17. For the foreseeable (a)/ future, India would (b)/ stand no chance at an (c)/ overall arms race with China.(d)/ No Error(e)
17). Ans:- B
Explanation:- Here, ‘at’ will be replaced by ‘in’.
18. The political system (a)/ also provides them a (b)/ space to speak without (c)/ one fear and hesitation.(d)/ No Error(e)
18). Ans:- D
Explanation:-In place of ‘one’, ‘any’ will come because it is referring to ‘all’.
19. Instead of being authoritative and arrogant,(a)/ our elite leadership should understand (b)/ and will be considerate towards(c)/ the feelings of the masses. (d)/ No Error(e)
19). Ans:- C
Explanation:- The sentence is in present continuous tense , so ‘will’ in this part of the sentence will be eliminated.
20. We shall be well advised to take in(a)/ account also the fact that the condition (b)/ of things after the war is deeply (c)/ engaging Indian public opinion.(d)/ No Error(e)
20). Ans:- A
Explanation:- The phrase ‘take into account’ is used inappropriately in the sentence.


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Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-20) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 11, 2017 Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-20) : Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good ...

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