The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017

June 24, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Exam will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For vocabulary related questions, you need to read a lot and memorize the words so that you can answer all the questions based on vocab. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial. 

1.Abstention (noun)
Meaning: an instance of declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion.
Synonyms: refusal to vote, abstaining, non-voting.
Example: Yes, he won  66% of the vote but he did so with one of the highest rates of abstention in recent history and a record number of spoiled ballots. Even those who voted for him often did so by default in order to prevent the far-right candidate, Marine Le Pen, from winning.

2.Puerile (adjective)
Meaning: childishly silly and immature.
Synonyms: adolescent, babyish, immature, infantile, jejune, juvenile, kiddish, childish
Example: The argument is that Delhi is, by and large, uninterested in changing its course, and is content with providing puerile explanations for the lives lost and the recurring crises that afflict the State.

3.Dreadful (adjective)
Meaning: causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious.
Synonyms: terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, awful, dire
Example: The dreadful violence and low turnout in a by-election in Kashmir has again raised intense debate in New Delhi. Unfortunately this debate has been mainly abusive rather than productive, and as a result it has masked the real issues.

4.Collateral (noun)
Meaning: something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the 
event of a default.
Synonyms: security, surety, guarantee, guaranty, pledge, bond, assurance, insurance, indemnity, indemnification.
Example: Urging the security forces to exercise restraint and avoid collateral damage during operations also makes little sense. The issues are far deeper than urging all stakeholders to allay the apprehensions and misgivings of the Kashmir youth. Something very different has occurred and something new needs to be attempted. 

5.Precursor (noun)
Meaning: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner.
Synonyms: forerunner, predecessor, forefather, father, parent, antecedent, ancestor, forebear, progenitor;
Example: A collection of addresses by Justice K.K. Mathew along with excerpts from his judicial opinions, published in 1978 under the title Democracy, Equality and Freedom, became the first work of its kind in Indian legal literature. Regrettably, it was also the last! The hope expressed by its editor, Prof. Upendra Baxi, that it would be the precursor of similar literary ventures in the future remained unfulfilled.

6.Subservient (adjective)
Meaning: prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
Synonyms: submissive, deferential, acquiescent, compliant, accommodating, obedient, dutiful, duteous, biddable, yielding, meek, docile, ductile, pliant, passive, unassertive, spiritless, subdued, humble, timid, mild.
Example: He refused to accept that the makers of the Constitution ever intended that Fundamental Rights should be subservient to Directive Principles of State Policy; rather (he said) they visualised a society where rights in Part IV and aspirations in Part IV would co-exist in harmony — “A succeeding generation might view the relative importance of the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles in a  different light or from a different perspective.

7.Abrogate (verb)
Meaning: repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).
Synonyms: repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with, annul, cancel, break off, invalidate, nullify, void, negate, dissolve, countermand, veto, declare null and void, discontinue;
Example: Justice Mathew concluded that the only limitation to the amending power  in the Constitution was that the Constitution could not be repealed or abrogated in the exercise of the power of amendment without substituting a mechanism by which the state was constituted and organised — “that  limitation flows from the language of the Article (Article 368) itself.

8.Impeachment (noun)
Meaning: the action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something.
Example: By launching impeachment proceedings in Parliament against Supreme Court Chief Justice Sushila Karki, the ruling coalition government in Nepal has ignited yet another crisis at  an already fraught political moment — before the scheduled local polls later this month.

9.Foster (verb)
Meaning: encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).
Synonyms: encourage, promote, further, stimulate, advance, forward, cultivate, nurture, strengthen, enrich, help, aid, abet, assist, contribute to, support, endorse, champion, speak for, proselytize, sponsor, espouse, uphold, back, boost, give backing to, facilitate 
Example: What about the role of Pakistan? History shows us that they have tried to foster an anti-India jihad in Jammu and Kashmir since 1947 but without much success until the late 1980s, by which time Article 370 of the Constitution had been rendered a dead letter.

10.Coronation (noun)
Meaning: the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort.
Synonyms: crowning, enthronement, enthroning, accession to the throne, investiture, anointing, inauguration
Example: It is tempting to see Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the French presidential run-off on Sunday as little more than a coronation. 


The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 24, 2017 Dear Students,  SSC CGL 2017 Exam  will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For  vocabulary related questions,  you need to r...

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