The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For NICL AO Mains 2017

June 26, 2017    

Dear Readers,

NICL AO Mains is going to be held on 2nd of July. We hope you all are working really hard for the exam. Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from the Hindu...
Example: Centre yet to push for Zakir Naik’s extradition.
1. Extradition [ek-struh-dish-uh n]
Noun: the procedure by which a state or nation, upon receipt of a formal request by another state or nation, turns over to that second jurisdiction an individual charged with or convicted of a crime in that jurisdiction.
Synonyms: deportation, expulsion, banishment, expatriation, ostracism, proscription.
Example: He wanted to take the stigma away from seeking care of mental health and drug abuse, both ever increasing in a city coping with conflict and human rights abuse.
2. Stigma [stig-muh]
Noun: a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.
Synonyms: scar, stain, blame, blemish, blot, brand, disfigurement.
Antonyms: approval, benefit, esteem, exaltation, honor, praise, respect.
Example: It may have the trappings of an ideological battle, but the 2017 presidential election has become a platform for political messaging.
3. Trappings [trap-ingz]
Noun: articles of equipment or dress, especially of an ornamental character; conventional adornment; characteristic signs.
Synonyms: accouterment, adornment, apparel, appointment, decoration, dress, embellishment, finery.
4. Ideological [ahy-dee-uh-loj-i-kuh l]
Adjective: of or relating to ideology; speculative; visionary.
Synonyms: cerebral, intellectual, psychic, psychological, spiritual, subjective, brainy, clairvoyant.
Antonyms: physical, balanced, body, sane.
Example: His position is bolstered by the support of a clutch of regional parties in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha and Tamil Nadu, but the most important coup that the BJP has pulled off by fielding the Bihar Governor is the backing of Janata Dal (United) leader and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
5. Bolster [bohl-ster]
Noun: a long, often cylindrical, cushion or pillow for a bed, sofa, etc., anything resembling this in form or in use as a support; any pillow, cushion, or pad.
Synonyms: aid, boost, buoy, buttress, cushion, help, maintain.
Antonyms: block, decrease, discourage, halt, hinder, hurt, injure, let down.
Example: The government’s reaction, bordering between illiteracy and indifference, has often made social scientists cynical.
6. Cynical [sin-i-kuh l]
Adjective: distrusting or disparaging the motives of others; like or characteristic of a cynic; showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, especially by actions that exploit the scruples of others; bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
Synonyms: contemptuous, derisive, ironic, misanthropic, misanthropical, mocking, pessimistic, sarcastic.
Antonyms: believing, hopeful, optimistic, trusting, undoubting.
Example: The jokes might sound silly but they hit home, conveying the despair of the spectator and witness.
7. Spectator [spek-tey-ter, spek-tey-]
Noun: a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer; a person who is present at and views a spectacle, display, or the like; member of an audience.
Synonyms: bystander, fan, moviegoer, observer, onlooker, sports fan, theatergoer, viewer.
Antonyms: participant.
Example: A former member of the now disbanded Planning Commission asks his class at the Delhi School of Economics, “What is the difference between the Congress and the BJP?”
8. Disband [dis-band]
Verb: to break up or dissolve (an organization).
Synonyms: demobilize, destroy, disperse, dissolve, fold, scatter, separate.
Antonym: assemble.
Example: Behind the drab comedy, there is a poignant point.
9. Drab [drab]
Adjective: dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness, etc.; having the color drab.
Noun: dull gray; dull brownish or yellowish gray.
Synonyms: bleak, desolate, dingy, dismal, dreary, gray, lackluster, muddy, run-down.
Antonyms: bright, cheerful, clean, clear, good, happy.
10. Poignant [poin-yuh nt, poi-nuh nt]
Adjective: keenly distressing to the feelings; keen or strong in mental appeal; affecting or moving the emotions.
Synonyms: bitter, disturbing, emotional, heartbreaking, heartrending, moving, passionate.
Antonyms: cheerful, happy, indifferent, unaffecting, unemotional, unmoving.
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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For NICL AO Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 26, 2017 Dear Readers, NICL AO Mains  is going to be held on 2nd of July. We hope you all are working really hard for the exam. Vocabulary is a...

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