The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SEBI Assistant Manager 2017

June 24, 2017    

Dear Readers,
SEBI Assistant Manager Examination is going to be held on 25th of June. We hope you all are working really hard for the exam. Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from the Hindu...

Example: My late father, Peter, would have spat derision on this debate.

1. Spat [spat]
Noun: a petty quarrel; a light blow; slap; smack.
Verb: to engage in a petty quarrel or dispute; to splash or spatter.
Synonyms: altercation, bickering, brouhaha, difference of opinion, disagreement.
Antonyms: agreement, concord, concurrence, harmony, peace, calm.

2. Derision [dih-rizh-uh n]
Noun: ridicule; mockery; an object of ridicule.
Synonyms: contempt, disdain, laughter, mockery, ridicule, scorn, brickbat.
Antonyms: admiration, approval, flattery, love, praise, respect, compliment.

Example: He was pipped by organisations loyal to coconut and cashew feni lining the road carrying those same artefacts.

3. Pip [pip]
Verb: to blackball; to defeat (an opponent); to shoot, especially to wound or kill by a gunshot.

4. Artefact [ahr-tuh-fakt]
Noun: any object made by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use; a handmade object, as a tool, or the remains of one, as a shard of pottery, characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage, especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation; any mass-produced, usually inexpensive object reflecting contemporary society or popular culture.
Synonyms: antiquity, heirloom, relic, bygone, monument, rarity.

Example: Maharashtra was forced to change in 1972 after more than 100 people died consuming rotgut.

5. Rotgut [rot-guht]
Noun: cheap and inferior liquor.
Synonyms: drink, ethanol, liquor, methanol.

Example: The number of liquor addicts worldwide is staggering, approximately two billion.

6. Staggering [stag-uh-ring]
Adjective: tending to stagger or overwhelm.
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, astounding, mind-boggling, shocking, stunning.

Example: Apart from the plethora of administrative problems, the contrarian ‘elite’ opinion, even if small, also plays an important role as a disincentive for prohibition or an ideological lubricant for legal sanction and ultimate enforcement.

7. Plethora [pleth-er-uh]
Noun: overabundance; excess.
Synonyms: deluge, glut, overabundance, plenty, profusion, surfeit, flood.
Antonyms: lack, need, scarcity, want, few, little.

8. Lubricant [loo-bri-kuh nt]
Noun: a substance, as oil or grease, for lessening friction, especially in the working parts of a mechanism.
Adjective: capable of lubricating; used to lubricate.
Synonyms: coating, grease, oil, silicone, wax.

9. Sanction [sangk-shuh n]
Noun: authoritative permission or approval, as for an action; something that serves to support an action, condition, etc.; something that gives binding force, as to an oath, rule of conduct, etc.
Synonyms: approval, acquiescence, allowance, approbation, assent, authority, backing.
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, disapproval, discouragement, opposition, prohibition.

Example: The Protestant ethic essentially revolved around frugal spending and saving, which lead to productive investment.

10. Frugal [froo-guh l]
Adjective: economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful.
Synonyms: canny, careful, meticulous, prudent, stingy, thrifty, abstemious.
Antonyms: careless, incautious, spendthrift, wasteful, generous.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SEBI Assistant Manager 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 24, 2017 Dear Readers, SEBI Assistant Manager Examination is going to be held on 25th of June. We hope you all are working really hard for the exa...

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