Stay Positive and Focused on Your Goal | SSC CGL 2017

June 28, 2017    

Achieve Your Dream Job | SSC CGL 2017
Hello Students, How's your preparation going on for SSC CGL 2017? Are you completely focused on your goal, that is, SSC CGL Exam 2017? So now let's ask the pertinent question to all of you out there? Are you crystal clear about your GOAL? have you finally figured it out what you want to be? what kind of career/job you want? If the answer is yes, then half the battle is already won. "Well begun is half done” is a well-known Chinese proverb. Now since you've already decided what you wanna be, the next step is to plan it effectively and take the firm action to implement it. SSC CGL Pre 2017 exam will commence in the month of August 2017. You have 1 month left to Crack SSC CGL  2017 Tier-1 Exam with the highest score possible. This highest score will give you an upper hand in the final selection SSC CGL 2017.

At SSC Adda, we have started our SSC CGL 2017 Campaign on a high note. We post dedicated quizzes for all the subjects/topics that are asked in the SSC CGL exam. 
  • For General Awareness Sections, we'll post the following quizzes:1. Polity 2. History 3. General Science 4. Geography 5. Economy 6. Current Affairs- We post daily current affairs quiz. 3-4 Questions are asked from this section. 7. Notes- Facts, Figures for CGL 2017
  • For English Section, we post Hindu Word Meaning Vocabulary for your overall understanding of English Language. You'll get all the grammar rules and quizzes based on it. 
  • For Quant Sections, we'll cover all the important topics with tricky approach and formulas. We post topic-wise quizzes for arithmetic and advanced math. 
  • For Reasoning Sections, we'll post the following quizzes- Verbal/Non-Verbal, Previous Year Questions for all the topics so that you'll have a fair idea about the syllabus and the nature of the exam. 

We're all set for SSC CGL 2017 exam. But the Big questions is- Are you willing to sacrifice everything and come out of your comfort zone to take the exam head on? Remember, THE HARDER YOU WORK, THE LUCKIER YOU GET." If you persevered and continued your preparation without giving up, You'll make through the exams.  

So, always keep in mind that your efforts and the knowledge acquired through your rigorous studies will never go in vain. Life will always reward you for your hard work, sooner or later. Only those who have Passion, Patience, and Perseverance, they'll surely be a success in their respective fields. SSC CGL 2017 Exam is very competitive in nature, and it demands a lot of training(practice) in all the subjects. Once you've trained enough, You'll have the last laugh. One exam tip for SSC CGL 2017 would be to first learn all the basics from NCERT books for all subjects. then practice the online mock tests. Practice quizzes on SSC adda. Remember, today's competition is all about two things. SPEED AND ACCURACY. So from the beginning itself, maintain this Golden rule of speed and accuracy. 

SSC CGL Exam will be held from 1st August to 20 August 2017. If you practice 2 mock tests daily, you have ample time to score 160+ in SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam. We have created unique and dedicated test series with the help of Industry Experts and SSC CGL 2015 Toppers which is designed according to the latest change in the pattern. One of such product is "SSC Allrounder". we are providing video solution to all the questions, so now it will be very convenient to clear your doubt, now these practice test will be the complete classroom for you.
Here are some of the salient features of this package. 


Stay Positive and Focused on Your Goal | SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 28, 2017 "ALWAYS AIM FOR THE MOON, EVEN IF YOU MISS, YOU'LL LAND AMONG THE STARS." Hello Students, How's your preparation goin...

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