Sentence Correction English Questions For RBI Grade B 2017 Exam

June 15, 2017    

English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017

Directions (1-10): In the following questions, choose the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given for each question. 

Q1. A. I had an intuition that our plan was not going to be successful.
B. I had an intuition that our plan is not going to be successful.
C. I had an instinct that our plan was not going to be successful.
D. I had an instinct that our plan is not going to be successful.
(e) None of the above 
Q2. A. The museums, the markets, and the restaurants make our city a place to stay and not merely a place to come to.
B. Museums, markets, and restaurants make our city a place to stay in and not merely a place to come.
C. The museums, the markets, and the restaurants make our city a place to stay at and not merely a place to come to.
D. The museums, the markets, and the restaurants make our city a place to stay in and not merely a place to visit.
(e) None of the above 
Q3. A. It is through the co-operation of people like yourself that we had been able to achieve this.
B. It was through the co-operation of people like yourself that we have been able to achieve this.
C. It is through the co-operation of people like you that we have been able to achieve this.
D. It was through the co-operation of people like you that we have been able to achieve this.
(e) None of the above 
Q4. A. She likes all kind of foods, but Chinese and Thai is what she likes best.
B. She likes all kind of food, but Chinese and Thai are foods she likes best.
C. She likes all kind of foods, but Chinese and Thai are foods she likes the best.
D. She likes all kinds of food, but Chinese and Thai are what she likes the best.
(e) None of the above 
Q5. A. For the purpose of this contract "vendors" means all those to whom services are subcontracted.
B. For the purpose of this contract "vendors" mean all those to whom services is subcontracted.
C. For the purpose of this contract "vendors" mean all those to who services are subcontracted.
D. For the purpose of this contract "vendors" mean all those who's services are subcontracted.
(e) None of the above 
Q6. A. CPL's personalized instruction ensures that their faculty are there to help you to reach your goals.
B. CPL's personalized instruction ensures that the members of its faculty are there to help you reach your goals.
C. CPL's personalized instructions ensures that each of their faculty is there to help you reach your goals.
D. CPL's personalized instructions ensure that their faculty is there to help you reach your goals.
(e) None of the above 
Q7. A. They know like us that a few lines of code could wreak as much havoc as a few handfuls of bombs.
B. They know like us that a few lines of code could wreck as much havoc as a few handsful of bombs.
C. They know, as do we, that a few lines of code wreak as much havoc as a few handfuls of bombs.
D. They know, as do we, that a few line of code could wreck as much havoc as a few handsful to bombs.
(e) None of the above 
Q8. A. He worked harder and harder, but there was no way he could catch up with his friend, Raj.
B. He worked, harder and harder, but there was no way he could catch up, with his friend Raj.
C. He worked harder, and harder, but there was no way he could catch up with his friend, Raj.
D. He worked harder and harder, but there was no way he could catch up with his friend Raj.
(e) None of the above 
Q9. A. Manish, our math teacher, said he would meet us here; however, I doubt whether he will be able to come, especially if it rains.
B. Manish, our math teacher, said he would meet us here, however, I doubt whether he will be able to come, especially if it rains.
C. Manish our math teacher said, he would meet us here, however, I doubt whether he will be able to come, especially if it rains.
D. Manish, our math teacher said, he would meet us here; however, I doubt whether he will be able to come, especially if it rains.
(e) None of the above 
Q10. A. Frost's poem "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" contains these haunting lines: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep."
B. Frost's poem, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, contains these haunting lines "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep."
C. Frost's poem, "Stopping By Woods on a snowy Evening, contains these haunting lines: The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep.
D. "Frost's poem Stopping By Woods and on Snowy Evening," contains these haunting line: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep."
(e) None of the above 
Directions (11-15): In each of the following questions, there are four sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.
Q11. A. With the expansion of Indian commerce in Southeast Asia
B. between the 1st to the 4th centuries AD, Myanmar's importance increased.
C. Indian merchants and seamen came to Myanmar as traders
D. rather as conquerors or colonists.
(a) A and D
(b) A and C
(c) B only
(d) B and C
(e) None of the above
Q12. A. It's some time since anyone accused GM of making a good move.
B. The company surrendered its title as the worlds top-selling carmaker
C. to Toyota this year, in part because GM underestimated drivers appetite 
D. for leaner, greener cars - a desire filled spectacularly by Toyotas Prius.
(a) B and C
(b) A and D
(c) C and D
(e) None of the above are correct.
Q13. A. Dhobi Ghat is the story of 4 characters: Arun, the famous lonely painter (Aamir);
B. Munna, the dhobi who wants to be a star (Prateik),
C. Shai, the banker on a sabbatical in India (Monica),
D. and Yasmin, the recently married Muslim girl who records her life in Mumbai for her brother back home (Kriti).
(a) A only
(b) B, C and D
(c) A and D
(d) D only
(e) None of the above
Q14. A. All over the world, children study math and science
B. in the hope for becoming Bill Gates. But the hero-entrepreneur myth can be dangerous,
C. because what healthful economies really need is not more entrepreneurs,
D. but rather enough people who are willing to work for them.
(a) A only
(b) B, C and D
(c) A and D
(d) D only
(e) None of the above 
Q15. A. Not only the Earth's surface is warming,
B. but the troposphere is heating up too.
C. In review of four decades of data on troposphere temperatures,
D. the scientists found that warming was occurring in troposphere layer.
(a) A only
(b) B only
(c) A and B
(d) D only
(e) None of the above 
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Sentence Correction English Questions For RBI Grade B 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 15, 2017 Directions (1-10): In the following questions, choose the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given for each quest...

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