In this article we learn how we can improve our vocabulary easily by developing tricks. We make use of a technique known as ETYMOLOGY.
Review of Etymology:
Prefix, Root, Suffix
Around, surrounding
Inner, within
Suffering, disease
Pous, podos
Broad, flat
Place where
Note 1:
- Ends with y = noun
- Ends with ist = noun
- Ends with ic = adjective
- Ends with ium = noun
- Ends with ous = adjective
Trick to learn words:
- Blood pressure apparatus = sphygmos (pulse) +meter (which measures) = sphygmomanometer
- Pertaining to the treatment of diseases by manipulation to relieve pressure of bones on nerves and blood vessels = osteon (bones) + pathic (treatment of diseases) = osteopathic
- Three legged stand = tri (three) + pod = tripod
- Pertaining to handwriting = chiro (hand) + graph (writing) + ic (pertaining to) = chirographic
- Treatment of ailments of foot = chiro (hand) + podos (foot) = chiropody
- Stand of a speaker = podos (foot) + ium (place where) = podium
- Dentist specializing in treating the pulp of the tooth or in doing root canal therapy = endo (inner) + donto (teeth) + ist (person who) = endodontist
- Pertaining to the speciality of tooth extraction = ex (out) + dontos (teeth) + ist (person who) = exodontist
- Pertaining to the measurement of atmospheric pressure = baro (weight) + metron (measurement) = barometric
- Palm reading = chiro (hand) + mancy (prediction) = chiromancy
- Hand writing = chiro (hand) + graphy (writing) = chirography
- The practice of manipulating bodily articulations to relieve ailments = chiro (hand) + prac (practice) + ic (pertaining to) = chiropractic
- Egg-laying mammal = platys (broad) + pous (foot) =platypus
- Eight-armed sea creature = octo (eight) + pous (foot)=octopus
- Instrument to measure heat = therm (heat) + metron (measurement) = thermometer

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