Reasoning Puzzles Asked in SBI PO Mains 2017

June 26, 2017    

There are 8 persons - A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H standing on gates of 2 rectangular parks. The rectangular parks are such that one is small and second large with small inside the larger one. The gates are on the 4 sides of the park. The ones on the outer park are standing facing centre and ones on inner park are standing facing outside the centre. So in this way, the persons are facing each other when they are standing on the same side of the park.There is one person standing between B and D. C faces B. A is to the immediate right of C. G is not either to the immediate right or immediate left of D. G faces neither D nor F . One person is standing between H and F. E is facing the centre. (2 MARKS )
1: F is facing which of the following ?
(c ) H

2: Which of the following does not form part of the group ?
First 12 even numbers are written from top to bottom .The letters of the word “SACRED” are written in alphabetical order against each multiple of 4 (one letter against one number).There are two letters between N and S . There are as many letters between E and N as between P and D. P is not against number 14. There are 5 letters between U and T . U is above T. I is written against number 6. (no letter is repeated against any number)

3:  Which is the second letter in the word formed by letters against number 6 , 12, 14 and 20 ?
(c) N

4:  If there are 3 alphabets in English alphabetical series between alphabets written against numbers 10and 22, then how many alphabets in English alphabetical series are there between the alphabets written against 18 and 22?
(a) 3
(c )1
(e)cannot be determined


1) GIVEN :

  • B/D - D/B (one person between B and D , here we do not know exact position of B and D ) 
  • C faces B 
  • A is to the right of C 
  • G is not to the immediate right or immediate left of D , also given G neither faces D nor F 
  • H/F - F/H ( one person between them ) 
  • E faces centre 
Here you get two using B and C , they can stand on the outer or inner rectangle
Case (i) When B and D on outer rectangle , In any order D on left and B on right (or ) B on left and D on right , E will always come in the inner rectangle i.e. facing outside ,this does not satisify the given condition of E to face centre. So B and D cannot stand on outer rectangle gates. 
Case (ii) When B and D on inner rectangle , in any order will satisfy all the conditions. 


( d) F is facing A 
(d) G doesn’t form the part of the group as it lies in the outer rectangle other all are in inner rectangle.

3) d

6- I
12 – D
14- T
20 – R
Rearranging this DIRT is formed ….so (d) I is the second word.

Alphabet  against 18 – P   and against letter numbered 22 have 3 alphabets in the English alphabetical order…  it can be either backward or forward direction.
In forward direction  :    P  -   -   -   T ( T already exists ) 
In backward direction :   L  -  -    -   P ( L is placed against 22)
Now  letter numbered 18 i.e. N and letter numbered 22 i.e.  L has only O in between .
So answer is one(c ) number .
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Reasoning Puzzles Asked in SBI PO Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 26, 2017 There are 8 persons - A ,B,C,D,E,F,G and H standing on gates of 2 rectangular parks. The rectangular parks are such that one is small and ...

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