Practice Reasoning Questions For SBI & IBPS 2017 Exams (Ranking / Input-Output):
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for SBI & IBPS Exams 2017 was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.
1.In a row of forty boys facing North, Yogesh is twelfth from the left end and Sankar is eighteenth from the right end. How many boys are between Yogesh and Sankar in the row?
1.In a row of forty boys facing North, Yogesh is twelfth from the left end and Sankar is eighteenth from the right end. How many boys are between Yogesh and Sankar in the row?
1). Yogesh = 12th from left
Sankar = 18th from right = (40 – 18 + 1) = 23rd from left
Number of boys between Yogesh and Sankar = 23 – 12 – 1 = 10.
Answer: C
2.Among Rajan, Rajas, Rajat and Rajak, Rajan is older than only Rajak. Rajas is older than Rajat. Who among them is the oldest?Sankar = 18th from right = (40 – 18 + 1) = 23rd from left
Number of boys between Yogesh and Sankar = 23 – 12 – 1 = 10.
Answer: C
2).IRajan > Rajak, Rajas > Rajat
Rajas > Rajat > Rajan > Rajak (Rajan is older than only Rajak)
Hence, Rajas is the eldest.
Answer: A
Rajas > Rajat > Rajan > Rajak (Rajan is older than only Rajak)
Hence, Rajas is the eldest.
Answer: A
3.In a class of 10 girls and 20 boys, Deepika's rank is '4' among the girls and '18' in the class. What is Deepika's rank among the boys in the class?
3).3 Girls are ahead of Deepika.
14 Boys are ahead of Deepika.
Deepika's rank is 15th among the boys in the class.
Answer: D
14 Boys are ahead of Deepika.
Deepika's rank is 15th among the boys in the class.
Answer: D
4.In a class of forty students, Jalal's rank from the top is twelfth. Dhoni is eight ranks below Jalal. What is Dhoni's rank from the bottom?
4). Total students = 40
(Jalal )12 + + + + + + + 20(Dhoni)
Dhoni's rank from bottom
= 40 – (12 + 8) + 1
= 21st.
Answer: B
5.In a class of 20 students, Anjali’s rank is 15th from the top. Varun is 4 ranks above Anjali. What is Varun’s rank from the bottom?(Jalal )12 + + + + + + + 20(Dhoni)
Dhoni's rank from bottom
= 40 – (12 + 8) + 1
= 21st.
Answer: B
5).Varun’s rank from the top = 15 – 4 = 11th.
Varun’s rank from the bottom
= 20 + 1 – 11 = 10th.
Answer: E
Varun’s rank from the bottom
= 20 + 1 – 11 = 10th.
Answer: E
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of the Input and its rearrangement.
Input: treat 96 23 unable 48 brown 37 own 62 art
Step I: 23 treat 96 unable 48 brown 37 own 62 art
Step II: 23 37 treat 96 unable 48 brown own 62 art
Step III: 23 37 96 treat unable 48 brown own 62 art
Step IV: 23 37 96 62 treat unable 48 brown own art
Step V: 23 37 96 62 48 treat unable brown own art
Step VI: 23 37 96 62 48 unable treat brown own art
Step VII: 23 37 96 62 48 unable own treat brown art
Step VIII: 23 37 96 62 48 unable own art treat brown
Step IX: 23 37 96 62 48 unable own art brown treat
Step IX is the last step of the rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below.
Input: ball 24 indicate 17 51 42 success hold 68 33 easy
6.Which step number would be the following output?
17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate ball success hold easy
Directions (Q. 6-10):
The arrangement machine rearranges one word/ number in each step. It rearranges odd numbers first in ascending order and then even numbers in descending order. It rearranges words starting with vowels in descending order and finally words starting with consonants in ascending order.
Input: ball 24 indicate 17 51 42 success hold 68 33 easy
Step I: 17 ball 24 indicate51 42 success hold 68 33 easy
Step II: 17 33 ball 24 indicate 51 42 success hold 68 easy
Step III: 17 33 51 ball 24 indicate 42 success hold 68 easy
Step IV: 17 33 51 68 ball 24 indicate 42 success hold easy
Step V: 17 33 51 68 42 ball 24 indicate success hold easy
Step VI: 17 33 51 68 42 24 ball indicate success hold easy
Step VII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate ball success hold easy
Step VIII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate easy ball success hold
Step IX: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate easy ball hold success.
6). Answer: B
The arrangement machine rearranges one word/ number in each step. It rearranges odd numbers first in ascending order and then even numbers in descending order. It rearranges words starting with vowels in descending order and finally words starting with consonants in ascending order.
Input: ball 24 indicate 17 51 42 success hold 68 33 easy
Step I: 17 ball 24 indicate51 42 success hold 68 33 easy
Step II: 17 33 ball 24 indicate 51 42 success hold 68 easy
Step III: 17 33 51 ball 24 indicate 42 success hold 68 easy
Step IV: 17 33 51 68 ball 24 indicate 42 success hold easy
Step V: 17 33 51 68 42 ball 24 indicate success hold easy
Step VI: 17 33 51 68 42 24 ball indicate success hold easy
Step VII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate ball success hold easy
Step VIII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate easy ball success hold
Step IX: 17 33 51 68 42 24 indicate easy ball hold success.
6). Answer: B
7.Which of the following would be the second-last step of the rearrangement ?
7). Answer: C
8.In step VI of the rearrangement, if ‘68’ is related to ‘success’ in a certain way, which of the following would ‘42’ be related to, following the same pattern?8). Step VI: 17 33 51 68 42 24 ball indicate success hold easy.
Answer: A
9. Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement?Answer: A
9). Answer: C
10.In step IV, which of the following numbers/words would be at 7th position from the left?
10).Step IV: 17 33 51 68 ball 24 indicate 42 success hold easy.
Answer: E
Answer: E
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