Reasoning is a game of wits and presence of mind! Yes, it is true and it might seem as the greatest of the challenge after English Section’s surprises but yet this one can easily be dealt with. You just need correct practice and hardwire your brain to quickly make decisions of what to attempt and what to leave. Practice with these new pattern reasoning question for NICL AO Mains Exam.
Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the given questions:
Eight persons A, B, C, D E, F, G and H sit on the line and all of them face north direction but not necessarily in same order. All of them stay in different floors viz. 3rd, 6th, 13th, 19th, 27th, 31st, 43rd and 47th of a multi-storey building but not necessarily in same order. The one who stays on 13th floor sits second to right of one who stays on 6th floor. C stays on 27th floor. A sits fourth to left of person who stays on 47th floor.D sits not adjacent to H. Neither A nor the person who stays on 47th floor sit on the extreme end of the line. B sits third to left of F. There is only one person sits between the G, who lives on 3rd floor and the person who stays on 47th floor. There are two persons sit between G and the one who stays on 43rd floor. H sits immediate left of one who stays on 43rd floor. There are two persons sit between H and F , who stays on 31st floor.
Q1. E lives on which floor?
Q2. How many persons sit between A and B?
(e) None of these
Q3. D lives on which of the following floor?
Q4. Who among following sits immediate left of the person one who lives on 3rd floor?
(e) None of these
Q5. Who among following sits third to right of A?
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. In a certain code language:-
“will encourage them to” is written as “ S@X M@U N#F T@U”
“help advance the common” is written as “ W@I X#B T#U M@D”
“roll out the corporate” is written as “M@S M#D G#P T#U”
Q6. What is the code for “terrorism”?
(e) None of these
Q7. What is the code for “promoting”?
(e) None of these
Q8. What is the code of ‘senior”?
(e) None of these
Q9. Which will be the code for ‘relation’?
(e) None of these
Q10. What is the code of ‘agenda’?
(e) None of these
Directions (11-12): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
In a study of the five brands of mobile C, P, A, G and B the brands were tested and ranked against expensiveness. The following results were obtained.
(i) P and G were equally expensive.
(ii) B was the least expensive brand among them.
(iii) C was less expensive than P.
(iv) G was less expensive than A.
(v) The expensiveness of A was more than that of P.
Q11. If the above statements are true, which of the following must also be true?
(a) A was the most expensive among them
(b) C was more expensive than A
(c) G was somewhere in the middle when they were set in descending order in terms of expensiveness.
(d) C was the most expensive among them
(e) None of the above
Q12. If a sixth brand F is tested and found to be more expensive that A, then which of the following must be true if the findings of the study are correct?
(a) At most three of the six brands are less expensive than F
(b) F is the most expensive
(c) P is more expensive than F
(d) F is less expensive than C
(e) None of the above
Q13. A + B means A is son of B; A – B means A is wife of B; A × B means A is brother of B; A ÷ B means A is mother of B and A = B means A is the sister of B then what does P + R – Q means?
(a) Q is the brother of P
(b) Q is the son of P
(c) Q is the uncle of P
(d) Q is the father of P
(e) None of these
Q14. Surubhi walks 20 km north. Then she turns right and walks 30 km. Then she turns right again and walks 35km. Then she turns left and walks 15 km. Then she again turns left and walks 15 km. In which direction and how many km away is she from his original position?
(a) 15 km, West
(b) 30 km, East
(c) 30 km, West
(d) 55 km, East
(e) 45 km, East
Q15. Romil starts walking towards East. After walking 35 m, he turns to his right and walks another 40 m. He then turns right again and walks another 35 m. Finally, he turns right and walks 20 m. In which direction and how far is he from the starting point?
(a) 20 m, North
(b) 35 m, South
(c) 35 m, North
(d) 20 m, South
(e) None of these
Answers will be updated Soon...

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