Most Difficult English Questions for RBI Grade B Exam 2017

June 10, 2017    

Dear Students, English Section is a topic quite dreaded by candidates taking the bank exams. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the Sentence Correction section of bank exams. We are providing English questions which are high in difficulty level.
Directions (1-7): Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks. The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five answer choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that completes the sentence best.
Q1. The fundamental __________ between dogs and cats is for the most part a myth; members of these species often coexist __________.
(a) antipathy…amiably
(b) disharmony…uneasily
(c) compatibility…together
(d) relationship…peacefully
(e) difference…placidly

Q2. His desire to state his case completely was certainly reasonable; however, his lengthy technical explanations were monotonous and tended to __________ rather than __________ the jury.
(a) enlighten…inform
(b) interest…persuade
(c) provoke…influence
(d) allay…pacify
(e) bore…convince
Q3. In some countries, government restrictions are so __________ that businesses operate with nearly complete impunity.
(a) traditional
(b) judicious
(c) ambiguous
(d) exacting
Q4. The recent Oxford edition of the works of Shakespeare is __________ because it not only departs frequently from the readings of most other modern editions, but also challenges many of the basic __________ of textual criticism.
(a) controversial…conventions
(b) typical…innovations
(c) inadequate…norms
(d) curious…projects
(e) pretentious…explanations
Q5. The early form of writing known as Linear B was __________ in 1952, but no one has yet succeeded in the __________ of the still more ancient Linear A.
(a) superseded…explanation
(b) encoded…transcription
(c) obliterated…analysis
(d) deciphered…interpretation
(e) discovered…obfuscation
Q6. Considering everything she had been through, her reaction was quite normal and even __________; I was therefore surprised at the number of __________ comments and raised eyebrows that her response elicited.
(a) commendable…complimentary
(b) odious…insulting
(c) apologetic…conciliatory
(d) commonplace…typical
(e) laudable…derogatory
Q7. The purpose of the proposed insurance policy is to __________ the burden of medical costs, thereby removing what is for many people a major __________ medical care.
(a) augment…problem with
(b) eliminate…perquisite of
(c) ameliorate…study of
(d) assuage…impediment to
(e) clarify…explanation for
Directions (8-15): In each of the following questions, a paragraph with a blank is given. From the five choices given below, select the sentence which can go into the blank to make the paragraph logically coherent.
Q8. Jammu and Kashmir is faced with a possibility of another draught - the fourth one in five years. The winter continues to be dry in the Kashmir valley. There is no snow, despite temperatures dropping to a low of 6 degrees Celsius. (----------) Thus poor snowfall ensures that the draught continues well into summer.
(a) Poor snow has kept skeins away this season.
(b) Environmentalists blame the weather change on deforestation and fear it could get worse if logging is not checked
(c) The drought will adversely impact agriculture, horticulture and power generation in the state.
(d) Heavy snowfall during the winter is always welcome as it guarantees more water during the summers.
(e) People of Jammu and Kashmir are gearing up for another severe draught and they themselves have to be blamed for it.
Q9. Scientists say that intensely imagining doing something wires the areas of the brain that will be involved once you get down to the same task. Such visualisation creates new connections which help during the real things. Whether in work or in life, especially while making major decisions, it does help to imagine the doing and the outcome. The same applies to one’s moods as well. (---------) So smile.
(a) Imagine intensely a good mood, especially when feeling low, and soon you most probably will be in good mood.
(b) A happy person may turn into a melancholy person overnight as a result of some experience. 
(c) Moods and emotions spread irresistibly whenever people are near one another, even if they are total strangers.
(d) Research confirms that moods are contagious.
(e) Visualisation enhances a persons chance of attaining his goal.
Q10. Indians are passionate about cricket. (-----------) Player’s safety is the BCCI's responsibility. Cricket should be played as a sport which is a pleasant pastime.
(a) In sports, winning is secondary to participation.
(b) Unfortunately crowd behaviour is becoming increasingly unpredictable.
(c) A match is always disrupted by an unruly crowd.
(d) The Duckworth laws method should be used only when natural events play spoil sports.
(e) In sports, sportsmanship is fast becoming a rare commodity.
Q11. (-----------------) An engineering degree, even from an IIT, is not sufficient to get a job, without an MBA from another reputed institute. In such a competitive economic scenario, only they succeed who present their and their company’s case professionally. It is only natural, therefore for companies to choose those with an edge over others.
(a) Handling insecurity of not getting a job in a sluggish economy is a reality for an average 21 year old.
(b) Institutions of international repute like IIMs and IITs have not met their placement targets for the year.
(c) The IT industry has frozen recruitment for a long time.
(d) Projecting yourself positively to the market is very important as there is always a cut throat competition.
(e) The job situation in India has worsened so much that a single qualification is now insufficient for landing a job.
Q12. One of the most important things a child enjoys is playing. (-------------) And toys are the best medium through which a child can become aware of the different concepts of life and his surroundings. It helps them relieve their tensions, frustrations and emotions, as toys are treated both as ‘companions’ and ‘confidants’.
(a) It is the essential joy of childhood where children learn about themselves their environment and the people around them.
(b) For a child anything that attracts attention serves as a toy.
(c) Toys thus have an exciting role in helping children to become mature, confident and imaginative adults.
(d) Children bring boundless energy and imagination to their plays with toys.
(e) The best way to teach students is through a play way method.
Q13. Spirituality is the new buzzword with everyone from the glitterati to the common folk. But there is another unlikely sphere that the new-age attitude of ‘changing from within’ has seeped into the corporate world. Many corporate houses are getting spiritual gurus to train their employees to be better people. (-------------) Workshops on spirituality help a person get in touch with his spiritual self, change his interpersonal skills drastically and help manage stress better.
(a) With cut throat competition, high-pressure jobs and deadlines to meet, employees need to learn how to manage themselves well.
(b) When a person is trained in superficial skills, the heart of a person is not in the change.
(c) Earlier companies focused on IQ; then the focus shifted to EQ.
(d) Management workshops cannot bring about fundamental changes or total transformation in a person.
(e) In todays, world one needs to strike a balance between mechanization and spirituality
Q14. Diamonds used to be the rich girl's best friend. (--------) The latest designs cater to the image the modern urban woman wants to project. They are advertised as ‘celebrating’ freedom of expression.
(a) The affordability of trendy diamond jewelry is probably the cutting edge over traditional gold jewelry. 
(b) Now it is the girl-next door’s best friend.
(c) There is a wide and exciting range of diamonds.
(d) While purchasing diamond jewelry, women look for exclusivity and are willing to pay more for it.
(e) Belgium is famous for diamonds and glass.
Q15. Life in India is cheap. Dozens die untimely deaths everyday because of road or rail accidents.Such deaths are good news for the media because they get their story of the day. And bad news of course for families of the victims. (------------) Loss of a life doesn‘t mean anything to us, unless it’s our life.
(a) Time was when ministers resigned, owning moral responsibility for an accident.
(b) Never in its history did the country witness so many rail accidents as it has in recent years.
(c) But for the rest of the millions and millions, such news is not news.
(d) By the time an enquiry is conducted to decide whether it’s sabotage or human error, the accident is forgotten.
(e) In India poverty rules the roost, and hence death comes easy.
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Most Difficult English Questions for RBI Grade B Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 10, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is a topic quite dreaded by candidates taking the bank exams. Though the sheer number of concepts and ru...

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