In this article we learn how we can improve our vocabulary easily by developing tricks. We make use of a technique known as ETYMOLOGY.
Review of Etymology:
Prefix, Root, Suffix
Straight, correct
Abnormal or diseased condition
Abnormal condition
Spirit, soul, mind
Medical healing
Records or writing
Records produced
Person who
Pertaining to
Medical treatment
Medical treatment
Note 1:
- Ends with y = noun
- Ends with ist = noun
- Ends with ic = adjective
Trick to learn words:
- Specialist who straightens teeth= orthos (straight) + odontos (tooth) + ist (person who) = orthodontist
- Nerve pain = neuron (nerve) + algos (pain) = neuralgia
- Medical speciality dealing with bones and joints = orthos (correct) + paedics (medical treatment) = orthopaedics
- Medical speciality dealing with emotional disturbances and mental illness = psyche (mind) + iatry (medical treatment) =psychiatry
- Inflammation of the nerves = neuron (nerve) + itis (inflammation) = neuritis
- Emotional or personality disorder= neuron (nerve) + osis (diseased condition) = neurosis
- Mentally unbalanced = psyche (mind) + otic (abnormal condition) = psychotic
- Pertaining to the heart = kardia (heart) + ac (pertaining to) = cardiac
- Speciality dealing with medical problems of the elderly = geras (old people) + ic (pertaining to) = geriatrics
- Instrument that records heart action = kardia (heart) + graph (which records) = cardiograph
- Record produced by such an instrument = kardia (heart) + gram (records produced) = cardiogram

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