Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017

June 29, 2017    

Important Practice English Questions on Cloze Test with Detailed Explanation for SBI PO/RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017
Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Explanation for Upcoming IBPS PO/Clerk and All other Upcoming Competitive Exams 2017. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can make use of it.

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Directions (Q. 1-10):

1. The object of the fundamental law will (a) /be frustrated if people have to serve sentences, (b) / pay fines or deny themselves the privileges (c) /given by the Constitution to a long time under an invalid law. (d)/No Error(e)
1). ANSWER: D)
EXPLANATION: According to meaning of sentence correct preposition will be for.

2. In August 2015, at the bidding of the Union of India, a three-judge bench (a) /headed by Justice J. Chelameswar ruled that there was substantial confusion(b) / over whether the Constitution guaranteed citizens a right to privacy, (c) /and therefore that the case had to be placed before a larger bench, of an appropriate strength to be determined by the CJI. (d)/No Error(e)

EXPLANATION: correct preposition will be on

3. But, all these months later, with Aadhaar(a) / becoming more and more entrenched in the Government’s (b) /grand plan, we are no closer to having a bench constituted(c) / to decide the legal challenge for the scheme. (d)/No Error(e)
3). ANSWER: D)
EXPLANATION: for can’t be used. To will be used in place of for.

4. In a few months’ time, millions more would (a) /have enrolled with the Unique Identification Authority of India, (b) / submitting their biometric data, with a view to stay clear(c) / of the long arm of the country’s punitive laws. (d)/No Error(e)
4). ANSWER: C)
EXPLANATION: here staying will be used because here to is a part of infinitive

5. Given that there is still no authoritative ruling from the Supreme Court (a) /on whether the state’s present acts in extending the use of (b) /Aadhaar constitutes a contempt of the court’s previously granted interim orders, (c) / it is also quite plausible that the government is far to finished. (d)/No Error(e)
5). ANSWER: D)
EXPLANATION: from will be used in place of to.

6. The need for reduction of greenhouse gases was an incentive to increase (a) /nuclear power production, but President Trump’s challenge to the whole concept (b) / of climate change as a hoax and the consequent reduction of allocation(c) / of funds to protect the environment will further reduce the accent on nuclear power. (d)/No Error(e)
EXPLANATION: of will be used in place of to.

7. The ‘Global Zero’ movement gain momentum, (a) / even as nuclear weapon powers (b) /continued investment in developing (c) /delivery systems and weapons. (d)/No Error(e)
EXPLANATION: according to the meaning of sentence past form of the verb will be used.

8. The hope raised by four old cold warriors, George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn, (a) / by setting the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons and work on the actions (b) / required to achieve that goal finally receded, and in desperation, (c) / the world turned to the good old UN machinery to create illusions of progress. (d)/No Error(e)
EXPLANATION: working will be used in place of work.

9. NPT enthusiasts have been disappointed of late that out of (a) /the three pillars of the treaty — non-proliferation, disarmament and nuclear energy (b) /for peaceful purposes — the first, non-proliferation, (c) /has got watered down and disarmament has became the priority. (d)/No Error(e)
EXPLANATION: third form of the verb will be become

10. Experts seem to think that India’s doctrine is flexible enough to (a) /deal with any eventuality, but others (b) /feel that we should enter more caveats for safeguard our interests. (c) / Perhaps, it is best to let the sleeping dogs lie. (d)/No Error(e)
EXPLANATION: to will be used in place of for.


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Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 29, 2017 Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 : Dear Readers, Here w...

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