Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) for SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017

June 17, 2017    

Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) for SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have provided the Important Banking Awareness Quizzes based on particular topic, which will help to understand and prepare in a better way. Candidates those who are preparing for upcoming SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017 can make use of it. Kindly share this to all your friends and recommend them to follow our site regularly.

Bank Related Act’s

1. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 was established on __________.
Answer: E

2. The term 'Negotiable instrument' is defined in the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, under section __________.
2). Section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act states that a negotiable instrument is a promissory note, bill of exchange or a cheque payable either to order or to bearer.
Answer: B

3. Promissory notes are comes under__________ section of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881.
Answer: A

4. There are __________ persons primarily involved in a Promissory note.
4). There are two parties to a promissory note. Maker or Drawer is the person who makes or draws the promissory note. He is also called the promisor. Drawee or Payee is the person in whose favor the promissory note is drawn.
Answer: A

5. In Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, Bill of exchange comes under section __________.
Answer: A

6. In Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, Cheque comes under section __________.
Answer: C

7. Holidays in banks are comes under which section of Negotiable Instrument Act 1981?
Answer: D

8. Dishonoring a bill of exchange by non-acceptance is comes under __________ section of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881.
Answer: C

9. In Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, dishonoring Promissory notes comes under section __________.
9). Answer: C

10. Dishonour of cheque due to fund insufficiency is defined under which section of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881?
Answer: E

11. In Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002, offence of money laundering comes under __________.
11). In Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002, offence of money laundering comes under section 3.
Answer: C

12. Under which act RBI has sole power to impose a penalty to the particular bank for its fraudulent action.
12). Banking Regulation Act 1949, section 47A gives RBI to impose penalty to the particular bank.
Answer: B

13. In Banking Regulation Act 1949, Central Government has a power to acquire undertakings of banking companies in certain cases. It comes under section __________.
13). Section 36AE - Power of Central Government to acquire undertakings of banking companies in certain cases.
Answer: A

14. Banking Regulation Act 1949 totally contains __________ sections.
14). There are total 55 Sections in the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
Answer: C

15. In Banking Regulation Act 1949, regulation of paid-up capital, subscribed capital and authorized capital and voting rights of shareholders comes under __________.
Answer: C



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Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) for SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 17, 2017 Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) for SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017 : Dear Readers, Here we have provided the Important Banki...

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