Error Spotting For IPBS PO: Part-2

June 17, 2017    

In the questions below, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and mark that as your answer. If a sentence is free from error, choose the “No Error” option.

1.(A) China concentrates on infrastructure (B) and cheque-book diplomacy, whereas India (C) programmers focused in the (D)development of Africa’s human resources.(E) no error.

2.(A)An urgent need exists for them to increase the scope of their (B) development projects, create synergy among themselves, (C) engage proactively with other willing partners, and (D) thus turns the concept of the AAGC into a viable sound.(E)no error.

3.(A)Even by the lax standards of today’s political morality, (B) it is important to draw the line somewhere – and framing of (C) charges is a well stage given that it is a formal (D) document drawn up by a court of law.(E)no error.

4.(A)Both Mr. Advani and Mr. Joshi are in the twilight of their political careers, wielding little power or (B) influence in the BJP. Ms. Bharti is, however, a Union Minister, and the Narendra Modi (C) government cannot pretend that the development (D) has no bearing on his continuance in the Council of Ministers. (E) No error.

5.(A) In opposition, the BJP had quick (B) to demand the resignation (C) of ministers for much less (D) than being chargesheeted. (E) No error.

6.(A) Not only does it specifically exempt slaughter of animals for food, (B) it also provides for advice on the design of slaughterhouses, so that unnecessary (C) pain or suffering, if physical or mental, is eliminated in (D) the pre-slaughter stages as far as possible.(E) No error.

7.(A) Organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines (B) and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving (C) the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows (D) and calves and other milch and draught cattles. (E) No error.

8.(A) Shibban Lal Saksena objected to such “back door” tactics, (B) and asked that why the Drafting (C) Committee was “ashamed of providing for [the prohibition of cow slaughter] (D) frankly and boldly in so many plain words”.(E) No error.

9.(A) There is global consensus on the need to address the issue of food security, (B) especially in the developing economies that are striving hard to (C) improve its socioeconomic parameters (D) and ensuring better welfare of their citizens. (E) No error

10.(A) It’s quite ironic that the recent government order (B) regulating the sale of meat on the (C) grounds of animal welfare will end up (D) depriving the poor of their “only source of protein”. (E) No error

Answers With Explanation

1. Ans. C.

Focused on instead of focused in
(Because we always use Focused on i.e. we need to focus on etc.)

2. Ans. E.

No error

3. Ans. C.

Good instead of well
(Because good is a noun and well is an adverb and here we need a noun)

4. Ans. D.

Her instead of his
(We can’t use his because in this sentence we are talking about Ms. Bharti)

5. Ans. A.

It should be BJP had been quick
(Because after had we use a verb with 3rd form and been is the 3rd form of be and quick is not a verb)

6. Ans. C.

Whether instead of if
(Because if never use or with it so we should use whether in this sentence)

7.Ans. D.

Cattle instead of cattles
(Because some nouns never use ‘s’ with them like cattle, offspring, vermin etc.)

8. Ans. B.

Remove that
(Because it is an extra word (superflush)

9. Ans. C.

Their instead of its
(Because in this sentence subject (economics) is plural and we can’t use it for a plural subject)

10. Ans. E.

No error
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Error Spotting For IPBS PO: Part-2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 17, 2017   In the questions below, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and...

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