English Questions For RBI Grade B 2017 Exam

June 12, 2017    

English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017

Directions (1-7): Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks. The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five answer choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that completes the sentence best.
Q1. Her concern for the earthquake victims __________ her reputation as a callous person.
(a) restored
(b) rescinded
(c) created
(d) proved
(e) belied

Q2. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the original plans were no longer __________ and were therefore __________.
(a) relevant…adaptable
(b) applicable…rejected
(c) expedient…adopted
(d) acceptable…appraised
(e) capable…allayed
Q3. The microscopic cross section of a sandstone generally shows a __________ surface, each tiny layer representing an __________ of deposition that may have taken centuries or even millennia to accumulate.
(a) ridged…enlargement
(b) multifaceted…angle
(c) distinctive…area
(d) stratified…interval
(e) coarse…episode
Q4. The convict has always insisted upon his own __________ and now at last there is new evidence to __________ him.
(a) defensiveness…incarcerate
(b) culpability…exonerate
(c) blamelessness…anathematize
(d) innocence…vindicate
(e) contrition…condemn
Q5. The theory of plate tectonics was the subject of much __________ when it was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, but now most geophysicists __________ its validity.
(a) opposition…grant
(b) consideration…see
(c) acclamation…boost
(d) prognostication…learn
(e) contention…bar
Q6. Despite her professed__________, the glint in her eyes demonstrated her __________ with the topic.
(a) intelligence…obsession
(b) interest…concern
(c) obliviousness…confusion
(d) indifference…fascination
(e) expertise…unfamiliarity
Q7. Lacking sacred scriptures or __________, Shinto is more properly regarded as a legacy of traditional religious practices and basic values than as a formal system of belief.
(a) followers 
(b) customs
(d) relics
Directions (8-15): After reading passage you will find a series of questions. Select the best choice for each question. Answers are based on the contents of the passage or what the author implies in the passage.
There can be nothing simpler than an elementary particle: it is an indivisible shard of matter, without internal structure and without detectable shape or size. One might expect commensurate simplicity in the theories that describe such particles and the forces through which they interact; at the least, one might expect the structure of the world to be explained with a minimum number of particles and forces. Judged by this criterion of parsimony, a description of nature that has evolved in the past several years can be accounted a reasonable success. Matter is built out of just two classes of elementary particles: the leptons, such as the electron, and the quarks, which are constituents of the proton, the neutron, and many related particles. Four basic forces act between the elementary particles. Gravitation and electromagnetism have long been familiar in the macroscopic world; the weak force and the strong force are observed only in sub nuclear events. In principle this complement of particles and forces could account for the entire observed hierarchy of material structure, from the nuclei of atoms to stars and galaxies. An understanding of nature at this level of detail is a remarkable achievement; nevertheless, it is possible to imagine what a still simpler theory might be like. The existence of two disparate classes of elementary particles is not fully satisfying; ideally, one class would suffice. Similarly, the existence of four forces seems a needless complication; one force might explain all the interactions of elementary particles. An ambitious new theory now promises at least a partial unification along these lines. The theory does not embrace gravitation, which is by far the feeblest of the forces and may be fundamentally different form the others. If gravitation is excluded, however, the theory unifies all elementary particles and forces. The first step in the construction of the unified theory was the demonstration that the weak, the strong, and the electromagnetic forces could all described by theories of the same general kind. The three forces remained distinct, but they could be seen to operate through the same mechanism. In the course of this development a deep connection was discovered between the weak force and electromagnetism, a connection that hinted at a still grander synthesis. The new theory is the leading candidate for accomplishing the synthesis. It incorporates the leptons and the quarks into a single family and provides a means of transforming one kind of particle into the other. At the same time the weak, the strong, and the electromagnetic forces are understood as aspects of a single underlying force. With only one class of particles and one force (plus gravitation), the unified theory is a model of frugality.
Q8. All of the following are differences between the two theories described by the author EXCEPT
(a) the second theory is simpler than the first
(b) the first theory encompasses gravitation while the second does not
(c) the second theory includes only one class of elementary particles
(d) the first theory accounts for only part of the hierarchy of material structure
(e) the second theory unifies that the first theory regards as distinct
Q9. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(a) correct a misconception in a currently accepted theory of the nature of matter
(b) describe efforts to arrive at a simplified theory of elementary particles and forces
(c) predict the success of a new effort to unify gravitation with other basic forces
(d) explain why scientists prefer simpler explanations over more complex ones
(e) summarize what is known about the basic components of matter
Q10. According to the passage, which of the following are true of quarks?
I. They are the elementary building block for neutrons.
II. Scientists have described them as having no internal structure.
III. Some scientists group them with leptons in a single class of particles.
(a) I only
(b) III only
(c) I and II only
(d) II and III only
(e) I, II and III
Q11. The author considers which of the following in judging the usefulness of a theory of elementary particles and forces?
I. The simplicity of the theory
II. The ability of the theory to account for the largest possible number of known phenomena
III. The possibility of proving or disproving the theory by experiment
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I and II only
(d) I and III only
(e) II and III only
Q12. It can be inferred that the author considers the failure to unify gravitation with other forces in the theory he describes to be
(a) a disqualifying defect
(b) an unjustified deviation
(c) a needless oversimplification
(d) an unfortunate oversight
(e) an unavoidable limitation
Q13. The author organizes the passage by
(a) enumerating distinctions among several different kinds of elementary particles
(b) stating a criterion for judging theories of nature, and using it to evaluate two theories
(c) explaining three methods of grouping particles and forces
(d) criticizing an inaccurate view of elemental nature and proposing an alternative approach 
(e) outlining an assumption about scientific verification, then criticizing the assumption
Q14. It can be inferred that the author would be likely to consider a new theory of nature superior to present theories if it were to
(a) account for a larger number of macroscopic structures than present theories
(b) reduce the four basic forces to two more fundamental, incompatible forces
(c) propose a smaller number of fundamental particles and forces than current theories 
(d) successfully account for the observable behavior of bodies due to gravity
(e) hypothesize that protons but not neutrons are formed by combinations of more fundamental particles
Q15. What is the meaning of the word “parsimony “as implied in the passage? 
(a) meditate regularly   
(b) splurge in shopping 
(c) not willing to spend easily 
(d) musical chords 
(e) none of these 
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English Questions For RBI Grade B 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 12, 2017 Directions (1-7): Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks. The blanks indicate that a pi...

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