English Questions For NICL AO Mains Exam 2017

June 29, 2017    

English Questions For NICL AO Mains Exam 2017
English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the Banking and NICL AO Mains 2017 Exams. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such English Quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the paragraph summary questions and jumbled paragraph questions, new pattern English section of banking and insurance exams. In this quiz, you can practice summary of paragraph questions and jumbled paragraph questions for NICL AO Mains 2017. we have also provided study notes for NICL (AO) Exam. 
Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the question that follows.
A. In addition, my own experiences of the spirit world have come together to make this book.
B. I guess I could say the research had been going on all my life: all the stories my grandmother told me, and all the stories my hunter friends told me when I was older.
C. In later life, I have had some frightening but amazing spirit encounters that have convinced me of the realness of the spirit world.
D. For instance, I had a spirit child playmate when I was about four.
E. He was a little boy who mischievously invited me to play.
Q1. Which of the following is the first sentence of the paragraph?
Q2. Which of the following is the third sentence of the paragraph?
Q3. Which of the following is the fifth sentence of the paragraph?
Q4. Which of the following is the second sentence of the paragraph?
Q5. Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the paragraph?
Directions (6-15): In the following questions, four alternate summaries are given below the text. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text. If none of the options is correct, then select option E as your correct answer. 
Q6. Men are generally better than women on tests of spatial ability, such as mentally rotating an object through three dimensions or finding their way around in a new environment. But under some circumstances a woman’s way of navigating is probably more efficient. Previous work has shown that men tend to navigate by creating mental maps of a territory and then imagining their position on the maps. Women are more likely to remember their routes using landmarks. Modern-day hunter-gatherers divide labour, so that men tend to do more hunting and women more gathering. It seems likely that early humans did much the same thing.
(a) Male and female navigational skills are honed differently by evolution for different tasks.
(b) Modern-day division of labour reflects the evolutionary difference in the navigational skills of male as hunters and female as gatherer.
(c) Male and female navigational skills are honed differently by evolution to favour men’s role as hunter and women as gatherers.
(d) As modern day division of labor is based on the navigational skills favouring men to do hunting and women to do gathering.
(e) None of these 
Q7. Ultraviolet light has long been used in water-treatment plants to help with disinfection. As long as the water is clear enough not to absorb the rays, exposing it to a discharge lamp will destroy the DNA of viruses, bacteria and protozoa that could otherwise cause illness when swallowed. The ultraviolet that exists in sunshine can also be used this way. A rough and ready method for sanitizing water, for example, is to pour some into a clear plastic bottle, aerate it by shaking and then place it in the sun for six hours.
(a) A ready method for sanitizing water is to pour some into a clear plastic bottle, aerate it by shaking and then place it in the sun for six hours.
(b) Water kept in a clear plastic bottle and exposed to sunlight for six hours is completely sanitized because the exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun destroys the harmful organisms.
(c) Since ultraviolet rays destroy the DNA of malignant microbes, a prompt method to sanitize clear water is to expose it to sun’s ultraviolet rays for six hours.
(d) Since ultraviolet rays destroy the DNA of malignant microbes, filling water into a clear bottle, aerating it by shaking and exposing it to sun’s ultraviolet rays for six hours sanitizes it completely.
(e) None of these 
Q8. Identifying factors that accelerate the aging process can provide important therapeutic targets for slowing down this process. Misregulation of phosphate homeostasis has been noted in various skeletal, cardiac, and renal diseases, but the exact role of phosphate toxicity in mammalian aging is not clearly defined. Phosphate is widely distributed in the body and is involved in cell signaling, energy metabolism, nucleic acid synthesis, and the maintenance of acid-base balance by urinary buffering.
(a) Phosphate is widely distributed in the body and phosphate toxicity is known to cause age related diseases; better clarity on this will help slow down mammalian aging.
(b) Whether phosphate toxicity is related to mammalian aging needs to be determined before therapeutic solution to aging is explored.
(c) Since phosphate is widely present in the body and phosphate toxicity is known to cause aging related diseases, therapeutic targets to slow down aging can be defined.
(d) Mammalian aging can be therapeutically slowed down if the roles of phosphate toxicity which causes aging related diseases and other factors are clearly defined.
(e) None of these 
Q9. Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine looked to see if there is an inverse relationship between women’s preference for masculine features and national health. Sure enough, they found one. In environments where disease is rampant and the child-mortality rate is high, women prefer masculine men. In places like America and Britain, where knowing how to analyse health-care plans is more important than fighting off infection, effeminate men are just as competitive.
(a) Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine found that women in developed nations preferred effeminate men over masculine ones.
(b) Women in disease free societies showed equal affinity towards effeminate men as they did for masculine men in societies with rampant diseases.
(c) Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine’s study found that women’s preference for masculine over effeminate men and national health had an inverse relationship.
(d) Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine’s study found that in disease free societies effeminate men attracted women, as men with masculine features did in disease-ridden societies.
(e) None of these 
Q10. It is a small, winged insect that might easily pass unnoticed except as a buzzing annoyance around ripe fruit. Yet Drosophila melanogaster, the humble fruit fly, is so quick and easy to breed that for over 100 years it has been a model organism in a field of research now known as genetics. The fly helped scientists discover that chromosomes contain small units of heredity called genes, and it helped unify research into heredity, evolution and development. Today it is thought to be the most widely studied animal after humans.
(a) The easy breeding has made the fruit fly the model of genetic research, and it helped discover genes, unify research into heredity, evolution, and development.
(b) Since the easily breeding fruit fly helped scientists to discover genes, it became a model of genetic research and had helped unify research into heredity, evolution and development.
(c) The fruit fly is the most studied after humans for its importance in genetics, and as a model organism, helped unify research into heredity, evolution and development.
(d) Drosophila melanogaster, the fruit fly is a model organism in genetics and is the most studied animal after humans for its importance in genetics.
(e) None of these 
Q11. India is a young nation. Over 65% of its population is below 35 years of age, yet the number of senior citizens is growing exponentially because we are a nation of 1.2 billon people. Steadily growing longevity of life is also adding to the surge. Indian society until a few decades ago had the inherent protection against old age under the shadow of the institution of joint/extended family. Urbanization, growing standards of living, and changing social system have led to disintegration of country’s age-old social system into nuclear families – double income no kids and single income no kids. 
(a) Though 65% of India is below 35 years in age, it also has a growing number of old; the protection of the joint family no longer exists for the old as urbanization and improved standard of living have created nuclear families with no kids.
(b) Over 65% of India is below 35 years of age; yet, India has a growing population of senior citizens owing to the size of its overall population, improved longevity, and the rise in families without kids owing to urbanization.
(c) Though majority of Indians are young, the number of senior citizens is also increasing because of over population and improved longevity. They have lost the protection of the joint family as urbanization has changed the social system.
(d) Though India is a young nation, the number of old is also growing. The old no longer have the protection of a joint family system. Urbanization and growing standard of living have led to the disintegration of the social system.
(e) None of these 
Q12. This story has its origin in a time well before the age of the SMS and emails, a simpler time, when words wouldn’t go away with a press of a button. It is a tale of two scientists/inventors, one who created glue that didn’t stick very well and the other had trouble with a bookmark that didn’t quite do its job. Together with a band of determined scientists and marketers they created a product that redefined informal communication – the Post-it Note.
(a) The Post-it Note was an accidental invention that happened when two scientists separately created a bookmark that didn’t work well, and glue that didn’t stick well.
(b) The Post-it Note was a result of two failed inventions put together by determined scientists and marketers who redefined informal communication.
(c) The story of the Post-it Note is that two scientists separately created a bookmark and glue that didn’t work; however, scientists and marketers created a product from these.
(d) The Post-it Note which redefined informal communication was a combination of two substandard products – a bookmark and glue that didn’t quite do their work.
(e) None of these 
Q13. Commoditization occurs when you have to constantly improve quality or other product benefits while decreasing prices to keep up with competitors. It also occurs if you have to lower your quality or other product benefits to keep pace with falling prices. The problem is exacerbated when you are caught between rising input costs, such as energy, metals and raw materials, and a loss of pricing power for your products. Your costs increase but you simply cannot pass them onto your customers without killing your business.
(a) Commoditization triggers round after round of price competition owing to improved product quality or benefits, or increased costs and falling prices.
(b) Improving product benefits at decreased prices, lowering quality because of falling prices, being unable to pass on the increased input costs to the customers is commoditization.
(c) Commoditization occurs when products are improved at decreased prices to compete with competitors, or quality and price are reduced, or increased input costs are absorbed.
(d) Commoditization of products is triggered by competition in the market and happens when quality or price or product benefit is lowered or input cost is increased.
(e) None of these 
Q14. Scientists utilize laboratory animals in research in an ongoing quest for knowledge that benefits society. This research has enhanced our understanding of how the human body functions and led to the development of lifesaving procedures and medicines – among them radiation therapy and other cancer treatments, open-heart surgery, fetal circulatory health treatments, organ transplantation, mental health treatments and vaccines. There is overwhelming agreement among physicians and scientists worldwide that laboratory animals provide irreplaceable and invaluable models for human systems.
(a) The utilization of laboratory animals has provided models for human systems that have helped scientists and physicians develop several life saving procedures and medicines.
(b) Scientists and physicians agree that animals in research has provided models for human systems and helped enhance our knowledge that benefits society in several ways.
(c) Scientists agree that utilizing animals in research has helped gain knowledge about human body functions and led to the development of several life saving procedures and medicines.
(d) Scientists and physicians agree that laboratory animals have helped develop life saving procedures and medicines for fatal illnesses, mental health treatments and vaccines.
(e) None of these 
Q15. Trees and other plants help keep the planet cool, but rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are turning down this global air conditioner. In some regions more than a quarter of the warming from increased carbon dioxide is due to its direct impact on vegetation. This warming is in addition to carbon dioxide’s better-known effect as a heat-trapping greenhouse gas. Climate models for the coming century must take into account the importance of plants.
(a) Apart from being a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide has a direct impact on vegetation; since plants cool the earth, climate models for the future must include the importance of plants.
(b) A quarter of the global warming is due to the direct impact of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide on vegetation; hence, future climate models must include the importance of plants.
(c) The heat trapping carbon dioxide has a direct impact on trees and plants which have caused a quarter of the warming; hence, climate models must include the importance of plants.
(d) Plants cool the earth, and have caused a quarter of the warming because of carbon dioxide. Future, climate models must study the importance of plants in global warming.
(e) None of these 
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English Questions For NICL AO Mains Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 29, 2017 English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the Banking and NICL AO Mains 2017 Exams. Though the she...

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