English Questions For IBPS PO 2017 Exam

June 19, 2017    

Twisted One English For IBPS PO 2017
Directions (1-2): In each of the following questions, an inference is given in bold which is followed by three paragraphs. You have to find paragraph(s) from which it is inferred. Select the option which is correct according to the context of the given inference. 
Q1. Fish is the major source of protein for one in ten of the world’s people.
(I) A second problem is governance. The ocean is subject to a patchwork of laws and agreements. Enforcement is hard and incentives are often misaligned. Waters outside national jurisdictions— the high seas—are a global commons. Without defined property rights or a community invested in their upkeep, the interests of individual actors in exploiting such areas win out over the collective interest in husbanding them. Fish are
particularly tricky because they move. Why observe quotas if you think your neighbour can haul in catches with impunity?

(II) EARTH is poorly named. The ocean covers almost three quarters of the planet. It is divided into five basins: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern oceans. Were all the planet’s water placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132km tall. The ocean provides 3bn people with almost a fifth of their protein (making fish a bigger source of the stuff than beef). Fishing and aquaculture assure the livelihoods of one in ten of the world’s people. Climate and weather systems depend on the temperature patterns of the ocean and its interactions with the atmosphere. If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean.
(III) Protein is found throughout the body—in muscle, bone, skin, hair, and virtually every other body part or tissue. It makes up the enzymes that power many chemical reactions and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood. At least 10,000 different proteins make you what you are and keep you that way.
(a) Only (I) is correct 
(b) Only (II) is correct
(c) Only (III) is correct
(d) Only (I) and (III) is correct
(e) All three are correct 
Q2. Prisoners can be classified into different categories and punished accordingly.  
(I) In September 2006, President Bush announced that fourteen "high-value detainees" were to be transferred to military custody of the Guantánamo Bay detention camp from civilian custody by the CIA. He admitted that these suspects had been held in CIA secret prisons overseas, known as black sites.
(II) The report calls overcrowding as “one of the biggest problems faced by prison inmates.” It results in poor hygiene and lack of sleep among other problems. “Keeping in view the human rights of the prisoners, it is essential that they are given reasonable space and facilities in jails,” the report says.
(III) America is an outlier, but plenty of countries fail to use prison intelligently. There is ample evidence of what works. Reserve prison for the worst offenders. Divert the less scary ones to drug treatment, community service and other penalties that do not mean severing ties with work, family and normality. A good place to start would be with most of the 2.6m prisoners in the world—a quarter of the total—who are still awaiting trial. For a fraction of the cost of locking them up, they could be fitted with GPS-enabled ankle bracelets that monitor where they are and whether they are taking drugs.
(a) Only (I) and (II) is correct 
(b) Only (II) and (III) is correct
(c) Only (III) is correct
(d) Only (I) and (III) is correct
(e) All three are correct 
Directions (3-5): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its number as your answer.
Q3. Understanding the mental processes of others – metalizing -
(a) is the basis of our socialization and what makes us human.
(b) is the beginning for mental disabilities.
(c) the frontal lobes were the most critical region for visual perspective.
(d) is what sets the strongest evidence on humans as Pisces.
(e) is the control we have on others.
Q4. The world’s smallest robot
(a) turns on a chair and parks on a chrome.
(b) turns on a dime and parks on a nickel.
(c) is limited by its size.
(d) is to work on evolved languages.
(e) is the last ditch stand for all of us.
Q5. If you want to learn to write well
(a) you must wait until you have an inspiration.
(b) be alert; you learn to write by writing.
(c) it is essential to practice regularly and frequently.
(d) remember, even among the most popular writer’s inspiration is rare.
(e) practice till you become perfect.
Directions (6-15): In each of the following questions, a part of the paragraph or sentence has been Bold. From the choices given to you, you are required to choose the one, which would best replace the Bold part in terms of grammatical usage. 
Q6. The nature of our party system has changed in the past few decades, and the lesson of the past decade had been that the party that did not hold the White House had every incentive to refuse to co-operate with the president's party.
(a) was that the party that does not hold the White House had every incentive
(b) is that the party that does not hold the White House has every incentive
(c) has been that the party that had not held the White House had every incentive
(d) had been that the party that did not hold the White House had every incentive
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q7. Looking at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall by that much, it becomes clear that Germany's unique recession and recovery was about more than just its choice in labour market policies.
(a) Looking at the path of German GDP and that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(b) Looking at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(c) When one looks at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(d) When one is looking at the path of German GDP and that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q8. The Beijing Language and Culture University Press, the largest publisher of Chinese-language textbooks, says South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(a) say South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(b) says South Korea and Japan are it's biggest customers.
(c) says South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(d) says South Korea and Japan are its biggest customers.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q9. There are two pieces to Mr Keats' argument; that English is open-source as other languages are not; and that is why it has spread.
(a) Mr Keats' argument, that English is open-source as other languages are not and that
(b) Mr Keats' argument: that English is open-source as other languages are not, and that that 
(c) Mr Keats' argument - that English is open-source as other languages are not-and that
(d) Mr Keats' argument; that English is open-source as other languages are not; and that that
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q10. The number of foreigners going to India for fertility treatments, specially surrogacy, has dramatically increased in recent years.
(a) especially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in past years.
(b) especially surrogacy, has dramatically increased in recent years.
(c) specially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in recent years.
(d) specially surrogacy, have shown dramatic improvement in recent years.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part. 
Q11. The LHC is a magnificent engineering project, who's many "gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.
(a) whose many "gee-whiz" feature have been widely reported.
(b) who's "gee-whiz" features has been reported widely.
(c) whose many "gee-whiz" features has been widely reported.
(d) who's many "gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q12. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, outspoken as usual, compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize with Obama.
(a) compared the choice of Liu for Nobel Prize with that of Obama.
(b) compared the choice of Liu with Obama for the Nobel Prize.
(c) compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize to that of Obama.
(d) compared the choice of Liu and Obama to the Nobel Prize.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q13. The OECD expects average GDP growth among their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011, before bouncing back to 2.8% in 2012.
(a) their most rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011,
(b) their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011,
(c) its most rich members to slow between 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,
(d) its mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q14. A sphere cannot be represented on a flat plane without distortion, which will mean that all map projections will distort in one way or another.
(a) which means all map projections distort in one way or another.
(b) that means all map projections will distort one way or another.
(c) which will mean that all map projections distorts one way or other.
(d) which means all map projections will distort in one way or others.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q15. The blame for rising obesity rates have been pinned on many things, including having more calorific diet, the spread of processed food, a lack of exercise and modern man's generally more stressful lot.
(a) has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet.
(b) have been pinned to many things, including more calorific diets,
(c) have been pinned on many things, including a calorie rich diet,
(d) has been pinned on many things: having a more calorific diet,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
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English Questions For IBPS PO 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 19, 2017 Directions (1-2): In each of the following questions, an inference is given in bold which is followed by three paragraphs. You have to fin...

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