English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017

June 1, 2017    

English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017
Dear Students, It's the exams times. You have many exams lined up such as  SBI PODena Bank PORBI Grade- B scheduled in the upcoming days or months. Recently, New Pattern English Questions have been asked in many exams. So, we are providing these 15 English Questions, which are high in difficulty level, Practice and test your understanding of English language.
Directions (1-10): Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentences are five words or set of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Q1. Somebody must have sent him this cutting sometime, probably with no __________ intention.
(a) nefarious
(b) furious
(c) causal
(d) minute
(e) partial

Q2. As I round the first curve of some __________ pass I feel the familiar tensing of the nerves, the onset of that curious __________ which will reach its peak with the highest point on the road and which will leave me, on the descent, with what I can describe as a sense of virtue.
(a) precious…exaltation
(b) precipitous…depression
(c) precipitous…trough
(d) frivolous…exaltation
(e) precipitous…exaltation
Q3. She drove aimlessly around town in the dark, unaware that she was __________ on the edge of consciousness.
(a) sitting
(b) teetering
(c) kneeling
(d) looking
(e) thinking
Q4. Studies show that outbursts __________ and perpetuate anger, like a __________ blowing on fire.
(a) reduce…bellows
(b) augment…blows
(c) augment…bellows
(d) stretch…bellows
(e) augment…flows
Q5. By combining the worlds of art and work, the Stradivarius is a __________ masterpiece of art and a tool for the __________ art of making music.
(a) mundane…sublime
(b) unique…sublime
(c) two-piece…supreme
(d) unique…shallow
(e) None of the above
Q6. He did his duty by church, town and clients with unfailing __________.
(a) rectitude
(b) carelessness
(c) errors
(d) hurdles
(e) solitude
Q7. The __________ have done everything possible to deceive the __________.
(a) unscrupulous…clever
(b) honest dealers…gullible
(c) unscrupulous…gullible
(d) guardians of morality…shrewd people
(e) scrupulous…gullible
Q8. This projection of __________ female sexuality is everywhere we look and has been since that obscene phenomenon the “new lad” __________ its equally repellent female twin, the beer-swilling, bawdy “ladette”.
(a) voracious…fawned
(b) voracious…tanned
(c) voracious…spawned
(d) subtle…spawned
(e) acid…spawned
Q9. It’s small wonder that the Duke, when he __________ the newspapers, as he does at breakfast every morning, exclaims __________, “Let’s see what I did wrong yesterday!”
(a) uses…ruefully
(b) peruses…ruefully
(c) peruses…proudly
(d) discards…ruefully
(e) peruses…casually
Q10. There’s something slightly peculiar about the __________ of tradition and protocol with the modern dress-down, 21st century world.
(a) juxtaposition
(b) position
(d) feasting
(e) chagrin
Directions (11-15): For each of the following questions, a part or the whole of the original sentence has been highlighted in bold. You have to find the best way of writing the bold part of the sentence. Option A repeats the bold part, if the bold part is grammatically correct then choose option A.
Q11. Aamir was sitting with his friends when the Premier, in accompaniment with his only social secretary, entered the garden.
(a) in accompaniment with his only social secretary
(b) accompanying only by his social secretary
(c) accompanied only by his social secretary
(d) only accompanied by his social secretary
(e) is accompanied by only his social secretary
Q12. Some of the most gut-wrenching images of the previous year 1985 were, the tsunami striking South East Asian countries, the earthquake striking Pakistan, and famine stalking region after region.
(a) the tsunami striking South East Asian countries, the earthquake striking Pakistan, and famine
(b) the tsunami stricken South East Asian countries, the earthquake stricken Pakistan, and famine
(c) the tsunami striking South East Asian countries, the earthquake stricken Pakistan, and famine
(d) the tsunami striking South East Asian countries, the earthquakes striking Pakistan, and the famine
(e) the tsunami striking the South East Asian countries, the earthquake striking the Pakistan, and famine
Q13. Mental intelligence and common sense are essential for outstanding achievement because they involve your natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quicker and to analyse them clearly and incisively.
(a) your natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quicker and to analyse them clearly and incisively.
(b) one’s natural ability for the comprehension of difficult concepts quickly and analysing them clearly and incisively.
(c) your natural ability of comprehension of difficult concepts quickly and clear and incisive analysis of it.
(d) one’s natural ability to comprehend difficult concepts quickly and to analyse them clearly and incisively.
(e) one has natural ability to comprehension of difficult concepts quickly and to analyse them clearly and incisively.
Q14. Panchayati Raj institutions are now entrusted upon the execution of all rural upliftment schemes and programs in India.
(a) entrusted upon the execution of all rural upliftment schemes and programs
(b) entrusted with the execution of all rural uplift schemes and programs
(c) entrusted with the execution of all rural upliftment schemes and programs
(d) entrusted within the execution for all rural uplift programs and schemes
(e) entrusted of the execution of all rural upliftment schemes and programs
Q15. Mr. Singhania was perhaps the single most effective executive within the country, who had succeeded without a degree, money and without any logistic support.
(a) who had succeeded without a degree, money and without any logistic support.
(b) without whom, a degree money or logistic support, succeeded.
(c) who, without a degree, money or logistic support, succeeded.
(d) who, succeeded without a degree, money or logistic support.
(e) who, had succeed without a degree, money and without any logistic support.
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English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 1, 2017 Dear Students, It's the exams times. You have many exams lined up such as   SBI PO ,  Dena Bank PO ,  RBI Grade- B  scheduled in the u...

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