Easy Way To Remember Currencies of Different Countries

June 3, 2017    

Dear Readers, to remember currencies of different countries at a stretch is not possible. But when you try to remember it using some strategy you can!!! Here I have used some strategies like grouping similar currencies of some countries, rhythmic based grouping, grouped based on spelling and so on, to remember currencies more easily. When you go through the following article you will understand it well. By studying in this way you can study the currencies of all the countries within an hour or two and retain it for a long time in your memory and it will also take just 2 to 3 minutes for revising before your exam!!!
Asian Countries
S.No Name Currency
1. India Rupee
2. Indonesia Rupiah
3. Nepal Nepalese Rupee
4. Srilanka Srilankan Rupee
5. Pakistan Pakistani Rupee
6. Maldives Maldivian Rufiyaa
Note: Above set of countries has similar currencies
7. Afghanisthan Afghani
8. Bhutan Bhutanese ngultrum
9. Israel New shekel
10. North Korea North Korean Won
11. South Korea South Korean Won
12. Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Som
13. Kyrgyzstan Som
Note: Above set of currencies are derived from their respective countries name.
14. Combodia Riel
15. Iran Rial
16. Oman Rial
17. Qatar Riyal
18. Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal
Note: Above set of currencies pronounces similarly
19. Bahrain Bahraini Dinar
20. Iraq Iraqi Dinar
21. UAE UAE Dirham
Note: Above set of currencies pronounces similarly
22. Lebanon Lebanese Pound
23. Syria Syrian Pound
Note: Both countries’ currency is pound
24. P hili ppines P hili ppines Peso
25. Tur keMenistan Tur men New Manat
26. Turkey Turkish Lira
27. Georgia Lari
28. Bangaladesh Taka
29. China Yuan
30. Japan Yen
Note: Familiar currencies
31. Malaysia Ringgit
32. Myanmar Kyat
33. Thailand Baht
Note: currencies ends with similar rhyming sound
34. Taiwan New Taiwan dollar
35. Cyprus Euro
Note: Asian countries with Dollar and Euro
36. Kazakhsta(e)n Te(a)n ge (Tenge)
37. La os Kip (remember “Luck y”)
38. Mo ngolia To grog
39. Tajikistan Somo ni
Note: after studying Asian currencies I will eat “ Somos”
European countries
S.no Name Currency
1. Austria EURO
(Note: All these 17 countries has “Euro” as their currency)
2. Belgium
3. Finland
4. Germany
5. Greece
6. Ireland
7. Italy
8. Latvia
9. Lithuania
10. Luxemberg
11. Malta
12. Monaco
13. Netherland
14. Portugal
15. Slovakia
16. Spain
17. Vatican city
18. C roatia Kuna
19. C zech Republic Czech Koruna
20. Iceland Icelandic Krona
21. Sweden Swedish Krona
22. Denmark Danish Krone
23. Nor way Norweign Krone
Note : Above currencies are derivative of “ K” sound
24. France CFP Franc
25. Switzerland Swiss Franc
Note: common currency “ Franc”
26. Belarus BelaRusian Ruble
27. Rus sia Russian Ruble
Note: common currency “ Ruble”
28. Serbia Serbian Dinar
29. United Kingdom Pound Sterling
30. Albania L ek
31. Bulgaria L ev
32. Romania Romanian Leu
Note: Above 3 currency has “L” sound
33. Ukraine Ukrainian hryonia
34. hungary f o rint
35. p o land Zl o ty
Note: whenever I feel Hungry I used to go to Poland, Eat well and give a sound “OOO….!!!”
North and south American countries
s.no Name Currency
1. Ba hamas
(All these 9 countries have same currency)
2. Ba rbados
3. B ermuda
4. Ca nada
5. Jamaica
6. T rinidad
7. T obago
8. USA
9. Ecuador
10. Australia Australian DOLLAR
11. Newzealand Newzealand DOLLAR
12. Fiji Fijian DOLLAR
13. Argentina
(All these 6 countries have same currency)
14. Chile
15. Colombia
16. Cuba
17. Mexico
18. Uruguay
19. Nicaragua Nicaraguan Cordoba
20. Panama Panamanian Balboa
21. Paraguay Gu arani
22. Peru Neuvo sol
23. Venezuela Bolivar fuerte
24. Bolivia Boliviano
25. Brazil R eal
African countries
S.no Name Currency
1. Mauritius Rupees
2. Seychelles
3. Namibia Dollar
4. Liberia
5. Zimbabwe
6. Egypt Pound
7. Sudan
8. South Sudan
9. Kenya Shilling
10. Somalia
11. Tanzania
12. Uganda
13. Algeria Dinar
14. Libya
15. Tunisia
16. Camaroon Franc
17. Mali
18. Rwanda
19. Morocco Dirham
20. Madagas car Malagas yariary
21. M ozambique M etical
22. Nigeria Naira
23. Ethiopia Birr Remember in alphabetic order 
24. Ghana Cedi
25. Gambia Dalasi
26. Angola K wanza
27. Zambia K wacha
28. Sierra Leone Leone
29. South Africa Rand
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/06/easy-way-to-remember-currencies-of.html
Easy Way To Remember Currencies of Different Countries 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 3, 2017 Dear Readers, to remember  currencies of different countries  at a stretch is not possible. But when you try to remember it using some ...

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