Clamour: Verb
- Meaning: चिल्लाना
- Synonym: Shout, Yell, Demand. Roar, Scream
- Antonym: Silence, Quiet, Tranquil
- Verb: Clamour
- When I am working in my home office, my kids often clamour for my attention
- Noun: Clamourousness
- The clamorousness of this city is disturbing
- Adjective: Clamourous
- The clamorous noise kept us awake all night.
- Adverb: Clamourously
- He demanded to get service clamorously.
Vitiate: Verb
- Meaning: भ्रष्ट करना
- Synonyms: contaminate, befoul, debauch, defile, poisoning
- Antonym: cleanse, purify; dignify, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, glorify, hallow, magnify, uplift
- Vitiate (Verb)
- The impact of the film was vitiated by poor acting.
- Noun: Vitiation
- Other sources of vitiation are adequately provided against and need not be considered.
Exaggeration: Noun
- Meaning: अतिशयोक्ति
- Synonym: Overstatement, Overemphasis, Magnification, Amplification, Elaboration
- Antonym: belittle, minimise, play down, understate
- Noun: Exaggeration
- Shyam's version of the accident was a real exaggeration;
- Verb: Exxagerate
- We must not exaggerate this story
- Adjective: Exaggerated
- He told you the exaggerated version of the story
Dispensation: Noun
- व्यवस्था, वितरण
- root word: di/s apart, away, not,
- Synonyms: system, arrangement, order, regime, dispensation, organisation, distribution, delivery, dispensation, dealing
- Antonyms: deny, deprive, keep, retain, stint, withhold; appropriate, arrogate, confiscate
- Noun: Dispensation
- It is one of the most remarkable cultural dispensations in the country's history
- Verb: Dispense
- At the poker table, the dealer will dispense five cards
Dwindle: Verb
- सूखना, क्षीण होना
- Synonym: shrivel, droop, dry, desiccate, become dry, fade,, wane, languish, decay, peak
- increase. magnify, bloom, grow shine
- Verb: Dwindle
- We have seen our natural resources dwindle in all areas of the world
- Adjective: Dwindling
- The Dwindling condition of natural resources is a matter of concern for all countries.
- Noun: Dwindlement
- The Dwindlement in the natural resources has reached an alarming stage.
Meticulous: Adjective
- Meaning: नुकताचीन, सूक्ष्म अवगुण ढूंढ़नेवाला
- Synonyms: subtle, minute, scrupulous, sensitive, finicky, dainty, carping, snappish, choosy Antonym: inattentive, incautious, mindless
- Adjective: Meticulous:
- Because Haley is a meticulous cleaner, every inch of her house is spotless. This accounting job requires a meticulous person.
- Adverb: Meticulously
- She does her job meticulously
- Noun: Meticulosity
- The meticulosity innate to women is helpful for smooth progress of space-based experiments,
स्पष्ट, निस्संदेह
Obvious, Manifest, Undoubted, Professed, Indubitable, UnimpeachableAntonym: Dubious, Unreliable
The information is from an unimpeachable source.
Noun: Unimpeachability
The information is from an unimpeachable source.
Noun: Unimpeachability
The unimpeachability of this resource is the benchmark for the industry.
Ubiquitous: Adjective
सर्वव्यापक,Synonym: universal, ubiquitary
Antonym: Rare, scarce
When I was a kid, I thought my parents were ubiquitoussurreptitious: Adjective
Synonyms secret, stealthy, clandestine, secretive, sneaky, sly, furtive, concealed, hidden,
Antonyms: blatant, open, honest
The dog has his surreptitious ways of stealing table scraps behind my back.Antonyms: blatant, open, honest
Contemptuously: Adverb
नफ़रत से, तिरस्कारपूर्वक
Synonyms: contemptibly, insultingly, scornfully, vituperatively
Antonyms: regardful, respectful; admiring, applauding, appreciative, approving
Adjective: Contemptuous
Adjective: Contemptuous
Noun: Contempt
Since my husband was not born in America, my father acts in a contemptuous manner towards him.Since my husband was not born in America, my father treats him contemptuously.
Sarah is a wonderful person who has never shown contempt for anyone.Remunerative: Adjective
Synonyms: Advantageous, profitable, rewarding, remunerative, advantageously, lucrative
Synonyms: Advantageous, profitable, rewarding, remunerative, advantageously, lucrative
Antonyms: disadvantageous, unfavourable
Adjective: Remunerative
The college decided not to renew the professor’s grant because his research had not been remunerative to the school.Noun: remuneration
These days it seems most corporate leaders earn a great deal of remuneration for doing very little work.Verb: remunerate
He is remunerated for his services by a fixed fee for each day the court sits.
languish (Verb):
- Meaning: सुस्त
- Synonyms: sluggish, slack, lethargic, slow, stale, rancid, musty, dopey, languishing, pithless, decay, droop, emaciate
- Antonym: energetic, healthy, rebound, recover, recuperate; gain, vital
- Verb: Languish
- If I don’t bother him, my cat will languish on the windowsill all day long.
- Adjective languishing
- My cat's languishing traits are really adorable.
- Adverb languishingly
- My cat loves to sit languishingly all day long.

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