Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-15)

June 30, 2017    

Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-1)
Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-15):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.

Directions (1-5): Read the following informationcarefully and answer the questions. There are seven friends, Rahul, Ram, Ravi, Rakhi, Rishi, Raj and Rohit who participated in a game competition which started on Monday and ended on Sunday. In the first round of the competition, each of them played different games, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, but not necessarily in the same order. They like different colors, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7, but not necessarily in the same order.
• Ram did not play on the day either immediately before or immediately after the game of Rakhi, who does not like either C5 or C1 or C4 color.
• Two games were held between the game of Rohit and Raj, neither of whom played on Monday. There was one game between the game of Rakhi and Ravi. But Ravi’s game did not happen either on Monday or on Wednesday. Ravi likes C2 color and played P.
• The one, who played R on the last day of competition, likes C3 color.
• Rishi played immediately after Ravi and he likes C1 color.
• Rahul does not like C5 color and played S. Rakhi did not play either V or U.
• The one who played T was scheduled immediately after the game of P. Rohit, who likes C6, played on the fourth day of the competition but played neither V nor Q.
1.Ram likes which of the following colors ?
Answer: A)
2.Rahul likes which of the following colors ?

Answer is: B)
3. Rohit likes which of the following colors ?
3). Answer is: C)
4.Which of the following games, Rahullikes ?

4). Answer is: D)
5.Which of the following games, Rishi likes ?
5). Answer is: E)
Directions (6-10): Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it.
There are eight people namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who sit around a circular table facing towards or away from the centre. They like different ice cream flavors. One of the flavors is Strawberry. The following information is known about them.
• H’s neighbors face in same direction but opposite to that of H.
• G sits third to the left of E who faces towards the centre.
• D’s spouse who likes Chocolate flavor sits third to the left of D.
• C sits third to the right of a male and they face in the same direction.
• B’s immediate neighbors face in same direction but opposite to that of B.
• The female who likes Vanilla flavor sits opposite to the male who likes Red Velvet.
• A who likes Black Current flavor sits second to the left of D and they face in the same direction.
• The immediate neighbors of C like Vanilla and Mulberry flavors.
• B and F sit together and none of them sits with A and D.
• G’s spouse who likes Fruit and Nut flavor sits second to the left of G.
• The immediate neighbors of H’s only sister who is neither C nor E are A and D.
• B who likes Butter Scotch flavor is the only one whose both the immediate neighbors are of opposite gender to B.

6. How many people face away from the centre?


Answer is: A)

7. How many males are there?
7). Answer is: D)
8.Who likes strawberry flavor?
8). Answer is: A)
9.Who sits opposite to the one who likes Mulberry?
9). Answer is: C)

10.Who among the following is an immediate neighbor of the one who likes chocolate?
10). Answer is: A)
Directions (11-15): Study the following carefully and answer the questions given below. Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, one above that is numbered 2 and so on till top most floor is numbered 7.
Each one of them also owns different brands of Car, namely Fiat, Hyundai, Honda, Skoda, Toyota, Ford and Chevrolet.(but not necessarily in same order). All of them went to tour on seven different days starting from Monday to Sunday(of the same week)
• A lives an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered Three. Only two persons live between D and the one who owns Toyota. The one who owns Honda lives immediately above C. The one who owns Toyota went to tour on one of the days before Thursday.
• The one who owns Hyundai lives on odd numbered floors above D. B lives on the floors above E. Only three persons live between C and the one who owns Hyundai. The person who went to tour on Friday owns Fiat Car.
• The one who owns Fiat lives immediately above the one who owns Chevrolet. G lives on an odd numbered floor. E does not own Honda. D went to tour on Sunday
• Only one person lives between B and E. The one who owns Toyota lives immediately above A. Neither C nor A owns Skoda. The one who went to tour on Wednesday immediately after the one who owns Hyundai.
• The one who owns Honda went to tour immediately before the one who lives in floor no 3. There are two persons live between the floor no 4 and the person who went to tour on Wednesday. The one who went to tour on Wednesday is not C.
11.Which of the following car does A own?

Answer: D)
12. Which of the following combinations is True with respect to the given arrangement?
12). Answer is: A)
13. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from top to bottom, positions of how many persons will remain unchanged?
13). Answer is: C)

14.Which of the following statements is True with respect to the given arrangement?
14). Answer is: A) s
15. Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 2?
15). Answer: E)
Directions (16-20): Read the following information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
I. Ruchi and Suresh are married couple having two children, Manisha and Divya
II. Divya is married to Amit who is the son of Gauri and Tarun
III. Nishi is the daughter of Amit
IV. Karuna, who is Amit’s sister, is married to Harish and has two sons, Vijay and Parikshit.
V. Gauri is the grandmother of Parikshit
VI. Manisha is the maternal aunt of Nisha

16. What is the difference between the number of females and the number of males in the second generation?


Number of females in the 2nd generation = 3(Karuna, Divya and Manisha)
Number of males in the 2nd generation = 2 (Harish and Amit)
Required difference = 3 – 2 = 1
Answer: b)
17. Which of the following is true?
17). Gauri is Harish’s mother – in - law
Answer: c)
18. How is Karuna related to Divya?
18). Karuna is Divya’s sister – in - law
Answer: b)
19.What is the relationship between Vijay and Nishi?
19).Vijaya and Nishi are cousins
Answer: a)

20.Parikshit is the member of which generation?
20). Parikshit is the member of 3rd generation.
Answer: d)

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Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-15) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 30, 2017 Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-15) : Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to i...

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