Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-9)

June 28, 2017    

Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-9):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good marks in English and so they can't increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.

Here in English Scoring Part we are providing 10 Questions in Reading Comprehension, 5 Questions in Cloze Test, 5 Questions in Error Spotting, total 20 questions in 15 Minutes. By practicing these questions regularly you can increase your calculation speed and it will help you to increase your score.

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Even before the remarks made by former Member of Parliament Tarun Vijay had been aired on international television, it was clear that we were in for a rambunctious debate on racism in India. After news of the unspeakably ugly treatment meted out to an African woman in Bengaluru some months ago and scenes of an African being beaten by young Indians in a mall in Greater Noida recently went viral on the Internet, Mr. Vijay set himself the task of absolving Indians of racism by reference to history and in the process opened up an issue of relevance to us ourselves. Before we turn to this, however, it may be useful to suggest some ways in which we can quickly assuage at least partially the hurt that our African students must feel, before turning vigorously to building institutions that ensure their security and encourage them to feel part of the community in India. Despite the attempts by the government to bring international students to India, the experience of foreign students here has not always been a happy one, this being particularly so for those from Africa, though there could be exceptions. Part of the problem is that there are no mechanisms in our educational institutions to enable these students to settle down and flourish. What is worse is that university authorities appear to be unaware of the need for these. This contrasts deeply with arrangements in other English-speaking countries that receive students from India. There our students are made to feel welcome and informed of the existence of institutional arrangements to cater to their concerns. Of the experiences of Indians who studied abroad, we need only recall the great affection for the British public formed by Mahatma Gandhi while he trained to be a lawyer in England. This was to last for the rest of his life even as he led a national movement against the British empire. Furthermore, from his strategy to his goals, Gandhi was inspired by western thinkers such as Henry David Thoreau and John Ruskin, which would have been unlikely had his experience of England been negative. We might want to reflect on what impression we are leaving on the young African students who come to study here. Judging by the expression of most of them on international television, it is not particularly inspiring, even though some of it may have been influenced by immediate events. It is not that we do not know what is needed right now. State governments must be instructed by the Centre to see that African students are assured of their safety and all educational institutions must with immediate effect double-up the attention they devote to their personal needs, which range from housing to food. But it is important that this initiative to welcome our overseas students does not end up as yet another government scheme to be obeyed with sullen passivity and implemented in the letter but not in spirit.

1.What way are suggested by author to end or to reduce racism in India?
1. Immediate steps should be taken.
2. We must bulid a powerful institutions.
3. We must give reference of history.

1).EXPALNATION- according to passage author tells that immediate and small steps should be taken before taking heavy or large steps which takes time.
Answer: A
2. Why the experience of foreign students in India has not always been a happy one?
1. No proper system is developed to solve the problem of racism.
2. University thinks that there is no need of any sytem.
3. Due to racism in India.
2). EXPALNATION- from passage it can be concluded that all the three are correct.
Answer: E
3). According to the passage, What are the differences between India and other English-speaking countries?
1. There is no such racism in English-speaking country as in India.
2. There is special institutional arrangement to solve the concern of Indian students but there is no similar facility in India for foreign students.
3. There is many other facilities in English-speaking countries but no facilities in India for foreign students.
3). EXPALNATION- In passage only institutional arrangement have discussed.
Answer: B
4). According to the passage, what is true regarding Mahatma Gandhi?
1. Bad treatment by English public led Mahatma Gandhi to fight against British Empire.
2. Great affection is showed by British public to Mahatma Gandhi which caused delay in national movement against the British Empire.
3. Mahatma Gandhi was inspired by western thinkers because of good affection showed by British Public to him.
4).EXPALNATION- Only 3 is correct with regards to passage.
Answer: C
5). What are the suggestion given by the author to stop violence and torture against foreign students?
1. Centre must instruct to state government for their safety.
2. Government must pay special attention for their every needs.
3. Government should make strict laws for the security of the foreign students.
5). EXPALNATION- In passage only 1 & 2 are mentioned.
Answer: D
Directions (Question- 06): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
6. Sullen
6). EXPALNATION- Sullen means having bad tempered.
Answer: D
Directions (Questions- 7 to 10): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
7. Flourish
7). EXPALNATION- flourish means to grow
Answer: D
8. Vigorously
8).EXPALNATION- Vigorous means large and robust
Answer: D
9. Assuage
9).EXPALNATION- assuage means make less intense
Answer: D

10. Rambunctious
10). EXPALNATION- Rambunctious means loud and noisy.
Answer: D

Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”. Developing scientific temper is by no means easy. The easiest formula for success in this matter is for a person to become modest in the complete sense of the term. He should see things in an impersonal way, thus giving (11) [them] nature the opportunity to come into play. The workings of nature combined with positive thinking will certainly initiate the desired transformation. Thus it can be said with certainty that a person (12) [be] eminently able to turn his potential into actuality and develop such a personality as will take him towards the goal of super-achievement. Nature, being a master teacher for all human beings, can guide a person in the perfect sense. This is a gift to mankind by the Creator just as eyes and ears are. When a person sees with his eyes, there is no barrier between his eyes and what he sees. But when nature guides a person, he is often unable to accept what is before him due to some bias, complex or prejudice. The result is that nature is unable to perform its task. If, however, you are able to listen to the voice of your nature without any prejudice, just as you hear uninterruptedly with your ears, you will be able to (13) [favour] every opportunity to turn your personality into a developed one. A developed personality is another name for a complex-free personality. One who is complex-free is completely untrammeled by negative thinking. Such a person, being the product of self-development, and not of any automatic process, is (14) [fitted] to maintain his positive thinking in all situations, regardless of how (15) [injurious] they may be.
11. ?
11). The pronoun to be used here should be ‘his’ as per the gender associated in the sentence.
Answer: B
12. ?
12). The correct helping verb to be used here is ‘will be’
Answer: A
13. ?
13). ‘Avail’ means to use. So this will be the right option.
Answer: C
14. ?
14). TAs per the meaning of the sentence, ‘able’ will be used.
Answer: B
15. ?
15).‘Adverse’ means the negative effect, which matches with the meaning of the context.
Answer: C
Directions (16-20):Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e):-
16. They have been demands which(a)/ amount to competitive appeasement(b)/ in the form of subsidies for (c)/ pilgrimages for other faiths. (d)/No Error(e)/.
16). the pronoun ‘they’ is incorrect, ‘there’ will come.
Answer: A
17. Something is rotten in the way we(a)/ treat the jawans who guard our (b)/ borders and other vital(c)/ installations among the country. (d)/No Error(e)/.
17).EXPLANATION.:- In the place of ‘among’, ‘across’ will come.
Answer: D
18. The paramilitary forces perform(a)/ functions critical to the (b)/ country’s security, but have never(c)/ been gave their due. (d)/No Error(e)/.
18).EXPLANATION.:-The tense used in the verb ‘give’ in incorrect. In place of ‘gave’, ‘given’ will come.
Answer: D
19. Those were the days(a)/ when the stronghold of(b)/ patriarchy had kept the (c)/ women beside their toe. (d)/No Error(e)/.
19). EXPLANATION.:- Talking about the preposition ‘beside’, ‘under will come and the pronoun ‘their’ is wrong, ‘its’ will come.
Answer: D
20. By presenting a luring(a)/ budget to such voters–that(b)/ way these voters shall(c)/ get some benefits at least. (d)/No Error(e)/.
20). EXPLANATION.:- In this part of the sentence, the preposition ‘to’ is wrongly used, ‘for’ will come, which means what is intended to.
Answer: B

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Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-9) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 28, 2017 Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-9) : Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good m...

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