Crack English Session (Day-5): Important Tips to Attend Error Spotting with Exercise Questions

June 10, 2017    

Crack English Session (Day-5): Important Tips to Attend Error Spotting with Exercise Questions:
Dear Aspirants, In Today’s Session we are going to discuss about the Important Tips to Attend Error Spotting with Exercise Questions based on usage of PRONOUN. Candidates those who are preparing for upcoming SBI Clerk / IBPS Exams 2017 and all other competitive exams can use this.

PRONOUN is a substitute for noun.
First person
I, Me, My, Mine (singular)
We, Our, Ours, Us (plural)
One who speaks
Second person
You, Your, Yours (singular)
You, Your, Yours (plural)
One who listens or hears
Third person
He, She, It, His, Her (singular)
They, Their, Them (plural)
One who is speak of
1). Personal pronoun: Used in subjective place.
Eg:We are Indians.
My fatheris a farmer.
2). Objective pronoun: used in object place and in passive voice.
Eg: The letter is written by me.
This pen belongs to him.
3). Reflexive pronoun: Used for the sake of emphasis.
Eg: She hurts herself.
You yourself can explain.
4). Possessive pronoun: Used to show possession.
Their, Theirs
Former pronouns like my, our, his, your, her, it, there is followed by a noun whereas, Later pronoun like mine, ours, yours, hers, its, theirs doesn’t.
Eg: This is my book.
This book is mine.
5). Demonstrative pronoun: Used to point out the objects to which they refer.
Eg:This is a present from my aunt.
These are mine and those are yours.
6). Relative pronoun:
Eg: This is the boy who works hard.
All came whom she invited.
7). Indefinite pronoun: Used to persons or things in a general way but do not refer any-body in particular.
Eg; Someone is waiting.
None of his problems is solved.
8). Distributive pronoun: used to refer persons or things at a time.
Each, every, either, neither…
Eg:  Each of the girls sings well.
Neither of the accusations is true.
1. When two or more singular nouns are joined by and refer to
i) Separate persons, the pronoun used for them must be plural.
ii) The same person, the pronoun used for them must be singular.
Eg: Both Manas and Appu showed their fondness for their father.
2. When two singular nouns joined by and preceded by each or every, the pronoun must be singular.
Eg:Every teacher and every student got his dress ready.
3. When two or more singular nouns are joined by, oreither...or , or neither ... nor, the pronoun is generally singular.
Eg:Neither Mani nor Guni has brought his identity card.
4.  When a plural noun and a singular noun are joined by or / nor, the pronoun must be in the plural.
Eg: Neither the father nor his sons cared for their books.
5. When the pronoun stands for a collective noun it must be in the neuter gender and
i) singular number, if the collective noun is viewed as a whole.
ii) plural number, if the collective noun conveys the idea of separate individuals.
Eg: The Committee decided the matter without leaving their seats.         
6. A personal pronoun must be the same number, gender and person as the noun for which it stands.
Eg:Every man must love his own history.
7. When the following verbs are used reflexively, a reflexive pronoun must be put after them: absent, acquit, apply, avail, enjoy, exert, forget, over-reach, pride, resign.
Eg:I absented myself from the class.
8. The following verbs are usually not followed by a reflexive pronoun: bathe, break, burst, feed, form, gather, hide, keep, lengthen, make, move, open, qualify, rest, roll, speed, steal, stop, turn.
Eg: I bathed in the river.
9. A reflexive pronoun cannot be used as a substitute for the subject.
Eg: Mohan and I decided to join politics.
10. In refering to anybody, everybody, everyone, anyone, each, etc the pronoun he or she is used according to the context. But when we are not talking categorically of the females, the pronoun of the masculine gender is used.
Eg: Each can buy whatever he wants with his money.
11. The indefinite pronoun 'one' should be used throughout if used at all.
Eg:One must not boast of one's own success.
12.'Either' or 'Neither' is used only in speaking of two things or persons, 'any', 'no one'and 'none' is used in speaking of more than two.
Eg: Either of these two roads leads to the railway station.
13. 'Each other' is used in speaking of two persons or things;  'one another' is used in speaking of more than two.
Eg: The two brothers loved each other.
All my brothers loved one another.
14. A noun or pronoun governing a Gerund should be put in the possessive case.
Eg: Please excuse my being late.
15. A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number and gender.
Eg:Each of these boys has done his home work.
16. None is used in the singular or plural as the sense may require.
Eg:Each boywas accompanied by an adult but there was none with the Orphan.
17. Anyone should be used when more than two persons or things are spoken of.
Eg: I could not meet anyone of my three brothers at home.
18. A distributive pronoun is used as a singular.
Eg: Either of the choices fits the answer.
19. Each may come after the object of the verb only if the object contains a number.
Eg: The studentshave contributed fifty rupees each.
20. The relative pronoun that has no possessive case.
Eg: The medicine of which alcohol is a component is prohibited for him.
21. The relative pronoun that is preferred to who or which
i) after adjectives in the superlative degree.
ii) after all, same, any, none, nothing, only.
iii) after the antecedents, one denoting a person and the other an animal or  thing.
iv) after the interrogative pronouns who, other places only ‘that’ is used.
Eg: It was the best food that we ever tasted.
22.  After let, if a pronoun is used, that pronoun must be in the objective pronoun.
Eg: Let him go there.
23. When two or more singular pronouns of different persons come together, the pronoun of second person singular (you) comes first, the pronoun of the first person singular (I) comes last and the pronoun of the third person singular (he) comes in between.
Eg:You , he and I must work together.
24. When two or more plural pronouns of different persons come together, the first person plural (we) comes first, then second person plural (you) and last last of all the third person plural (they).
Eg:We, you and they must work together.
25. With superlative degree adjective, only, none, all, etc., as relative pronoun we use that and which or who.
Eg:All that glitters is not gold.
Dear Aspirants, Below we have given some exercise questions which may consist of errors (based on PRONOUN), check whether the statement has error or not if any given your answers in the below comment section.
Exercise Questions:
1.The women demanded her right to live.
2.Sandhya was one of those Miss Universe contestants who attributed her success to her parents.
3.Each book and each pen are costly in their appearance.
4.Either Kishore or Pradip has left behind their cap.
5.He and I have done his duty.
6.It was her who did the cooking.
7.Let we are the bidders at the auction.
8.I have contributed to the team as much as him.
9.My cow gives more milk than his.
10.Each has their own grievances to give voice to.
11.Anyone of the two ministers were not available for comments.
12.The women performed puja each.
13.He is the same man who was arrested yesterday.
14.That what cannot be cured must be endured.

15.Mr.Chakravarthy with his luggage left the town which was heavy with clothes.

Comment your answers below, we will update the answers and explanation shortly…


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Crack English Session (Day-5): Important Tips to Attend Error Spotting with Exercise Questions 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 10, 2017 Crack English Session (Day-5): Important Tips to Attend Error Spotting with Exercise Questions : Dear Aspirants, In Today’s Session we are...

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