Changes Expected In IBPS PO 2017 - New Pattern of Questions!

June 13, 2017    

Dear Readers,
State Bank of India’s recruitment has always been a trendsetter in banking recruitment industry whose footsteps are usually followed by IBPS and other recruiting company in their own modified version. Well, this year’s SBI PO Recruitment’s Common Written Examinations are over where Prelims examination was easier than expectation on the other hand Mains examination was the toughest of SBI’s hardest hits taken by aspirants. Yes, even this year SBI has set up new industry standards for recruitment of Probationary Officers in Banking Industry.
Now after SBI exam is over it is the time that every person aspiring to start a career in banking take a note of the changes it brought in the Mains examination to have a head start and proper plan for IBPS PO 2017. According to IBPS’s Tentative Calendar for PSBs and RRBs Preliminary and Mains Exam for IBPS PO recruitment will take place tentatively in the month of October and November respectively. This leaves you with a good amount of time to tap it into your benefit….so don’t wait for a day longer to start with IBPS PO preparation.
SBI PO Mains exam added on to the list of the new pattern for banking recruitment CWEs. Data Analysis and Interpretation was especially challenging section among all. English section also did put up a tough fight will many questions catering to higher order thinking level. In the toughest exam so far for banking recruitment of 2017 following were the takeaways that you must keep in mind while preparing for IBPS exam.

English Section

The difficulty level of this section seems ever increasing with every recruitment exam to aspirants, but don’t worry with correct practice you can get through this section. Now-a-days the approach is more towards practical usage so always stay prepared for the unexpected. After all English is a language and essentially there are two most important aspects of a language its syntax and semantics. If you improve and work on your vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and comprehension skills you can easily deal with any new pattern question.
In SBI PO Mains 2017 following were new pattern questions or changes in conventional questions introduced this year:
Reading Comprehension: The pattern of RC is not so drastically changed. They’ve just written Paragraph1, Pragraph2, etc before each para of the RC and each RC had a set of 5 question with no question based on vocabulary.One new question of paragraph connector was introduced, for example: Which of the following statements can follow paragraph 4 to form a connection with paragraph 5?
Sentence Formation:  In this type, four statements were given in the question and candidate has to identify which among the given option is the answer where all those parts are connected to a complete, meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
Error Detection:  In SBI PO Mains there 4 questions of conventional error detection question and 4 questions for a new pattern of error detection. The new format was essentially the same as the conventional one where you have to identify the error in a part of the sentence but here it was presented in a much-twisted way, which led to the tendency of confusion in aspirants. 
A sentence was divided into three parts and in the question itself, they separately gave improved phrases for all those three parts (I), (II) and (III). Now the candidates have to identify if the error was in Ist part or in two parts or in all parts and the improvement provided for the first, second, or third part is correct or no correction is required in any part and the given sentence if grammatically correct. 
Phrase Interpretation: In this type of question a phrase was marked as bold in a sentence and three definitions to that phrase were provided separately. The candidate has to identify the correct interpretation of that phrase among the given options.
Double Fillers: There are two blanks in each of the two sentences given in the question and the candidate have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct.  
Passage Inference: This question of passage inference was in reverse order, where they already provided with the inference (phrase) in the question itself and candidates have to identify the correct passage among the given options from where it was inferred.
Sentence Rearrangement:  These questions of Jumbled sentences also required candidates to apply some logical skills where they asked questions as if a particular sentence if the last sentence then which of the following does not fit the context of passage; or then what will be the order of rearrangement.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: English Language

  • Develop Reading Habits and read newspaper daily to improve comprehension skills
  • Improve Vocabulary for Fillers and Cloze test questions
  • Learn English Grammar Rules related to all parts of speech 
  • Memorize all important phrasal verbs 
  • learn all the different type of sentence structures, e.g. Conditionals etc.  
  • For Sentence Rearrangement, learn the connecting words, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases.  
  • For new pattern questions, always read the directions twice, If the direction is clear then you can easily answer the questions. 

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Quant section was too lengthy and calculative for most of the candidates as even the questions of Data Interpretation were topic based- Time and Work, Profit and Loss. Many aspirants felt that this was the toughest section among all in SBI PO Mains 2017 exam. Now clearly candidates cannot think of escaping from the concepts and practice of miscellaneous arithmetic part as apart from arithmetic questions you can also get topic based data interpretation.
Topic Based Data Interpretation: Usually DI were based on concepts of Percentage, Average, Ratio but this time in SBI PO Mains 2017 DI was based on Time and Work and Profit and Loss.
Advanced level of Probability:  The level of probability questions was advanced as compared to the conventional probability questions asked in bank recruitment exams.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: Quantitative Aptitude

  • Tables, squares, cubes, sq. roots and cube roots.
  • Develop the ability of speedy calculation to save time.
  • Learn formulas and techniques for arithmetic portion - Time and Work, Speed Distance and Time, Upstream-Downstream, Percentage, Ratio, Average, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on trains, problem on ages.
  • Practice tough level questions of Probability, Permutation and Combination 

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude

First of all, there were no questions of Computer aptitude and some more new pattern reasoning questions were introduced in SBI PO Mains 2017. This can be your clue as what to practice for IBPS exam.
Diagram based Input Output questions:Rather than the conventional machine input-output question this year SBI surprised students with a diagrammatic input-output question where candidates themselves had to deduce the logic and relation from figures/ numbers in the diagram and infer the process of transition from one step to the next.
Puzzles: The number of puzzles and seating arrangement has increased as even direction based questions were in form of a puzzle. This year SBI introduced a calculation based puzzle which required students to have speedy calculation as it was lengthy. It is a tough call at exam time to choose what to attempt and what to leave. If such out of the box questions are too much to take it is a wise decision to skip them. But do practice them thoroughly for upcoming exams as you must be prepared to face the toughest of challenges.
Coding-Decoding:This time coding decoding was time based which also required some basic calculation to solve the questions.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: Reasoning Ability

  • Improve your calculation speed and accuracy.
  • Practice with High Level Puzzles and Seating Arrangement questions.
  • Develop higher order thinking skills.
  • Practice Logical Reasoning Question, Direction Sense Questions, Blood Relation,  Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-Output.
Start your IBPS PO preparation 2017 now, as now you have around 3 months to complete your preparation and get that 1 seat in IBPS recruitment to kick start your career as Probationary Officer in Banking Sector.
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Changes Expected In IBPS PO 2017 - New Pattern of Questions! 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 13, 2017 Dear Readers, State Bank of India’s recruitment has always been a trendsetter in banking recruitment industry whose footsteps are usually ...

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