Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.
1.Proximity (noun)Meaning: nearness in space, time, or relationship.
Synonyms: closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity
Example: Turkey’s position on Kashmir has traditionally reflected its proximity to Pakistan, guided by the links between the two military establishments.
2.Overturn (verb)
Meaning: abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.).
Synonyms: cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw, take back, rule against, disallow, override, overrule, veto, set aside, quash, overthrow.
Example: According to Mr. Ghosh, Mr. Modi’s electoral victory in 2014 was reminiscent of Mr. Erdoğan becoming Prime Minister when his Justice and Development Party (AKP) won in 2002; in both cases, their parties associated with religious organisations had overturned long standing ‘secular-nationalist elites’.
3.Coterminous (adjective)
Meaning: having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning.
Example: The proposed changes permit Mr. Erdoğan to get two terms of five years each after the 2019 elections, appoint at will vice-presidents and cabinet members and 12 out of 15 supreme court judges, abolish the post of prime minister, provides for simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections and coterminous tenures, enlarges the parliament to 600 seats while reducing the minimum age of candidacy for parliament to 18 years.
4.Relegate (verb)
Meaning: assign an inferior rank or position to.
Synonyms: downgrade, lower, lower in rank or status, put down, move down;
Example: The doctrine is a bold announcement, but without the necessary elements in place, it will remain just another document like the policy formulations enunciated earlier. Or worse, it will be relegated to being another political slogan for popular resonance rather than send out a message of intent beyond Indian borders and shores.
5.Discrepancy (noun)
Meaning: an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence, disagreement, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, mismatch, lack of similarity, contrariety.
Example: Last week, we got a set of queries from readers pointing out discrepancies in two reports pertaining to the crisis in sand quarrying in Tamil Nadu. R. Vidyasagar, an engineer from Chennai, highlighted two differing figures, both in the number of quarries in the State and functional quarries.
6.Verbatim (adverb & adjective)
Meaning: in exactly the same words as were used originally.
Synonyms: word for word, letter for letter, line for line, to the letter, literally, exactly, precisely, in every detail, closely, faithfully, religiously, rigorously, punctiliously, with strict attention to detail, strictly.
Example: The public broadcaster, NPR, has a rule: “attribute everything.” It says: “Attribute, attribute and attribute some more. No material from another source should ever be included verbatim, or substantially so, without attribution… When in doubt, err on the side of attributing — that is, make it very clear where we’ve gotten our information (or where the organization we give credit to has gotten its information).”
7.Disseminate (verb)
Meaning: spread (something, especially information) widely.
Synonyms: spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, communicate, pass on, make known, put about.
Example: It avoids the risk of having the newspapers used to disseminate material for which the author is unwilling to take public responsibility.”
8.Usher (verb)
Meaning: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
Synonyms: escort, accompany, help, assist, take, show, see, lead, show someone the way, lead the way, conduct, guide, steer, pilot, shepherd, convoy
Example: Just beyond the block is a Jhuggi Jhopri (squatter settlement) cluster where heaps of garbage mixed with sludge drawn from drains and leaking water taps marks the entry to the settlement. Although he has no formal position, the Pradhan or cluster leader is ushered in to meet us.
9.Sludge (noun)
Meaning: thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and solid components, especially the product of an industrial or refining process.
Synonyms: mud, muck, mire, ooze, silt, alluvium, dirt, slime, slush, slurry.
Example: Just beyond the block is a Jhuggi Jhopri (squatter settlement) cluster where heaps of garbage mixed with sludge drawn from drains and leaking water taps marks the entry to the settlement.
Meaning: open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument.
Example: Citizen’s perception of public services provided by the rural governance institutions in India is very clear. Indian cities, however, have a far messier governance structure where the larger question of what urban citizens respond to and how their demands are met remains ambiguous.
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