The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017

May 6, 2017    

Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.

1.Predominance (noun)
Meaning: the state or condition of being greater in number or amount.
Synonyms: prevalence, dominance, greater number/amount, preponderance, majority.
Example: CNA and Kamaraj were very different individuals but they shared this in common: both had a presence, they did not seek predominance.
2.Momentous (adjective)
Meaning: of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future
Synonyms: important, significant, epoch-making, historic, apocalyptic, headline,fateful, portentous, critical, crucial, vital, life-and-death, decisive, pivotal,serious, grave, weighty, consequential, big, great, far-reaching, life-changing, of importance, of moment, of significance,
Example: This year is therefore the golden anniversary of a momentous victory and of a memorable defeat. And,  its ‘beauty’ lies in this that, 50 years on, neither CNA nor Kamaraj look like adversaries. In fact, they stand on a common plinth: integrity of purpose, steadfastness of belief, a commitment to their causes as distinct from personal glory.
3.Chronological (adjective)
Meaning: (of a record of events) following the order in which they occurred.
Synonyms: sequential, consecutive, in sequence, in order of time, in order, ordered,
progressive, serial; historical
Example:There was a third ‘major’ to the 1967 scene. C. Rajagopalachari was 89 that year, his Swatantra Party was eight. And despite that chronological oddity, the new party did remarkably well in those elections together with its regional ally, the DMK.
4.Propulsion (noun)
Meaning: the action of driving or pushing forwards.
Synonyms: thrust, motive force, propelling force, impelling force, impetus, impulse,drive, driving force, actuation, push, surge, pressure, momentum, power
Example:As Phule and Ambedkar ignited the propulsion for a casteless order nationally, Periyar and Anna quickened a vital Tamil tide towards it.
5.Lamentation (noun)
Meaning: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.
Synonyms: weeping, wailing, crying, sobbing, moaning, moan, sob, wail, lament, sorrow,
complaint, keening, grief, grieving, mourning,
Example:The coiling up of the movement into a series of internal power struggles, turning into schismatic power tussles and then breaking up into self-atomising power squabbles is a matter for lamentation, no less.
6.Tinker (verb)
Meaning: attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way.
Synonyms: try to mend/improve, work amateurishly on, fiddle with, play (about/around)
with, toy with, trifle with, dally with, dabble with, potter about with, fool about/around with;
Example: At the core of this distrust of tinkering politicians and their experts lies a very
basic fact: finance capital is out of control and most politicians are unwilling to
face up to it.
7.Meticulously (adverb)
Meaning: in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly.
Example: At a general level, we can promote cleanliness if we tackle the problem sensibly,without involving a corrupt administration.  For instance, while on a visit to
Amritsar from Chandigarh by train, I found two meticulously clean spots: the Golden
Temple and a small rail station on the way named Beas. Incidentally, both places are
well maintained by devotees.
8.Imbibe (verb)
Meaning: absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge).
synonyms: assimilate, absorb, soak up, take in, digest, ingest, drink in, learn,acquire, grasp, gain, pick up, familiarize oneself with
Example: Civic sense should be imbibed in children at a formative age. They should also be taught about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.  Spitting on roads and
littering in public places should be discouraged  by constantly educating the public.One of the main causes for the spread of various diseases in  urban areas is due tothe large accumulation of  filth.
9.Notwithstanding (preposition)
Meaning: in spite of.
synonyms: in spite of, despite, regardless of, for all
Example: The fall of the Soviet Union shook their ideological confidence. Instead of rethinking their approach to make themselves relevant, they too joined the bandwagon of ‘there is no alternative’ and started following neoliberal policies notwithstanding the occasional noises made against imperialism and finance capital.
10.Bonhomie (noun)
Meaning: cheerful friendliness; geniality.
synonyms: geniality, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, affability, amiability,sociability, friendliness, warmth, warm-heartedness, good nature, good humour,joviality, cheerfulness, good cheer, cheeriness, jollity, happiness
Example:It is foolhardy on India’s part to expect any bonhomie from Turkey (“The long arc to Ankara”, May 5). India’s close ties with  Russia along with its warmth towards the Cyprus President, and Vice President Hamid Ansari’s visit to Armenia are sure to discomfort Turkey.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 6, 2017 Dear Students, we are providing to you  Vocabulary Words  from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In ...

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