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Today we are providing The Hindu Vocabulary for BOB PO and other bank examsalong with the way how you have to work upon improving your vocabulary. Being good at vocabulary helps you not only with objective paper but also the descriptive paper of any competitive examination. Pick up a few lines from any newspaper and mark all the words you are unfamiliar to. Write down a word's meaning, synonyms and antonyms. Learn them all and move to the next word. Here are a few lines from The Hindu...
Example: I dipped his baby spoon in the baby bowl and shovelled into his mouth a spoonful of the amorphous white goop that babies eat.
1. Shovel [shuhv-uh l]
Noun: an implement consisting of a broad blade or scoop attached to a long handle, used for taking up, removing, or throwing loose matter, as earth, snow, or coal, any fairly large contrivance or machine with a broad blade or scoop for taking up or removing loose matter.
Verb (used with object): to take up and cast or remove with a shovel; to gather up in large quantity roughly or carelessly with or as if with a shovel; to dig or clear with or as if with a shovel.
Synonyms: trowel, scoop.
2. Amorphous [uh-mawr-fuh s]
Adjective: lacking definite form, having no specific shape, formless, having no pattern or structure, unorganized
Synonyms: nebulous, vague, baggy, blobby, characterless, formless, inchoate, indeterminate, irregular, nondescript, shapeless.
Antonyms: definite, distinct, distinctive, shaped, shapely.
3. Goop [goop]
Noun: i. A viscous or sticky substance; goo.
ii. A bad-mannered or inconsiderate person; clod; boor.
Synonyms: broth, juice, vapor, aqua, chaser, cooler, goo, liquor, solution,
Antonyms: solid.
Example:I’m appalled at the recent brouhaha over efforts to revive the ancient Indian tradition of garbh sanskar.
4. Appall or appal [uh-pawl]
Verb (used with object): to fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or fear; dismay.
Synonyms: alarm, amaze, astound, awe, consternate, daunt, disconcert, dishearten, dismay, faze, frighten.
Antonyms: comfort, encourage, reassure, satisfy.
5. Brouhaha [broo-hah-hah, broo-hah-hah, broo-hah-hah]
Noun: excited public interest, discussion, or the like, as the clamour attending some sensational event; hullabaloo; an episode involving excitement, confusion, turmoil, etc., especially a broil over a minor or ridiculous cause.
Synonyms: fracas, melee, ado, row, to-do, setto.
Antonyms: peace
Example:"Sea route is far more cost effective and we are moving towards that direction when more and more cargo will be ferried through the sea route," Mr Modi said.
6. Cargo [kahr-goh]
Noun: the lading or freight of a ship, airplane, etc; load; cargos, pants or shorts having several cargo pockets to hold bulky gear and small items.
Adjective: of or denoting a style of pants or shorts with cargo pockets.
Synonyms: consignment, freight, goods, load, merchandise, payload, shipment, burden, contents, haul, lading.
7. Ferry [fer-ee]
Noun: a commercial service with terminals and boats for transporting persons, automobiles, etc., across a river or other comparatively small body of water; a ferryboat; a service for flying airplanes over a particular route, especially the delivery of airplanes to an overseas purchaser or base of operations; the legal right to ferry passengers, cargo, etc., and to charge for the service.
Verb (used with object): to carry or convey back and forth over a fixed route in a boat or plane; to fly (an airplane) over a particular route, especially for delivery.
Verb (used without object): to go in a ferry.
Synonyms: barge, ferryboat, packet, packet boat, passage boat.
Example: India’s sustained engagement with Africa has got a fresh impetus under the Narendra Modi government’s watch.
8. Sustain [suh-steyn]
Verb (used with object):to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure; to bear (a burden, charge, etc.); to undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding; to keep (a person, the mind, the spirits, etc.) from giving way, as under trial or affliction; to keep up or keep going, as an action or process; to supply with food, drink, and other necessities of life; to provide for (an institution or the like) by furnishing means or funds.
Synonyms: assist, bolster, buoy, continue, defend, help, nurse, preserve, save, aid, approve, back, bankroll, bear.
Antonyms: harm, hinder, hurt, obstruct, stop, abbreviate, condemn, contradict, deny, deprive, disagreed, isapprove, discourage, disprove, hold, ignore, injure.
9. Impetus [im-pi-tuh s]
Noun: a moving force; impulse; stimulus; (broadly) the momentum of a moving body, especially with reference to the cause of motion.
Synonyms: catalyst, impulse, incentive, momentum, motivation, stimulant, energy, goad, impulsion, incitation, incitement, power.
Antonyms: block, discouragement, check, hindrance.
Example: "Therefore, the cornerstone of our cooperation is voluntary partnership... demand-driven and devoid of any conditionalities," Mr. Jaitley said.
10. Cornerstone [kawr-ner-stohn]
Noun:a stone uniting two masonry walls at an intersection; a stone representing the nominal , ting place in the construction of amonumental building, usually carved with the date and laid with appropriate ceremonies; something that is essential, indispensable, or basic; the chief foundation on which something is constructed or developed.
Synonyms: essential, foundation, keystone, linchpin, mainstay, pillar, anchor, base, mainspring, key element, main ingredient.
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