The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017

May 14, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam
Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.
1.Tussle (noun)
Meaning: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.
Synonyms: scuffle, fight, struggle, skirmish, brawl, scrimmage, scramble, scrum, fisticuffs, wrestling match, rough and tumble, free-for-all, fracas, fray, rumpus, melee, disturbance.
Example: The tussle with the judiciary and the frivolous use of impeachment makes any understanding with the opposition prior to the elections even more unlikely. 

2.Reciprocal (adjective)
Meaning: given, felt, or done in return.
Synonyms: given/felt in return, corresponding;
Example: The Indian government may have other ideas on reciprocal actions. 
3.Rabid (adjective)
Meaning: having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.
synonyms: extreme, fanatical, overzealous, over-enthusiastic, extremist, violent, maniacal, wild, passionate, fervent, die-hard, uncompromising.
Example: Somehow we have created a binary in which there are only two opposing groups — those in mainland India who consider Kashmiris to be pro-Pakistan Wahhabis who support terrorism, and those in the Valley who consider Indians to be rabid communalists.
4.Traitorous (adjective)
Meaning: relating to or characteristic of a traitor; treacherous.
synonyms: treacherous, disloyal, treasonous, back-stabbing.
Example: But our failure to seize windows for political reconciliation has played into Pakistani hands and it is doing so again, while we waste our time in futile debates about who is more nationalist amongst Indians and who is more traitorous amongst Kashmiris.
5.Propulsion (noun)
Meaning: the action of driving or pushing forwards.
Synonyms: thrust, motive force, propelling force, impelling force, impetus, impulse,drive, driving force, actuation, push, surge, pressure, momentum, power
Example: As Phule and Ambedkar ignited the propulsion for a casteless order nationally, Periyar and Anna quickened a vital Tamil tide towards it.
6.Lamentation (noun)
Meaning: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.
Synonyms: weeping, wailing, crying, sobbing, moaning, moan, sob, wail, lament, sorrow,
complaint, keening, grief, grieving, mourning,
Example: The coiling up of the movement into a series of internal power struggles, turning into schismatic power tussles and then breaking up into self-atomising power squabbles is a matter for lamentation, no less.
7.Tinker (verb)
Meaning: attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way.
Synonyms: try to mend/improve, work amateurishly on, fiddle with, play (about/around)
with, toy with, trifle with, dally with, dabble with, potter about with, fool about/around with;
Example: At the core of this distrust of tinkering politicians and their experts lies a very
basic fact: finance capital is out of control and most politicians are unwilling to
face up to it.
8.Subservient (adjective)
Meaning: prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
synonyms: submissive, deferential, acquiescent, compliant, accommodating, obedient, dutiful, duteous, biddable, yielding, meek, docile, ductile, pliant, passive, unassertive, spiritless, subdued, humble, timid, mild.
Example: He refused to accept that the makers of the Constitution ever intended that Fundamental Rights should be subservient to Directive Principles of State Policy; rather (he said) they visualised a society where rights in Part IV and aspirations in Part IV would co-exist in harmony — “A succeeding generation might view the relative importance of the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles in a  different light or from a different perspective.
9.Eminent (adjective)
Meaning: (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere.
synonyms: illustrious, distinguished, renowned, esteemed, pre-eminent, notable, noteworthy, great, prestigious, important, significant, influential, outstanding, noted.
Example: Fali S. Nariman is an eminent lawyer, constitutional jurist and a former nominated Member of the Rajya Sabha.
10.Proximity (noun)
Meaning: nearness in space, time, or relationship.
Synonyms: closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity
Example: Turkey’s position on Kashmir has traditionally reflected its proximity to Pakistan, guided by the links between the two military establishments.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 14, 2017 Dear Students, we are providing to you  Vocabulary Words  from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In ca...

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