The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017

May 13, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam
Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.

1.Egregious (adjective)
Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking.
Example: India’s main contention is that Pakistan had committed “egregious violations” of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by repeatedly denying consular access to Jadhav for over a year.

2.Appellate (adjective)
Meaning: (especially of a court) concerned with or dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed.
Example: His family members have not been issued visas to travel to Pakistan and help him pursue appellate remedies.
3.Adjudication (noun)
Meaning: the action or process of adjudicating., a formal judgement on a disputed matter.
synonyms: arbitration, refereeing, umpiring.
Example: New Delhi’s position is that Jadhav is innocent and that he was “kidnapped” by Pakistani agents from Iran.
4.Incongruous (adjective)
Meaningnot in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
synonyms: out of place, out of keeping, inappropriate, unsuitable, unsuited, not in harmony.
ExampleOn the face of it, India’s decision to move the ICJ may appear somewhat incongruous in the light of its position against internationalizing its disputes with Pakistan. 
5.Precipitate (verb)
Meaningcause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.
synonyms: bring about, bring on, cause, lead to, occasion, give rise to, trigger, spark, touch off, provoke, hasten, accelerate, expedite, speed up, advance, quicken, push forward, further, instigate, induce.
ExampleWhile Pakistan is free to cite legal and technical points in its favour, it hardly requires iteration that it should avoid any precipitate move that would frustrate the ongoing proceedings before the ICJ. Pakistan’s adherence to international law will be under test.
6.Reshuffle (verb)
Meaninginterchange the positions of (members of a team, especially government ministers).
synonyms: reorganize, restructure, change, change around, change the line-up of, shake up, rearrange, interchange, shuffle, regroup, rejig, redistribute.
ExampleThe recent cabinet reshuffle in Odisha by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik seems to be clearly aimed at preparing his Biju Janata Dal (BJD) for the impending clash with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the 2019 Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in the State. 
7.Surmount (verb)
Meaningovercome (a difficulty or obstacle).
synonyms: overcome, conquer, get over, prevail over, triumph over, get the better of, beat, vanquish, master.
ExampleThe obstacles Goswami has had to surmount, though, are perhaps  more formidable than what Gavaskar had to counter, in the sense that hers is also a contest against a patriarchal system steeped in gender prejudices.
8.Turnaround (noun)
Meaningan abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favourable situation.
ExampleThis in itself is a remarkable turnaround for a sport that even at the beginning of the new millennium banked on the players to sustain themselves more than any other sports federation. 
9.Vantage (noun)
Meaninga place or position affording a good view of something.
synonyms: point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, stance, stand, view, opinion, position, way of thinking, frame of mind, outlook, perspective, angle, slant
ExampleA cool breeze blows over you belying the sultry May weather as you perch atop a 70-m, 300-tonne gantry crane at Cochin Shipyard. From this vantage position, everything appears dwarfed down below.
10.Intimidation (noun)
Meaningthe action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated.
synonyms: frightening, menacing, terrifying, scaring, alarming, terrorization, terrorizing, cowing, subduing, daunting, unnerving.
ExampleThe beast that is the INS Vikrant towers over you with a hint of intimidation as you enter the gangway, which leads further to the expansive aircraft hangar that straddles a few levels.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI and BOI PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 13, 2017 Dear Students, we are providing to you  Vocabulary Words  from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In ca...

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