Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Sentence Improvement & Cloze Test)

May 4, 2017    

Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Fill Ups)
[Dated: 4th May] Practice English Questions for Upcoming SBI PO Exam 2017 (Sentence Improvement & Cloze Test) Set-131
Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming  Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.
Directions (Q. 1-5):In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its parts in bold. To make the sentence grammatically and idiomatically correct, you have to replace the bold part with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give e) as your answer (lie No correction required).
1).He advised him to never mess on with his boss's friends.
a)   mess up with
b)   mess around with
c)   mess into with
d)   mess to
e)   No correction required
2).If Pakistan inflicts injuries on India, the costs are going to be far heavier for them, said the minister.
a)   more heavy
b)   more heavier
c)   far heavy
d)   heavy
e)   No correction required
3).SEBI's new rules for rating agencies focus mainly on operating procedures; what's needed are checks on conflict in interest.
a)   conflict of
b)   conflict or
c)   conflict for
d)   conflict against
e)   No correction required
4).The incident that has evoked chilling reminders of fake encounters in Gujarat has stressed the need to human the police force.
a)   need of humanised
b)   needful human in
c)   needs to humane
d)   need to humanise
e)   No correction required
5).The BRICS summit in Goa has had a salutation effect.
a)   has a saluting
b)   have a salutary
c)   had a salutary
d)   to be a salutation
e)   No correction required
Directions (Q. 6-10):In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. For each blank five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
 Finalizing the central GST law in a sensible fashion is not easy. Industrial states are still (6) upon getting their (7) of flesh from the manufacturing that takes place in their (8). While the 1% on (9) salts has (10) been dropped, some states are lobbying to retain that tax on consignment transfers across state boundaries. This is a bad idea. Especially when it comes to services.
a)   rigid
b)   deciding
c)   rested
d)   bent
e)   thinking
a)   amount
b)   pound
c)   part
d)   kilo
e)   dish
a)   territory
b)   district
c)   locality
d)   land
e)   soil
a)   whole
b)   real
c)   internal
d)   larger
e)   interstate
a)   unlikely
b)   not
c)   sensibly
d)   forcibly
e)   always
1). b)   2). e)   3). a)   4). d)   5). c)   6). d)   7). b)   8). a)   9). e)   10). c)    

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Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Sentence Improvement & Cloze Test) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 4, 2017 [Dated: 4th May]  Practice English Questions for  Upcoming SBI PO Exam 2017  ( Sentence Improvement & Cloze Test ) Set-131 Dear Reader...

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