Percentage quiz for SSC Exams

May 9, 2017    

Dear Readers, We are providing you a Quant Quiz for  SSC CGL Mains, SSC CHSL, Railway exams based on previous papers.

1. In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The number of students above 8 years of age is 66 2/3% of the number of students of 8 years age which is 96. What is the total number of students in the school?
(a) 172
(b) 180
(c) 200
(d) 190

2. A sum of Rs 731 is distributed among A, B and C, such that A receives 25% more than B and B receives 25% less than C. What is C’s share in the amount?
(a)Rs 172       
(b)Rs 200       
(c)Rs 262
(d)Rs 272
3. Mr. Jones gave 40% of the money he had, to his wife. He also gave 20% of the remaining amount to each of his three sons. Half of the amount now left was spent on miscellaneous items and the remaining amount of Rs. 12,000 was deposited in the bank. How much money did Mr. Jones have initially?
(a) 120000
(b) 110000
(c) 100000
(d) 150000

4. Milk contains 5% water. What quantity of pure milk should be added to 10 litres of milk to reduce this to 2%?
(a) 5 litres 
(b) 7 litres
(c) 15 litres
(d) Cannot be determined

5. If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its base is increased by 40%, what will be the effect on its area?
(a) No change 
(b) 16% increase
(c) 8% increase
(d) 16% decrease

6. Given that 10% of A’s income = 15% of B’s income = 20% of C’s income. If sum of their income is Rs. 7800, then B’s income is:
(a) Rs. 3600
(b) Rs. 3000
(c) Rs. 2400
(d) Rs. 1800

7. The market price of a watch is Rs. 800. A shopkeeper gives two successive discounts and sells the watch for Rs. 612. If the first discount is 10%, then the second discount is:
(a) 12%
(b) 20%
(c) 15%
(d) 10%

8. If 20% of an electricity bill is deducted, then Rs. 100 as still to be paid. How much was the original bill? 
(a) Rs. 110
(b) Rs. 115
(c) Rs. 120
(d) Rs. 125

9. The price of cooking oil has increased by 25%. The percentage of reduction that a family should effect in the use of cooking oil, so as not to increase the expenditure on this account is:
(a) 15%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 30%

10. Krishnamurthy earns Rs. 15000 per month and spends 80% of it. Due to pay revision, his monthly income has increased by 20% but due to price rise, he has to spend 20% more. His new savings are:
(a) Rs. 3,400
(b) Rs. 3,000
(c) Rs. 3,600
(d) Rs. 4,000











Percentage quiz for SSC Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 9, 2017 Dear Readers, We are providing you a Quant Quiz for  SSC CGL Mains, SSC CHSL, Railway exams based on previous papers. 1. In a certain s...

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