NCERT LDC 2016 Result Out

May 24, 2017    

Dear Readers,

National Council Of Educational Research & Training(NCERT) has released the result for the Post of LDC(Lower Division Clerk). The written exam was held on 4th December 2016.

Typing Skill Test will be held from 5th June 2017 to 9th June 2017.

A candidate is required to report at 8.30 am on the day of the type test. 

Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200 with Grade pay of Rs.1900/-

Note: Typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi corresponding to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depression for each word is required to qualify the skill test.

Instructions for the Typing Test:-
  • Type test will be of 10 Minutes durations. The candidate can uniformly opt for one language only i.e. English in Times New Roman or Hindi in Unicode/Krutidev/Mangal font. The candidate will begin on saying 4 START and will finish on saying STOP. Not following instructions of the invigilator will disqualify the candidate.
  • The candidate will type his/her name, father’s name and the Roll No in the space provided in the test paper before beginning the test only on first page. On rest pages the candidate will fill required columns with pen after completion of the test.
  • The candidate and both the invigilators will sign all the pages of the type test after completion of type test.
  • Use of Short cut Keys of the computer is strictly prohibited and the use of short cut keys will disqualify the candidate.
  • The candidate will not touch any setting/ icon in the computer. Touching/shifting of these settings/icons will disqualify the candidate.
  • Copy/paste will disqualify the candidature.
  • There is no scope of auto correction in the test.
  • English typing is to be done on 12 pt. Font in 1.5 line spacing.
  • Hindi typing is to be done on 16 pt. the font in double space.
  • The candidate has to type the paragraphs as have been given in the test paper. Even if any word/letter is written wrongly in our text paper, it is to be typed in the same way. Correcting the text/letter/word by the candidate will be treated as a mistake in typing. Spacing between the words will have to be same as has been provided in our paper. Every key depression mistake will be counted as equal to two words (10 KPD) error and will be subtracted from the total speed to determine the final net speed.
  • If a candidate types the whole text provided to the candidate, he/she may start again from the start of the paragraph in the remaining time.

NCERT LDC 2016 Result Out 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 24, 2017 Dear Readers, National Council Of Educational Research & Training(NCERT) has released the result for the Post of LDC(Lower Division...

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