Input : 48 Kumble 21 Zaheer 65 Dhoni 32 Ashwin 90 Yuvaraj 73 Virat
Step I : Yuvaraj 48 Kumble 21 Zaheer 65 Dhoni 32 Ashwin 90 73 Virat
Step II : Yuvaraj 48 Kumble 21 Zaheer 65 Dhoni 32 Ashwin 73 Virat 90
Step III : Yuvaraj Ashwin 48 Kumble 21 Zaheer 65 Dhoni 32 73 Virat 90
Step IV : Yuvaraj Ashwin 48 Kumble Zaheer 65 Dhoni 32 73 Virat 21 90
Step V : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer 48 Kumble 65 Dhoni 32 73 Virat 21 90
Step VI : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer 48 Kumble 65 Dhoni 73 Virat 32 21 90
Step VII : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer Virat 48 Kumble 65 Dhoni 73 32 21 90
Step VIII : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer Virat Kumble 48 65 Dhoni 73 32 21 90
Step IX : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer Virat Kumble 48 Dhoni 65 73 32 21 90
Step X : Yuvaraj Ashwin Zaheer Virat Kumble Dhoni 48 65 73 32 21 90
Step X is the last step of the arrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, Find out appropriate answer for the each question for the given input.
Input : 35 Burger 49 Pizza 62 Noodles 50 Biryani 71 Franky 27 Omelet
Ques 1. If Burger and Biryani in step VI get interchanged, then what will be the position of Burger?
A. 5th from the right end
B. 7th from the right end
C. 7th from the left end
D. Both A and C
E. None of these

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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/05/machine-inputoutput-quiz-with-solution.html
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