Inspector (Department of post) - SSC CGL Job Responsibilities, Duties and Nature of Work

May 20, 2017    

Hello, Greeting!! 

Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Notice is out and Now It is time to shed a light on all the posts of SSC CGL Exam. Most of the time students are not aware of the job profile and job nature, and they end up filling wrong preferences. So, This Article can save one or two years of your precious life. What We felt in these years is that there is little information available to aspirants about job profile. Whatever information is available on the internet is either too rosy or too gloomy. Hence, they do not present the actual scene. For every job to consider fit for yourself, first you need to know the pros and cons of that post and then evaluate them according to your personality, requirement, family life etc. Keep in mind that value for particular pros and cons also changes individually. For example, the value of exposure may not be the same for all people. Similarly, the value of Posting in the home state may not have same for all. So, evaluate pros and cons attached to every post and then decide carefully. Without evaluating at true level aspirants opt wrongly and then they have to appear for the exam next year. 

In this article, Detail will be provided for the Post/Job offered by SSC Under

Department of Post

Postcode: P
Group B 
Job Responsibilities: 
  • There are 2 or more postal divisions in a district and Inspector of posts is there with every postal division.
  • You will be in charge of about 60-70 post offices within your subdivision. 
  • You will be either posted as Sub-divisional Inspector or IP-PG(Public Grievance). 
  • The Postal inspector goes to canvass people for getting Postal Life Insurance and also have to acquire a huge sum for the department.
  • You will be appointing authority for GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks).
  • You will be assisted by two Mail overseers in your work.
You will be eligible for departmental promotion exam after completion of 5 years to become an Assistant Superintendent of Post (ASP) which is a Group B non-gazetted post.

 The hierarchy is as follows:
  • Assistant Superintendent of Post
  • Postal Superintendent
  • Senior Superintendent of the post with a Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 
  • Senior Superintendent of the post with a Grade Pay of Rs. 6600.
  • It’s a good post for promotions.
Salary and Allowances:
  • You will be given separate office and a monthly allowance for internet and telephone (Rs 750). 
  • Also, You will be provided with a laptop.
  • Your travelling expenses will be reimbursed.
  • Pay Band of 9300-34800.
  • Grade Pay - 4600.
Inspector (Department of post) - SSC CGL Job Responsibilities, Duties and Nature of Work 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 20, 2017 Hello, Greeting!!  CLICK HERE FOR SSC CGL 2017 NOTICE  Dear Students,  SSC CGL 2017 Notice  is out and Now It is time to shed a light ...

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