English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spot)

May 5, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
[Dated: 5th May] English Practice Questions with Explanation (Error SpotSet-48:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Directions (Q 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1). A.Rajesh did not like leaving his old parents alone in the house but he had no alternative as he has to go out to work.
B. Experience in Japan, the United States and Europe shows that a straightforward legal approach to ensure equal rights and opportunities can be take a century or more.
C.A week after a fire broke out in the Deonar dumping ground in Mumbai, fire in smaller pockets continue to blaze.
D.The throwaway nature of the remarks brings into question how many of this is innuendo, how much bluster, and how much doctrine.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only D  
c)   Both B & D
d)   Both C & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
2).A. A large congregation of butterflies North Dark Blue Tiger, Common Crow and Double banded Crow will begin move swiftly through the Western Ghats.
B.I was astonished when I heard that he had left the country without informing anyone of us.
C.Expectedly, tobacco companies are resisting a new regulation that the mandatory pictorial warnings in cigarette packages be made larger.
D.This will change in the next few years, as AI becomes more pervasive, potentially making every company and every employee smarter, faster, and more productive.
a)   Only D  
b)   Only A  
c)   Both A & C  
d)   Both D & B  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
3).A.  The mention of Israel may have only been passing reference to an audience of the Bharatiya Janata Party acolytes on whom the significance must have been largely lost.
B.The host recovered quick through a defensive effort, paving the way for the quick return of Anup.
C.All of you will agree with me that no problem faced by our society is as grave and intractable as this problem is.
D.There was no doubt that Israelis destroyed the reactor in Baghdad, even though they kept quiet about it for year afterwards.
a)   Only A    
b)   Only B    
c)   Both B & D    
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
4). A.Every now and than there comes a book like this, which makes your thumbs prick with prophecy.
B.Sovereign funds, pension funds and large public institution have been entering the real estate market through acquisitions anticipating relatively better economic growth and therefore better returns.
C.The committee is thankful to Shri Desai for preparing not only the main report but also for preparing the agenda notes and minutes.
D.The high imposition of Central and State duties and taxes have prevented retail fuel prices from moving in lockstep with the international trend in oil.
a)   Only B  
b)   Only A  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
5). A.No country can long endure if its foundations were not laid deep in the material prosperity.
B.We should expect this and adapt accordingly by providing training for the jobs of tomorrow, as well as safety nets for those who fall behind
C.The Prime Minister special grant for urban renewal from 1986 to 1993 resulted in massive eviction of poor people from inner city areas to Deonar.
D.The next generation of consumers will have grown up with digital technologies and will expect companies to anticipate their needs and provide instant, personalized responses to any query.
a)   Only C 
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
6). A.My brother had a son and a daughter and me and my wife yearned for a complete family like his.
B.Mr. Beatty drags you into the heart of this black vortex, but he does so with a lyricism, tenderness and humour that keeps lighting up the edges.
C.The Cambridge historian Quentin Skinner suggested that before we judge words spoken in the past, we must know what they signified then.
D.We are likely to be startled that both in its political choices and in their Booker winner, the U.S. was handed such starkly candid mirrors this year.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
7). A.As this idea seeped into common sense, every phase of student life turned into a preparation for the ultimate aims of being rich and famous.
B.Indeed, from being an icon solely of Dalit parties in yesteryear, Ambedkar’s legacy is enjoying a revival with political parties across India’s ideological spectrum fighting to appropriate it.
C.It’s welcome that political parties are debating Ambedkar today, what’s less welcome, however, is their attempt to project their own beliefs on to Ambedkar.
D.To add to the challenges, factor such as caste, religion, region of origin, and occupation also affect the experience of poverty.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & C  
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
8). A. We now look forward to some great achievements which to some extent can restore the country's prestige once again.
B. Mahatma Gandhi did not solve all the problems of the future but he did solve problems of his own age.
C.While Mahendra was away on a long official tour his office receive an important letter which was marked 'Urgent'.
D. We cannot handle this complicated case today unless full details are not given to us by now.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B  
c)   Both B & D 
d)   Both A & C   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
9). A. According to one survey, only those forests which were not under village management succumbed to fires recently.
B.Our school is making every possible effort to provide best facilities and personal attention to each child.
C.We have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on.
D.Jayanth loved his Guru immensely and gave him full loyalty, yet he had his own independent way of thinking.
a)   Only D 
b)   Only A  
c)   Both C & D 
d)   Both B & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
10). A. The principal of equal justice for all is one of the cornerstones of our democratic way of life.
B. In order to save petrol, motorists must have to be very cautious while driving along the highways.
C.If the bystander had not been familiar with first-aid techniques, the driver which had met with the accident would have died.
D.You can sledge your heart’s content in the ground, then walk out with a wicked smile at your prey, score a century the next day, and all is forgotten.
a)   Only B  
b)   Only C  
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A  
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
Explanation With Answer Key:
1). Answer: e)
In  A, replace ‘has’ with “had”; In B, replace ‘can be take’ with “can take”; In C,  replace ‘fire in’ with “fires in” (or) replace ‘continue’ by “continues”; In D, replace ‘many’ with “much”.
2). Answer: d)
In A, insert “to” before ‘move’; In C, use “on” in place of ‘in’.
3). Answer: a)
In B, use “quickly” in place of ‘quick’; In C, insert “other” after ‘no’; In D, replace ‘year’ with “years”.
4). Answer: e)
In A, replace ‘than’ with “then”; In B, replace ‘institution’ with “institutions”; In C, replace ‘also for preparing’ by “also”; In D, use “has” in place of ‘have’.
5). Answer: c)
In A, ‘were’ should be replaced by “are”; In C, replace ‘Minister’ with “Minister’s”.
6). Answer: b)
In A, replace ‘me’ by “I”; In C, “suggests” replaces ‘suggested’; In D, use “its” in place of ‘their’.
7). Answer: c)
In A, replace ‘aims’ with “aim”; In D, use “factors” instead of ‘factor’.
8). Answer: a)
In B, remove ‘all’; In C, use “received” in place of ‘receive’; In D, remove ‘not’.
9). Answer: d)
In C, use “did” in place of ‘have done’; In D, remove ‘independent’.
10). Answer: b)
In A, replace ‘principal’ by “principle”; In B, use “motorists have to” or “motorists must be” in place of ‘motorists must have to’; In D, use “on” in place of ‘in’.

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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spot) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 5, 2017 [Dated: 5th May]  English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Error Spot )  Set-48 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice Engli...

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