As we all know SBI PO is here and we are here to help you by providing daily reasoning quizzes on new pattern questions with different topics that will help you to go through this exam.So, here we are with the Logical Reasoning.
Directions (1-5): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow (s) for pursuing.
Give answer:
(a) if only I follows
(b) if only II follows
(c) if either I or II follows
(d) if neither I nor II follows
(e) if both I and II follow
Q1. Statement: The local college principal has ordered that all the students must strictly adhere to the dress code stipulated by the college authority in the admission brochure.
Courses of action:
I. Those students who are found to violate the dress code should be terminated from the college.
II. Those students who are found to violate the dress code from the first time should be reprimanded and be warned against further violation.
Q2. Statement: Cases of road accidents are increasing constantly, particularly in the urban areas.
Courses of action:
I. Transport authorities in the urban areas should impose stringent norms for maintenance of vehicles.
II. Traffic police should severely punish those found to be violating traffic rules.
Q3. Statement: Misuse of subsidies offered to the farmers was observed and brought to the notice of the concerned authorities.
Courses of action:
I. Government should issue orders to the concerned officials to be stricter and more careful while verifying the required documents while granting subsidy.
II. Government should take stringent action against those making false claim of subsidy.
Q4. Statement: A larger number of people visiting India from country ‘X’ has been tested positive for carrying viruses of a killer disease.
Courses of action:
I. The Government of India should immediately put a complete ban on people coming to India from country ‘X’ including those Indians who are settled in country ‘X’.
II. The Government of India should immediately setup detection centres at all its airports and seaports to identify and quarantine those who are tested positive.
Q5. Statement: The parents of majority of the students of the local public school have decided to withdraw their wards for the schools to protest against the sharp fee hike.
Courses of action:
I. The school authority should start a dialogue with the parents and explain to them the circumstances under which the fees had to be hiked.
II. The school authority should immediately scout for new students to fill the vacancy of large number of students are withdrawn from the school.
Q6. Cause: All the major rivers in the state have been flowing way over the danger level for the past few weeks.
Which of the following is/are possible effect (s) of the above cause?
(A) Many villages situated near the riverbanks are submerged, forcing the residents to flee.
(B). Government had decided to provide alternate shelter to all the affected villagers residing near the river banks.
(C) The entire state has been put on high flood alert.
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (A) and (B)
(c) Only (B) and (C)
(d) All (A), (B) and (C)
(e) None of these
Q7. Effect: This year majority of the final year students of the management institute have opted for finance specialisation.
Which of the following can be a probable cause of the above effect?
(a) Last year most of the students with HR specialisation got better job offers than other specialization.
(b) The management institute offers only finance specialization to its final year students
(c) Last year the students with finance specialisation bagged most of the lucrative offers vis-a-vis students with to other specialization
(d) The management institute has recently started its finance specialization in addition to Marketing and HR being offered earlier
(e) None of these
Q8. Effect: Government has allowed all the airlines to charge additional amount as peak time congestion charges for the flights landing between 6.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m.
Which of the following can be a probable cause of the above effect?
(a) All the airline companies had threatened to suspend their services during peak hours
(b) The government has increased its tax for peak time flights
(c) The aircrafts are routinely put on hold over the airports while landing during peak time, causing extra fuel consumption
(d) The airline companies can now charge unlimited additional charge for peak time flights
(e) None of these
Directions (9-10): Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a ‘strong’ argument and which is a ‘weak’ argument.
(a) If only argument I is strong
(b) If only argument II is strong
(c) If either I or II is strong
(d) If neither I nor II is strong
(e) If both I and II are strong
Q9. Statement: Should there be compulsory medical examination of both the man and the woman before they marry each other?
I. No. This is an intrusion to the privacy of an individual and hence cannot be tolerated.
II. Yes. This will substantially reduce the risk of giving birth to children with serious ailments.
Q10. Statement: Should all the professional colleges in India be encouraged to run their own courses without affiliation to any university?
I. Yes, this is the only way to create more opportunities for those who seek professional training.
II. No, this will dilute the quality of professional training as all such colleges may not be equipped to conduct such courses.
Directions (11-15): In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions (A), (B) and (C). An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Q11. Statement:
The police authority cordoned off the entire locality for the entire day and stopped all vehicular movement for the visit of a top functionary of the government in view of the threat perception and advised all the residents in the area to limit their movement outside their dwellings.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above statement?
(A) The police personnel may not be able to control the vehicular movement in the locality and may seek help from the armed forces.
(B) People living in the locality may move out of their houses for the day to avoid inconvenience.
(C) The Govt functionary may request the police authority to lift the ban on the movement of residents of the locality outside their dwellings.
(a) None is implicit
(b) Only (A) is implicit
(c) Only (B) is implicit
(d) Only (C) is implicit
(e) Only (B) and (C) are implicit
Q12. Statement:
The apex body controlling universities in the country has decided to revise the syllabus of all the technical courses to make them focused towards the present needs of the industry, thereby making the technical graduates more employable than they are at present.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above statement?
(A) Technical colleges affiliated to different universities may not welcome the apex body’s decision and may continue with the same syllabus as at present.
(B) The industry may welcome the decision of the apex body the scale up their hiring from these colleges.
(C) The Govt may not allow the apex body to implement its decision in all the colleges as it may lead to chaos.
(a) None is implicit
(b) Only (A) is implicit
(c) Only (B) is implicit
(d) Only (C) is implicit
(e) Only (A) and (B) are implicit
Q13. Statement:
Govt. has urged all the citizens to use electronic media for carrying out their daily activities, whenever possible, instead of using paper as the manufacturing of paper requires the cutting down of a large number of trees causing severe damage to the ecosystem.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above statement?
(A) Most people may be capable of using electronic media to carry out various routines.
(B) Most people may have access to electronic media for carrying out their daily routine activities.
(C) People at large may reject the govt’s appeal the continue using paper as before.
(a) Only (A) is implicit
(b) Only (B) is implicit
(c) Only (A) and (B) are implicit
(d) Only (C) is implicit
(e) None of these
Q14. Statement:
The Govt has decided to auction construction of highways to private entities in several blocks across the country on build-operate transfer basis.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above statement?
(A) An adequate number of private entities may not respond to the Government’s auction notification.
(B) Many private entities in the country are capable of constructing highways within a reasonable time.
(C) The Govt’s proposal of build-operate-transfer may financially benefit the private entities.
(a) Only (A) and (B) are implicit
(b) Only (B) and (C) are implicit
(c) Only (B) is implicit
(d) Only (A) and (C) are implicit
(e) None of these
Q15. Statement: The airlines have requested all their bona fide passengers to check the status of flight operations before leaving their homes as heavy fog is causing immense problems in normal flight operations.
Which of the following assumptions is/are implicit in the above statement?
(A) Majority of the air passengers may check the flight status before starting their journey to the airport.
(B) The Govt may take serious objection to the notice issued by the airline company.
(C) Majority of the passengers may cancel their tickets and postpone their journey till the situation becomes normal
(a) Only (A) is implicit
(b) Only (A) and (C) are implicit
(c) Only (B) is implicit
(d) Only (C) is implicit
(e) None is implicit
Answers will be updated soon...

- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/04/reasoning-new-pattern-questions-for-sbi_7.html
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