Dear Readers,
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers and all are arranged as per some logic based on the value of the number.)
Input: we 26 expect 19 outlook 25 after 28 demonetisation 18
Step I: 28 26 expect 19 outlook 25 after demonetisation 18 we
Step II: 19 28 26 expect outlook 25 demonetisation 18 we after
Step III: 25 19 28 26 outlook demonetisation 18 we after expect
Step IV: 26 25 19 28 demonetisation 18 we after expect outlook
Step V: 18 26 25 19 28 we after expect outlook demonetisation
Step V is the last step of the arrangement the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: since two 24 25 factors pushed 18 20 35 down
Q11. Which of the following would be step II?
(a) 18 35 since 24 25 factors pushed two20 down
(b) 18 35 since 24 25 factors pushed 20 down two
(c) 18 35 since 24 25 factors pushed 20 two down
(d) 18 35 since 24 25 factors 20 pushed two down
(e) None of these
Q2. Which word/number would be at seventh position from the left end in step IV?
(d) factors
Q3. How many steps required to complete the above input?
(a) Seven
Q4. In which step the elements ‘25 factors two’ found in the same order?
(a) Step V
(b) Step IV
(c) Step I
(d) Step II
(e) Step III
Q5. Which element is exactly between ‘20’ and ‘down’ in Step III?
(b) since
(c) pushed
(d) factors
(e) none of these
Q6.Statements: Many sociologists have argued that there is a functional relationship between education and economic systems. They point to the fact that mass formal education began in industrial society and is an established part of all industrial societies.
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the above statements?
(a) Formal education has suffered a setback due to industrial society.
(b) Industrial society is responsible for expansion of education at the mass level.
(c) Formal education can be traced to industrial society.
(d) Industrial society changed the pattern of education.
(e) None of these
Q7. Statements: There are several types of wrist watches in the world. A new type of digital wrist watch has been introduced in the market which can calculate the life span of a person. The wrist watch stops when the person dies.
Which of the following can be concluded from the facts given in the statements?
(a) This could lead to chaos and confusion in the world.
(b) A person can know how long his life is left and he could live his life happily.
(c) The new wrist watch has altered the life pattern of the people.
(d) The statement implies that death is certain.
(e) None of these
Q8. Statements:The United States-based FMCG company has developed a new deodorant. The company selected a mediaperson couple for its promotion and marketing. They marketed it through television, radio, print, hoarding and social media.
Which of the assumptions is implicit in the above statements? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted)
(a) People do not pay heed to advertisements and buy such goods as are available easily.
(b) Marketing through electronic media has not proved to be very effective.
(c) People want to see film stars and famous sports personality in the advertisement of an FMCG product.
(d) Some people may tend to buy the deodorant of the United States-based FMCG company.
(e) None of these
Q9. Statement: The luxury car manufacturer Phantom has increased the price of its stunning, fastest limousine car by about 45 percent.
Which of the following can be the best possible reason for the above step taken by the car manufacturer?
(a) The government is planning to review taxes on the raw materials for manufacturing cars.
(b) The car sales market is going through a jubilant phase as the volume of sales has picked up considerably in the recent past.
(c) The limousine car is the best in its segment and no other car is posing to any challenge to this car.
(d) Car buyers prefer to buy limousine car as it provides efficient after-sales service.
(e) None of these
Q10. Statements: According to a survey, innumerable diseases and unhealthy habits from the recent pandemic to cancer, AIDS and obesity have plagued mankind.
Which of the following may be the most plausible cause of the situation given in the above statements?
(a) The lifestyle and food habits of people are responsible for this state.
(b) Environmental degradation has led to the present situation.
(c) People remain ignorant about their health.
(d) Technological advancement and fast pace of life are contributing to the spread of diseases.
(e) None of these
Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
Eight professors A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H of different subjects viz. Science, Hindi, English, Math, Civics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics not necessarily in same order are sitting around a rectangular table. Four professor sits on each middle side of rectangular table, while others four professors on the corner of table. All of them are facing towards the center. D is sitting second to the right of the professor, who teaches Physics. E is sitting third to the left of the professor, who teaches Biology. Professor F and G are sitting opposite to each other. Professor C is sitting opposite the professor, who teaches Chemistry. Professor B is sitting opposite the professor, who teaches Science. The professor who teaches Math is sitting second to the right of the professor, who teaches Civics and second to the left of A, who is not sitting near the professor who teaches Chemistry. G is sitting on the smaller side and to the immediate right of the professor who teaches Chemistry. The professor who teaches Civics and Math are not on the same side of the table. The professor who teaches Math is sitting third to the right of the professor who teaches Physics, who is not sitting opposite to the professor who teaches Hindi. The professor who teaches Math is third to the left of professor C. F sits second to the left of professor H. The professor who teaches Hindi sits opposite to the professor who teaches Civics.
11. Who is sitting third to the right of the professor who teaches Biology?
(a)The professor who teaches Civics
(c) The professor who teaches Chemistry
(d)None of these
(e) Can’t determine
12. Who is sitting opposite to D?
(c) The professor who teaches Physics
(d) The professor who teaches Hindi
(e)Can't be determined
13. Who among following is sitting third to left of H?
14. A teaches which of the following subject?
(a) English
(c) Science
(e) Civics
15. Biology is taught by which of the following professor?
Answers will be updated soon...

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