Dear Readers,
Similarly, like other sections this section also consist of some topics that definitely comes in the exam and helps you to clear at leat cutoff. Quant is all about practice and practice which wull help you to improve your speed and accuracy. Calculation is base of quant if you are good in it this will be lot more easier for you. You should learn tables till 20, so that you don’t kill your valuable time struck in multiplication and division also do learn square and cubes upto 20-30. Quant can be lengthy and calculative and some might wonder how they can complete 35 questions in 20-25 minutes; the key is to master the art of topic management. Yes you must choose wisely what to attempt and what Not to attempt. Firstly search for simplification questions and then move forward. While attempting DI don’t go for all questions only solve which is not much lengthy.
In this discourse, we will discuss the quant pattern and strategy for NIACL prelims. Have you ever notice the pattern of quant in the preliminary exam? If no, then you are missing something very important and necessary element in your preparation. Without analysing the section you cannot score well.

•Quadratic Equations based Inequality
•Number Series
•Simplification/ Approximation
•Data Interpretation(Tabular, Pie chart, missing, Radar graph, Bar graph, and Line graph)
As not many days left for exams so start solving mock test and previous paper and do analyse from that. It will help you to boost your confidence which will really help you in final battle.
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