Dear Readers, Important Practice Aptitude Questions for Upcoming Exams was given here with Solutions. Aspirants those who are preparing for the Bank Examination and other Competitive Examination can use this.

Directions (Q. 1-6): Refer to the table and answer the given questions.
Number of people who watched two different movies (A and B) on five different screens (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) in Theater "XYZ" on Saturday
1). The number of people who watched Movie B on Screen-5 was what percent less than those who watched the same movie on Screen-3? (Rounded off to two digits after decimal)
a) 37.83
b) 39.55
c) 35.33
d) 38.99
e) 33.33
2). What is the difference between the total number of people who watched Movie A on Screens-3 and 4 together and those who watched Movie B on the same screens together?
3). What is the average number of people who watched Movie B on Screens -2, 3 and 4?
a) 325
b) 312
c) 315
d) 320
e) 310
4). On Sunday. the number of people who watched Movie A on Screens-1 and 2 increased by 12% and 10% respectively as compared to those who watched the same movie on the respective screens on previous day. What is the respective ratio between the number of people who watched movie A on Screens-1 and 2 on Sunday?
a) 14 : 11
b) 23 : 22
c) 14 : 9
d) 15 : 11
e) 21 : 11
5). The number of people who watched both the given movies together on Screen-5 is what percent of the total number of people who watched both the given movies together on Screen-1?
6). Equal number of males watched Movies A and B on Screen-2. If the respective ratio between the number of females who watches Movie A on Screen-2 and those who watched Movie B on the same screen was 7 : 12, what is the number of male who watched Movie A on Screen-2?
a) 200
b) 140
c) 180
d) 120
e) 160
Directions (Q. 7-11) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A foreign language institute offers courses in three languages-French. German and Italian. Students (male and females) may enrol in one or more of the classes.
Out of the total male students. 25% are enrolled in only French class. 18% are in only German class. 16% are in only Italian class. 14% male students are in both French and German classes and 6% in all the three classes. Total number of male students in both German and Italian classes, are 60% less than those in only French class. Forty-four male students are in both French and Italian classes. Out of the total number of female students, 15% are in both French and German class, 8% are in only Italian class, 20% are in only German classes, 12% in both French and Italian class and 9% in both German and Italian class and 4% in all the three classes. Number of female students in only French class is thrice of male students in only Italian class.
7). Total number of female students are what percent more than the total number of male students in the institute?
8). What percent of the total female students are enrolled in only French class?
9). What is the difference between total number of male students enrolled in French classes and total number of female students enrolled in French classes?
a) 152
b) 154
c) 144
d) 142
e) 160
10). What is the average number of female students enrolled in only French class and only German class?
a) 148
b) 156
c) 152
d) 142
e) 158
11). What is the ratio between total number of male students in both German and Italian classes and the total number of female students in both German and Italian classes, respectively?
a) 4 : 9
b) 24 : 31
c) 24 : 29
d) 20:27
e) 20 : 29
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