Just a few days are left for SBI PO and NIACL Assistant Examination. It is time to pace up your preparation with New Pattern Questions of English section for SBI PO Prelims and NIACL Assistant Prelims 2017. These English questions will also help you in preparing for BOB PO and NIACL AO 2017 recruitment examination. We have also provided study notes for the grammatical part. You can also practice New pattern English Questions.
89% of selected students in SBI PO last year, were students of BankersAdda Online Test Series.
Directions (1-5): In each problem below, either part or the whole sentence is underlined. Below the sentence are different ways of writing the underlined part. Answer choice (A) repeats the original; the other answers vary. If you think that the original phrasing is best, choose (A). otherwise choose other given options.
Q1. During the summer of 2001, when it looked like parts of New Delhi and Mumbai were going to run short of water, many businesses and homes were affected by the stringent restrictions on the use of water.
(a) it looked like parts of New Delhi and Mumbai were going to run
(b) It looked as if parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would have run
(c) It appeared that parts of new Delhi and Mumbai would run
(d) appearances were that parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would run
(e) it was the appearance that parts of New Delhi and Mumbai would be running
Q2. Before the independence of India the books of Dr P.K. Yadav presented a fundamental challenge to the accepted ideas of race relations that, two generations later, will be true of the writings of the radical writers of the 1970s.
(a) that, two generations later, will be true of
(b) that, two generations later, would be true of
(c) as, two generation latter, would be true off
(d) as, two generations later, would be true of
(e) just in way that, two generations later, did
Q3. For the reason that diesel was relatively cheap and Rs. 3.00 per litre in 1960s, the average Indian came to view unfettered, inexpensive driving as a right rather than a lucky privilege.
(a) For the reason that diesel was relatively cheap and
(b) Because diesel was relatively cheapest
(c) Due to the fact the gasoline was relatively inexpensive
(d) In that diesel was a relatively inexpensive
(e) Because diesel was relatively cheap
Q4. The political masters of the healthcare system have not listened to professional health planners because it has not been profitable for them to do that thing.
(a) has not been profitable for them to do that thing
(b) has not been profitable for them to do so
(c) has been unprofitable for them to do that thing
(d) has been profitable for them to do so
(e) doing so had not been profitable for them
Q5. Because of the efforts of Dr Rajendra Prasad and other advocates of the “soft” path of solar energy, the economics of nuclear power are being more closely examined now than ever before.
(a) being more closely examined now than ever before
(b) being attached more vigorously than ever before
(c) open to closer examination than they ever were before
(d) more closely examined than before
(e) more examined than they ever were before now
Directions (6-10): In the following questions, you are required to identify and assess the logical Relationship between a given pair of words in the question, then choose a pair of words from the options that exhibit the same logical relationship as the original pair in the questions.
Q6. GETS ON : BUS : :
(a) hopes : fear
(b) enters : account book
(c) disembarks : airplane
(d) boards : rowboat
(e) None of the above
(a) scribble : illegible
(b) screech : gentle
(c) swagger : timid
(d) sneeze : deliberate
(e) None of the above
(a) rhythm : poetry
(b) verse : literature
(c) dancing : ballet
(d) research : biology
(e) None of the above
(a) snake : hiss
(b) air raid : siren
(c) car horn : driver
(d) sleeper : smoke alarm
(e) None of the above
Q10. SIMMER : BOIL : :
(a) glide : drift
(b) gambol : play
(c) drizzle : downpour
(d) stagnate : flow
(e) None of the above
Directions (11-15): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its number as your answer.
Q11. Bacteria have a wider distribution than any other living organisms.
(a) as they are unicellular and extremely small in size.
(b) because they can fly in the air and walk on water as well as land.
(c) because they occur in large numbers in air, soil and water.
(d) because they can’t manufacture their own food.
(e) as they are quick to spread and are strong in survival.
Q12. Galileo discovered with the help of the newly invented telescope that
(a) the sun is too near to the earth.
(b) the moon is not a perfect sphere and there are many more stars in the sky.
(c) the earth is not a circle and many meteors fall on to the earth.
(d) asteroids are similar to meteors and are not circular in shape.
(e) The earth’s satellite is the moon.
Q13. The refraction of light in a prism reveals the fact that it forms a convenient medium for spread of light.
(a) it forms a convenient medium for spread of light.
(b) the mixture of all colours are embedded in black colour.
(c) it can’t pass light through it.
(d) it forms a denser medium to pass light through it.
(e) ordinary white light is a mixture of many different colours of light.
Q14. A foreign citizen acquiring Indian citizenship through nationalization.
(a) must belong to any country without any qualification.
(b) must keep the citizenship of any other country before acquiring it.
(c) may acquire it in extraordinary cases only.
(d) must either reside in India or serve the Government of India for at least one year immediately preceding the date of application.
(e) cannot allow other countries citizenship to continue.
Q15. Cinema, no doubt, has become one of the dominant medium of communication in the contemporary world.
(a) It carries with itself the power to transcend the limitations of space and time.
(b) It attracts people from all walks of life.
(c) It conveys both good and bad message.
(d) It is the only source of entertainment.
(e) Its influence on the common man cannot be ignored.
89% of selected students in SBI PO last year, were students of BankersAdda Online Test Series.
- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/04/new-pattern-english-for-sbi-po-and-bank.html
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