"Never Stop Dreaming": Pooja Saini (BOB Clerk) - 100

April 13, 2017    

Name: Pooja Saini
Disqus ID: Ishita Mod 
Selected in: BOB Clerk
Bankers Adda Success Story

This success story is not about only my professional success but also personal success there is something personal because of which am really happy after getting “BOB”. After graduation, I started working in a private company but I was not satisfied there, something inside me always provoke me to do something better and then finally I decided to resign and came Delhi. After preparing for 6 months in Delhi I joined bankersadda which really helped me motivate myself and improved my GA section as this was the only section that scares the hell out of me. I can surely say that Bankersadda is the best thing that happened to me.
And as there is the day after every night, 1st April is that day for me. I appeared almost every banking and insurance exam that comes in a year and failing all of them at the last stage I was completely broken from inside but still, a spark of success somewhere bring me back into the competition and again I woke up as a warrior and fights back. After going through numerous failure finally, I made through in this year and looking forward to many more achievements .
Many people ask for strategy so lets come to that:
English: This is a subject which is there in my subconscious mind and I didn’t prepare anything for this just go to the exam and attempt maximum in minimum time just by reading and feeling.
Maths: Being an engineering graduate this subject is not so difficult for me so I just solved the daily of this.
Reasoning: This is purely based on your practice and the strategy how you attempt puzzle just practice as much as you can.
GA and computer : bankersadda capsule is life saviour for me in this section before few days to the exam I only study from this capsule and manage to attempt approx 60 to 70%. And same for computer awareness.
This is it from my side I hope somewhat this will help you like all I also struggled a lot to get this job. This story would be incomplete if I won’t thank Lavanya, Prashant sir, Priyanka, Gopal sir and the most my mom and dad.

And one more thing for those who got the "we are glad ...." result on 1st April, "THIS IS NOT THE HAPPY ENDING, IT IS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW JOURNEY" You don't stop here.. There is a long journey ahead. Start your preparations for JAIIB anf CAIIB. Moreover, SBI and NICL Exams are around the corner, give your best shot this time. Never stop moving towards where you want to be. 

All the Best..!!
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/04/never-stop-dreaming-pooja-saini-bob.html
"Never Stop Dreaming": Pooja Saini (BOB Clerk) - 100 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 13, 2017 Name: Pooja Saini Disqus ID: Ishita Mod  Selected in: BOB Clerk This success story is not about only my professional success but also ...

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