"It is just a beginning" : Arun Saxena( Clerk Punjab National Bank 2017)-29

April 5, 2017    

Bankers Adda Success Story
NAME-Arun Saxena
Quallification-B.E (computer Science), BIT Mesra.
Acheivement-Selected in Clerical Cadre, Punjab National Bank.

Let's begin, Although I was an average student and youngest in my family. So asusual expectations were very high. After completing 12th in PCM group my father want's me to be an engineer like my elder brother.So following the same path he sent me for coaching preparing for IIT. Since i was clueless regarding my career so i went there (maine bhi socha kuch to karna hi h chalo yahi kar lete h). By God grace i quallified AIEEE and got one of the reputed college of the country, and my engineering life began. But engineering was not my passion and ofcourse the college was very strict, my interest in study started disappearing, i got some backs also and the life became hell.several times i thought to quit the college but i was not able to do so since my father was heart patient and his only desire was to see me an engineer. So one day i thought that any how i have to complete the college becoz i had no other option. In my final year i did'nt applied for campus placement because i knew i am not a good engineer (job mil bhi gayi to chala nahi paunga) And finally the day came when i graduated in 2015. My whole family was very happy accept me and that day i told my parrents that i don't want to pursue an engineering job and somehow i convinced them.
Now my life begins in real sense, and i started searching for job opportunities in govt. sector becoz i want stability and i joined a local coaching institute in my city especially for bank and ssc. becoz they are mass recruiters.I appeared for almost all the exams of bank and ssc in 2015 and 2016, list will we very long so i will tell u the exams which i have quallified.
SSC CHSL 2015- All stages completed, But final result still awaiting.
RRB NTPC 2015- waiting for mains result.
IBPS CLERK 2016-quallified and got Punjab National Bank.
Since i am writing my story on bankers adda it is clearly shown that i am a follower of ba. I completed my both GA and GS from bankers adda, ssc adda, and adda 247 app.I used to read daily gk updates, quizzes, gk tonic, GA injection, and very important GA capsule. the soul of banking examination. and for ssc and railways i have downloaded the pdf's which are available on ssc adda and adda 247 app, and follow the gk quizzes.
So it was all about my acheivements, my failures, my struggles. Hope some people will inspire, and may learn from my story.There is no shortcut to success keep thinking,performing and always try to give ur best becoz God help those who help themselves. At last i can say-
It is just a beginning, picture to abhi baki h mere dost.....
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/04/it-is-just-beginning-arun-saxena-clerk.html
"It is just a beginning" : Arun Saxena( Clerk Punjab National Bank 2017)-29 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 5, 2017 NAME-Arun Saxena Quallification-B.E (computer Science), BIT Mesra. Acheivement-Selected in Clerical Cadre, Punjab National Bank. Let...

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