Important Tips to Crack Reasoning Section in Upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2017

April 5, 2017    

Important Tips to Crack Reasoning Section in Upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2017
Important Tips to Crack Reasoning Section in Upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2017:
Dear Readers, We all knew that SBI is conducting Online Examination for the Recruitment of PO cadre for which the exam was scheduled from 29th April onwards. To secure good marks and qualify in SBI PO Prelims 2017, here we are providing a proper study plan on how to crack Reasoning section in SBI PO Prelims 2017.

The syllabus for Reasoning Ability consists of the following topics:
1).Puzzle (4 sets- Floor/ Data arrangement/ Ranking)
2).Seating Arrangement (Circular/ Linear/ Square)
3).Syllogism (New Pattern)
4).Coding-Decoding (New Pattern)
·        Blood Relation
·        Ranking & Direction
·        Equality – Inequality
·        Alpha Numeric Symbols
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement:
This is the most scoring topic in Reasoning Section of SBI PO. However you are practicing you can able to score good marks and leads to the front of any other Aspirants. Understanding the terms in the passage and Co-relating with each components of the passage is matters a lot in this exam. The way you are approaching the questions and how quickly you can able to derive the answer is most important. You are required to answer each question in faster and also in more accuracy.
Note:We have provided a special E-book on Puzzles (including Sitting Arrangements) you can also make use of it, download link was given below.
Concepts which should be viewed in a day:
There are Some Concepts in Reasoning Section to be seen at a glance in a day.
Ordering Numbers of Alphabets (in Ascending A-1, B-2....Z-26 and in Descending Z-26, Y-25, X-24...A-1)
The pattern could be easily identified in coding-decoding and Alphabet Series Topics
Blood relation Concepts (Relationship Names)
Getting an Idea of how the relations to be connected and it will increase the Solving speed during exam
Syllogism applying tricks and Drawing Venn-diagram
To fasten the Approaching of Syllogism
Numbers placed in a row or column(like from1 to 30) and in between the adding or subtracting the Numbers
We can get to know how many people are seated or ranked in between that Numbers. (Useful for Ranking Concepts- Mainly to improve speed).
Try to Read the passage of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement
We can get an idea of what are the Components are there and what we ought to find out
So, to increase your speed and save time, practice a lot of shortcut techniques and use them while solving questions.
This is the best technique to help you prepare for SBI Reasoning Section.
Think from Different Angle:
As that of the questions in the Reasoning Section getting tougher than previous one. So we have to think and analyse what are the possible ways the questions might be asked from each topic. And then Practising every questions within time limit will give you more benefit and confident to face furthermore topics in Exam. As that of a famous Quote says(below),
The way we approach questions and managing the time makes the Exam in your side. Always be passionate on your practice and work in the same stream line. And be faith you can able to clear this exam though there are lot of hurdles are there. In every point of your practice analyse how to minimise the time limit for a particular question. This kind of Approach will give you enthusiasm and pace over the exam.
Practising and Presence of mind:
Practice every topic individually and take a full test to know what is your Strength and Weakness area. Mainly You can manage the time and make a different type of answer approach during your practice session. Which topic should I face first and what are the easiest topic to get high marks…. This kind of questions purely based on how effectively you are practising each topic and these are differ between person to person. So that analyse yourself which topic you are well equipped and which one should be strengthened.
          At the time of your exam be calm and composed. Have confident on you and focus on every questions. Even a minor mistake could allow more difference in the sectional and overall Cut-off. As that of prelims has composite time of 60 minutes You can attempt more number of questions, only if you are well practiced at the time of preparation.
Practice and Solve Mock Tests/Previous Years Papers
For scoring well in this subject, one needs to practice as many tests as possible to solve problems accurately in less time. Also, speed matters a lot in this subject, so practice a lot to improve speed. Attempt the mock tests similar to the final exam. This will give you a fair objective assessment of your preparation. Analyse the weak areas and concentrate more on those while preparing and try to avoid the same mistakes in next Mock Tests.
Note: We have provided the links of Previous Year Papers and Practice Mock Test Series Below, Kindly Make use of it.

Have a great aspiration on the exam guys. All the Best… We IBPS Guide Team will always with you as a Stepping stone to your Success.

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Important Tips to Crack Reasoning Section in Upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 5, 2017 Important Tips to Crack Reasoning Section in Upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2017: Dear Readers, We all knew that SBI is conducting Online Examina...

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