Important Banking Awareness Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 Set-166:
Dear Readers, The List of important Banking Awareness Quiz for upcoming exams was given here. Candidates those who are preparing for the exams can use this.SBI PO 2017 - Ultimate Hard Level Data Interpretation (500 Questions with Solution) eBook BASED on NEW Pattern (25% Flat OFF)
Answer: b)
Answer: a)
Answer: b)
Answer: c)
Answer: c)
Answer: d)
Answer: d)
Answer: b)
Answer: c)
Answer: e)
1) Which of the following is not a tool in the hands of RIM to control the inflationary pressure in the country ?
a) Bank rate
b) Special drawing rights
c) Statutory liquidity ratio
d) Cash reserve ratio
e) None of these
Answer: b)
2) Certificates of deposits have a minimum value of :
a) 1 Lakh
b) 10 Lakh
c) 12 Lakh
d) 15 Lakh
e) None of these
Answer: a)
3) On the ,recommendation of which of the following NABARD was established ?
a) Rangarajan
b) Shivraman II
c) Narasingam
d) Vijay Kelkar
e) None of these
Answer: b)
4) Which among the following is not decided by RBI ?
a) Bank Rate
b) Repo rate
c) Base rate
d) CRR
e) None of these
Answer: c)
5) The merchant banking activities in India are governed by which of the following bodies ?
a) RBI
d) Union Finance Ministry
e) Both RBI and SEBI
Answer: c)
6) Which of the following types of institutions operate in call money market only as lenders ?
a) Primary dealers
b) State Bank of India
c) Commercial Banks
d) Insurance companies
e) None of these
Answer: d)
7) ATM cards are issued to a person who maintains any of the following accounts with a bank :
a) Saving bank account
b) Term deposit account
c) Current bank account
d) Both (1) and (3)
e) None of these
Answer: d)
8) The availability of cash and other cash like marketable instruments that are useful in purchases and investments are commonly known as :
a) Cash crunch
b) Liquidity
c) Marketability
d) Credit
e) None of these
Answer: b)
9) The Indian rupee is :
a) Token coin
b) Gold coin ,
c) Standard-token coin
d) Standard coin
e) None of these
Answer: c)
10) NBFC stands for :
a) Non Banking Financial Constitution
b) New Bank Financial Constitution
c) Non Banking Free Co-industry
d) Newly Open Banking Financial Constitution
e) None of these
Answer: e)
Answer key:
1) Answer: B)
The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries' official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies.
2) Answer: A)
Certificate of Deposit (CD)—A savings certificate entitling the bearer to receive interest. A CD bears a maturity date, a specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination. CDs are generally issued by commercial banks and are insured by the FDIC.
3) Answer: B)
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is an apex development bank in India having headquarters based in Mumbai (Maharashtra) and other branches are all over the country.
4) Answer: C)
5) Answer: C)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator for the securities market in India. It was established in the year 1988 and given statutory powers on 12 April 1992 through the SEBI Act, 1992.
6) Answer: D)
7) Answer: D)
8) Answer: B)
Marketable securities are unrestricted financial instruments which can be readily
sold on a stock exchange or bond exchange Marketable securities are often classified into . two groups marketable equity securities anci marketable debt securities.
9) Answer: C)
10) Answer: E)
Non-banking financial companies or NBFCs, are financial institutions that provide banking services, but do not hold a banking license. These institutions are not allowed to take deposits from the public. Nonetheless, all operations of these institutions are still covered under banking regulations.

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