Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar for SBI PO/NIACL 2017

April 5, 2017    

Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar for SBI PO/NIACL 2017
Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar for SBI PO/NIACL 2017:
Dear Aspirants, Most of our followers were requesting more study materials on English Grammar Tips and we have already provided some tips on it, now here we have given the Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar. Kindly Make use of it.

Rule 1: When the suffix “full” is added to a word, one “I” is removed.
Eg: Faith + full = faithful, use + full= useful
Rule 2:If the word to which the suffix “full” is added ends in “ll”, one “I” is removed from the word also.
Eg: Skill +full = skilful, will + full= wilful
Rule 3: Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed.
Eg: Permit + ed = permitted, occur + ing =occurring, control + ed =controlled, begin + ing = beginning
Rule 4: Consonant ‘I’ is doubled in the words ending in single vowel + “I” before a suffix beginning with a vowel
Eg: Signal + ing = signalling, repel + ent = repellent, quarrel + ed = quarrelled, travel + er = traveller
Rule 5: Words ending in silent “e”, drop the “e” before a suffix beginning with a vowel 
Eg: Hope + ing = hoping, Live + ed = lived, drive + er = driver, tire + ing= tiring
Rule 6: If the suffix begins with a consonant “e” is not dropped
Eg: Hope + full = hopeful, sincere + ly= sincerely
True + ly = truly Nine + th = ninth Argue + ment = argument
Rule 7: A final “y” following a consonant changes to “i” before a suffix except “ing”.
Eg: Carry + ed = carried, happy + ly = happily, marry + age = marriage,
beauty + full = beautiful
Marry + ing = marrying, carry + ing = carrying
Rule 8: A final “y” following a vowel does not change before a suffix.
Eg: Obey + ed = obeyed, play + er = player, pray + ed= prayed
Rule 9: When the suffix “ous” is added to a word ending in “ce”, “e” is changed to “i”.
Eg: Space + ous= spacious, vice + ous= vicious, malice + ous = malicious,
Grace + ous= gracious
Rule 10: When the suffix “ing” is added to a word ending in “ie”, “ie” is changed to “y”.
Eg: Lie + ing= lying, Die + ing = dying, Tie + ing= tying

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Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar for SBI PO/NIACL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 5, 2017 Golden Rules on Spelling Correction in English Grammar for SBI PO/NIACL 2017 : Dear Aspirants, Most of our followers were requesting more ...

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